Strawberry Banana & Lemon Zkittles In RDWC

The girls are looking healthy and strong @Stltoed! :bravo:
Plants are still at it. I have preflowers, but they still have a ways to go.
The mothers are still babies of course
And finally, I found roots in my reservoir. The surprising thing was that they werent disconnected. They originated from the first pot and stretched more than three feet to the res. I was surprised.
I’m sure they’ll appreciate the light! Things are rocking along in here buddy, good work. That’s pretty neat about the roots stretching that long. Little baby mother’s are so cute right now. Soon to be monsters. Good work dude!!
Hey brother I thought I'd stop by and let you know I started another DNA bean, whitewalker kush. It's Skywalker x white widow. I'll let you know how it goes. I remember our conversation about DNA and thought you might be interested. Your garden is looking great! I'm sure they will respond to the CMH. Have a Dank day
Hey brother I thought I'd stop by and let you know I started another DNA bean, whitewalker kush. It's Skywalker x white widow. I'll let you know how it goes. I remember our conversation about DNA and thought you might be interested. Your garden is looking great! I'm sure they will respond to the CMH. Have a Dank day
Right on! Thanks Dank. I've never heard of that one,but it has good parents. Thanks for keeping me in the loop, looking forward to reading a smoke report! Cheers
Doing a nute change and I thought I should take a look at the roots. I was surprised to see brown. I looked at it closely, felt for slimyness, and smelt it but there were no issues. It may be from the Micro nutrient, but I've never seen this before. It may be fro Z7 I guess as this is the first (and last) time I have used it. I say "last" because of the foam and dried scale that seems to get everywhere. I'm going back to Hydrogaurd.

This last pic. Is of the moms. They are doing well. I have been feeding them nothing but Grow so far. I'm gonna give them the beans here shortly

Hope all is well on your end
I did another nute change. I've decided to shitcan Z7. I dont like the way it foams up, and I really dont like the way the foam dries to concrete. So, I'm back to using Hydroguard. I added a cup and a half of 30% peroxide yesterday and let it run a while to clean up the roots. I will add silica, calcium, and micro, in that order. Then the rest. This will be the last round of Silica for this season.

In one of these pictures you can see the roots in the reservoir.

The other picture is showing the tops. I'm done tucking the plants under the net.

Hey @Stltoed, good call on the nute change - the girls are still looking good! :yummy:
Plants are doing ok. One plant has what looks like a nutrient issue, I've never seen one like this. Another plant, Strawberry Banana is just slow. I've never have seen a great Strawberry Banana plant, I've grown 9 plants on 3 different occasions I think is a strain thing. The plant at rear right will do very well, it's a Lemon Zkittles. Lots of tops with small buds starting up 4 or 5 nodes down. I've grown this strain once before and did pretty well for one plant.
Heres a picture, not a very good one of my meter
And a couple shots from above

Doing a nute change and I thought I should take a look at the roots. I was surprised to see brown. I looked at it closely, felt for slimyness, and smelt it but there were no issues. It may be from the Micro nutrient, but I've never seen this before. It may be fro Z7 I guess as this is the first (and last) time I have used it. I say "last" because of the foam and dried scale that seems to get everywhere. I'm going back to Hydrogaurd.

This last pic. Is of the moms. They are doing well. I have been feeding them nothing but Grow so far. I'm gonna give them the beans here shortly

Hope all is well on your end
Hydrogaurd is amazing sm90 also
One is always slower then the rest always in my book
I hear you. This one is very slow. I may just have to run it longer. This thing barely has any flowers, still doing preflowers
I have a slow one also just trying to keep up
n there she go lolstill big but no we’re the size of her sisters
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