Strawberry Banana & Lemon Zkittles In RDWC

What straines u doin next
I'm gonna take another whack at Strawberry Banana. It's not an easy plant to grow. It doesn't seem to like high nutes, but it doesnt seem to want to grow very strong. I hope it works out in SOG. The mothers look good so far
Hells yeah man what nutrients u using
I'm just using the Gen Hydro trio and some additives... calmag from gh Root Accelerator from House and Garden, fulvic acid, and a couple more
The big plant is showing what I think is an overdose of one nutrient or another. The issue started in the lower leaves, which leads me to believe it's a mobile nutrient of which there are a lot to look at. PPM was only 1100. Nothing too crazy. The other two plants dont show any issues including the Strawberry Banana which has shown to be a little touchy with nutes. There are plenty of flowers on the stricken plant and they are getting larger. I pumped out about 5 gallons, this will bring the nutrients back to the level they were at. it's kind of a weird deal. Stay tuned
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