I can't imagine why, unless it would push your disolved solids too high. If that were the case I would rob from the others to make it fit. Veg, is where Silica shines
I will definitely add it in next plants thank you for the suggestion and I will keep silica blast in mind if needed
I will definitely add it in next plants thank you for the suggestion and I will keep silica blast in mind if needed
Sounds good, maybe now the super awesome 420 alert will keep me in mind. If not give me a ring. Cheers
Well 9 hours ago I told BD clone 1 that if I see one root out the bottom pot holes I was going to chop her head off but she was stubborn and stuck that root out so ehh snip snip.

Now when I top my plants I like to build on symmetry mainly and just have it look nice, for this reason a clone that is already growing with staggered nodes it is hard to top. Luckily clone #1 had 3 symmetric nodes before beginning to stagger so it was here that I chopped above the third node. When I top I make sure to leave about 1 cm of extra stem as this helps stop the stalk from breaking open later.

Well 9 hours ago I told BD clone 1 that if I see one root out the bottom pot holes I was going to chop her head off but she was stubborn and stuck that root out so ehh snip snip.

Now when I top my plants I like to build on symmetry mainly and just have it look nice, for this reason a clone that is already growing with staggered nodes it is hard to top. Luckily clone #1 had 3 symmetric nodes before beginning to stagger so it was here that I chopped above the third node. When I top I make sure to leave about 1 cm of extra stem as this helps stop the stalk from breaking open later.

How many times do you top your plants?
You're absolutely right about keeping a little stem on the plant when you top. I just ran a strain that was really brittle, I had issues because I just pulled the bud with my fingers which left no stem. Proved to be an issue later
How many times do you top your plants?
You're absolutely right about keeping a little stem on the plant when you top. I just ran a strain that was really brittle, I had issues because I just pulled the bud with my fingers which left no stem. Proved to be an issue later
I have different methods of topping but I will cover my 2 main methods any others would be a variation of these 2, The 2 are topping and removing all but 2 nodes or topping but leave everything on. I will start by describing the latter and I am putting this just for my journal in general, if using my remove all method I top 3 times usually.

Topping but leave everything
So for this method I will decide how many colas I want to try get at the canopy in flower, keeping in mind if the stalk is symmetric you get 2 colas per node, and when I am happy I will top the plant above my last desired node. I will now give them some time to bounce back but next I take the very top node and I bend them out stopping them from growing up and keep doing this until each lower set of growth catches up to the top.
Advantages are it is the faster method
Disadvantage are that it isn't the symmetrical method and some colas always try grow faster or bigger

Topping and removing all
So for this method I watch all the node growths till I find one where both sides are growing at same speed and the same size where I feel it will best stay symmetrical throughout its growth, try pick a low down node but not the first or maybe not the second one. When I decide on a node to keep I will wait until I see just enough growth from that nodes crotches that I know the node is formed enough to play with, when I have about 1/2 cm of growth or I first see a little stem I will top above that node. The difference in this method is that I now remove every lower node other then the very top one and grow out only 2 shoots from the 1 node, now I go back to looking for the most symmetrical nodes but now I also look at both together in terms of distance from center. After smoking a nice doobie I can usually make my mind up on what node I want to keep on both sides and wait for that node to be ready, this means waiting for that crotch to send out some growth then snip. If done successfully every time you do this topping you will double your colas so now you top until you have the number of colas you want.
Advantages are it is symmetrical and pretty plus it is easier to get the plant to grow flat while training it
Disadvantages are that sometimes the plant gets stressed and slows or just the method is already slower as you are removing it's main shoot so many times potentially


I have different methods of topping but I will cover my 2 main methods any others would be a variation of these 2, The 2 are topping and removing all but 2 nodes or topping but leave everything on. I will start by describing the latter and I am putting this just for my journal in general, if using my remove all method I top 3 times usually.

