Stocking Up For The Apocalypse: Goody's Perpetual Grow By The Beach 2020

My #1 choice is based mostly on taste but if it was based on smell, this lady has it going on …
Looks really frosty right there buddy!! You're a breeding fool!! We need more like you!! Happy Wednesday to you man!! 😎✌️
Yeah I think she’ll be ok, she seems to be taking it in stride. It’s gonna make her a household name!

Have you seen the Jimmy Kimmel/Rachel Dratch skit from his late night show? It was bound to happen…not much makes me laugh in the morning but that did it
I’ll have a look.

We have had some absolute crackers.

My fave is “when your 6 year old says watch this!”
Downstairs in the snail infested flowerbed, the little mystery auto that used to be where all the bugs migrated to— well she figured out how to defend herself. And now she’s not that little. 95% sure she’s a Wookiees x Wizard, looks the same as the indoor ones but never been topped out here.
She was literally just a weed that popped up and lived off everyone else’s portions and now they are all gone and she has another month to do whatever she wants. Then the weather turns and best of luck to anything still living outside 😆
Some really amazing colors coming out of this ABB x Wizard
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And her trichomes show just about done. Add that to the caterpillar I found crawling on her and a fungus gnat trying to set up. Noped her right out of there.
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Caterpillar was eating the base of this chunk
Nice and frosty man!! Dirty ass caterpillars!! I love nature but sometimes it's pretty crazy!! Happy Saturday man!! 😎✌️
Same, brother!

Yeah she was in a place where crawlers weren’t gonna really bother her and sure enough- air attack happened!
I don’t blame them, I’d eat that plant too, smells like grape jelly 😂
A morning shot of my last outdoor auto for the year.

Had surprisingly few problems with pests this year. Found PM early on one plant and treated it and it never had another issue. Very few fungus gnats this year too, but they always make a visit, without fail. Leafhoppers seem to like my plants but don’t really seem to bother them much.
She made it through a lightning/thunder storm with massive rains all night. Looks like she took it in stride

What doesn’t kill you makes you more resistant to the next catastrophe.

Indoors the 3 ladies are chugging along in normal fashion.
Dr Wookiees

WxW, shorter and taller phenos. Same smell and look up close
Hey Hey JG!

Autos looking awesome!

I love where you live!
Thanks Tra, It’s a really pretty spot to live, only a few more weeks of tourists and it will be even better lol.
I’m lucky family (moms husband) bought a place in the 60s cause otherwise I’d never be able to afford living here. Blessed to be able to grow in a really pretty spot with hardly any pests!
I moved the 3 most evenly sized ladies into this tent as they seem to be done stretching

In the back is 2 Wookiees x Wizard, looking solid.
On the front right is a Dr Wookiees which is taking on the smell and look of the Cannabiogen Destroyer in her DNA 🧬 that lighter yellow will fade to a purple ish/pink soon. She also told me to back off on the nutes and she likes much less K than the others.

Moby Dick auto has been sex reversed. 27 days old

Having only one seed, I had few options…this is a good way to get lots more seeds (S1’s) and maybe bring some new genetics into my picture with her (his) pollen 😂

Also growing in the shadows and 27 days old is a @Barney's Farm OG Kush auto.
She’s one of the few autos I’ve done in the past year that didn’t start showing sex by day 20 or so. I RARELY have the chance to top an auto and start training before it shows sex. Hopefully that means she will be huge.
Moby dick showing both sexes already, just a few days and I’ll have to start watching for pollen clouds ☁️

Been having good luck with the current CS reversal method, this time only took 5 days of spraying. Still using the 30ppm which isn’t supposed be strong enough…don’t tell all my seeds that 😂

Getting close to done drying the outdoor purple ABB x Wizard, she has a lovely odor too
How often are you spraying your plants per day buddy? Enquiring minds wanna know!! Happy Thursday!! 😎✌️
These last 2 reversals have been my easiest. I had been under the impression that I needed to start spraying this “weak” version (30ppm) of CS really early. I had been starting at about 10 days old and dousing them every night at lights out.
Over time though, I’ve figured out that they definitely don’t have to be sprayed at lights out. It’s a bit easier on the leaves though, the bigger ones get pretty ugly when sprayed during the day.
They also don’t need to be sprayed multiple times a day for 2 weeks etc.
This auto got sprayed about 48 hours after making its first pistils (around 18 days old) spraying once a day for 5 days. I douse every leaf and the main stem. By day 26ish it’s already evident that it worked.
Some people will isolate single branches and that’s much easier to do on photo plants. With autos, prime time to spray them means getting the whole plant involved.
With such short spray time, the sex will be about 50/50 and it will make several hundred -1000 S1 seeds if I let it live out a whole life cycle. Sometimes I just get pollen, hit a few plants and toss the reversed plant to the chickens. With this one I want some S1’s for sure
My first twin seed (Wookiee x wizard x queen g) I know I’ve seen this happen to someone here on the forum, this is my first set.
I guess we’ll see what happens!

Happy Friday. Go get stoned
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