Topping but leave everything
So for this method I will decide how many colas I want to try get at the canopy in flower, keeping in mind if the stalk is symmetric you get 2 colas per node, and when I am happy I will top the plant above my last desired node. I will now give them some time to bounce back but next I take the very top node and I bend them out stopping them from growing up and keep doing this until each lower set of growth catches up to the top.
Advantages are it is the faster method
Disadvantage are that it isn't the symmetrical method and some colas always try grow faster or bigger

Topping and removing all
So for this method I watch all the node growths till I find one where both sides are growing at same speed and the same size where I feel it will best stay symmetrical throughout its growth, try pick a low down node but not the first or maybe not the second one. When I decide on a node to keep I will wait until I see just enough growth from that nodes crotches that I know the node is formed enough to play with, when I have about 1/2 cm of growth or I first see a little stem I will top above that node. The difference in this method is that I now remove every lower node other then the very top one and grow out only 2 shoots from the 1 node, now I go back to looking for the most symmetrical nodes but now I also look at both together in terms of distance from center. After smoking a nice doobie I can usually make my mind up on what node I want to keep on both sides and wait for that node to be ready, this means waiting for that crotch to send out some growth then snip. If done successfully every time you do this topping you will double your colas so now you top until you have the number of colas you want.
Advantages are it is symmetrical and pretty plus it is easier to get the plant to grow flat while training it
Disadvantages are that sometimes the plant gets stressed and slows or just the method is already slower as you are removing it's main shoot so many times potentially


Wild stuff!
In all that you seen the answer to your question right? :rofl: this clone I am topping this one time but I have done 3 toppings the manifold way
Do you want big colas? Topping can affect that... to be fair some may disagree, but topping too much can make for a bunch of medium size buds. Not so bad really, with some plants it may workout a little better. I top once around the 5th node then scrog like I was saying. Just a personal preference.
Do you want big colas? Topping can affect that... to be fair some may disagree, but topping too much can make for a bunch of medium size buds. Not so bad really, with some plants it may workout a little better. I top once around the 5th node then scrog like I was saying. Just a personal preference.
what happens after topping at the 5th node to get it in the net for your method?
what happens after topping at the 5th node to get it in the net for your method?
Well, I usually have my net set between 8 and 10 inches from the base of the plant. Last season it was actually lower because I had grown soil and the height is difference for a soil pot is lower. This was a problem I should have addressed from the beginning. It worked out, but the plants would have enjoyed a higher net.
So, after I top ill get the 2 new branches, I dont FIM. They get to the net first, then the lower branches go nutty, i try not to force tucking and wait till there's enough branch to get to the next string. Forcing it will just rough up the leaves Once the secondary branches from below have grown enough to make the green soccer ball, i tuck the big leaves back so these branches get light. In time tucking will have to take a backseat to defoliation. Another tough subject sometimes... some keep all the leaves... "they are solar panels for the plant" yep I agree, but they dont grow in RDWC usually. In hydro you will have another leave just like the one you pulled in a week, and you may pull that one too. I dont just rip into the plant. Each leaf is on a case by case basis. I usually veg for 2 months. From the 3rd week on i defol. A ton. We have a mutual friend called Healthfreak he juices leaves... says its a magic weapon for all sorts of ailments. I will probably do a large defol in early flower then try to leave them alone. At this point I make sure most of the huge leaves at the base of the plant are left on.... to be clear. You need airflow through there so just keep that in mind. These leaves are important once you get deep into flower. This is about the time i start a PK booster for a few weeks, nothing too serious.

It never seems to go that smooth, haha, its always something!
So I have another clone update
I have put 7 clones from BD into rockwool after cutting a 45 and dipping in great white, the first one rooted then 2 of the next 6 and now I have 6 of 7 total rooted just waiting on the one, three of these clones (middle 3 in pic) will be in ProMix HP by the end of the day as the roots getting super fuzzy and I just want them to keep going rather then see how far they will go without the media. As for the one already in media girl #1, she is yellowing up now so she will be going on a feeding plan to go with her "water diet" (letting the pot dry :rofl: ) I will feed when she is dry

Oh I nearly forgot the most important part
When I took these 6 clones, I cut all big leaves in half to cut respiration on 3 and left 3 alone. the ones I cut rooted by .5 to 1 day earlier but they all rooted nicely so I don't actually know if I got a conclusive answer from my test. The leaf tips dont go mushy from excess moisture when cut off :laugh: I may keep cutting leaf tips for a clone as it did not slow it for certain
Hey bro thanks for the reply :high-five: Been growing nearly 7 have never used rockwoll. I'm sure it's a good product. But I have a nearly full bag of plugs. One more thing off the list. Lol
I personally don't like rockwool. I used it, it was hit and miss, but Rapid Rooters never fail. They won't fall apart...
Hey bro I have a question. Can I use rapid rooter plugs in a bubble bucket?
I have not but I would use them without a worry any day, I have rooted everything ever put in rockwool and have never looked for another.

This said you have your plugs already and @Stltoed grows fine buds so if he uses them... :passitleft: should be good to go
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