Stocking Up For The Apocalypse: Goody's Perpetual Grow By The Beach 2020

Happy Sunday
Thanks Shed I appreciate it. Looks a bit like my last year’s entry. Lots of postcard moments here on the island.

That OG Kush seems less bushy then the couple I've grown. Never did find a good OG Kush in an auto version.
Well, this one is doing what I wanted it to so far and it’s taking up an entire 2 x 3 tent, 24” tall already


Every branch looks like a small tree. Pretty sure she will turn from branchy to bushy.
I don’t really have complaints with any auto that waits this long to flower. Makes me want the genetics 🧬
…if she is actually an OG Kush worth replicating. I haven’t found one yet that tastes right but this one checks every other box for me so far.
The “twins” are interesting but I don’t think little one is going to amount to much

WxW ladies with a few weeks left. These girls have a premium odor, and not bad looking either

And this little BTF side project. She’s grown a lot bigger in the last 10 days after a slower start

Hope everyone has a good week!
She’s like a teratoma bruv lol.

Oii I’m ready to Queen when you are.

I’d love to drop after the first full moon in September. In Australia lots of growers would plant their crops on this night. Look I say lots, but in reality it was just the growers I knew back in the day lol. So at least 4. Lolllll

We have a loose outdoor rule. Plant Fathers Day, harvest Mother’s Day.
She’s like a teratoma bruv lol.

Oii I’m ready to Queen when you are.

I’d love to drop after the first full moon in September. In Australia lots of growers would plant their crops on this night. Look I say lots, but in reality it was just the growers I knew back in the day lol. So at least 4. Lolllll

We have a loose outdoor rule. Plant Fathers Day, harvest Mother’s Day.
Get it girl, whenever you’re ready. I had an eager one here, can always pop another
Aweee look at the baby!!! Happy Tuesday!!! 😎✌️🎶
Thanks! Lots of babies around right now, I think I have 6 sprouts.

Speaking of that @Carcass gave me some Orion auto beans and I have been having an interesting time with them.
The first one stood up and died after 2 days. The second one sprouted easy and started just like the last one.
But 10 days later, all the other seedlings are growing fine (in the same exact type of soil) and moving to new homes, while the Orion is doing this

I mean- it’s not unhealthy. It’s just…not growing 😂
Anyone who grows autos knows that these 10 days still count on a constant race I’m running against the auto’s internal clock.
In other words she is likely not going to get big unless she has some sort of uprising soon
Get it girl, whenever you’re ready. I had an eager one here, can always pop another
Hey hey!

I can be ready to flick a bean in two weeks. I’m not sure if your dad has room right now. You talk to your people. I’d like to plant on the harvest moon. Like not literally on it lol. The night of.
Justin, I've been wondering for a while about size of autos and growing conditions. You possibly have some of the widest growing conditions I know of in the auto world, because it looks as if you have them dotted around the house and garden and some in tents right?

How much is the size of and yield from an auto plant determined by genetics and how much of it is determined by growing conditions, feed, light etc? I guess I continuously wonder how I can tweak my grows. I realize it is a bit of both, but I am leaning towards size is in the genetics but growing conditions, light and feed have a big part to play too.

What is your opinion?
Thanks! Lots of babies around right now, I think I have 6 sprouts.

Speaking of that @Carcass gave me some Orion auto beans and I have been having an interesting time with them.
The first one stood up and died after 2 days. The second one sprouted easy and started just like the last one.
But 10 days later, all the other seedlings are growing fine (in the same exact type of soil) and moving to new homes, while the Orion is doing this

I mean- it’s not unhealthy. It’s just…not growing 😂
Anyone who grows autos knows that these 10 days still count on a constant race I’m running against the auto’s internal clock.
In other words she is likely not going to get big unless she has some sort of uprising soon
I've grown more then a couple autos that end up producing 4 or 5 joints worth of flower.
Justin, I've been wondering for a while about size of autos and growing conditions. You possibly have some of the widest growing conditions I know of in the auto world, because it looks as if you have them dotted around the house and garden and some in tents right?

How much is the size of and yield from an auto plant determined by genetics and how much of it is determined by growing conditions, feed, light etc? I guess I continuously wonder how I can tweak my grows. I realize it is a bit of both, but I am leaning towards size is in the genetics but growing conditions, light and feed have a big part to play too.

What is your opinion?
I would say genetics have the largest part in it, though I’ve seen plants that should have been huge get less than favorable end results.

Arguably the most important part of an autos life is how they are treated in the first 10 days of life. The faster you can get them into that perfect scenario where they love the light and the soil and the VPD, where they start to look like they can’t get to the light fast enough. A lot of magic happens then.

I start mine in very intense light. About 9/10 times I top right when I see pistils.
I’ve debunked about every excuse I ever had about them being shocked or stunted by my actions. I used to be afraid of transplanting, topping, trimming autos- but most aren’t that sensitive and come back to full growth within 1/2 day if they are healthy when you mess with them.
Pot size matters in the end. 3g is my standard now and I occasionally do 5 or 7g. Anything under 3 and the plant may max out and decide it’s rootbound then the healthy growth stops.

I do some things that aren’t really shown on here too, like rotating my plants into multiple light areas.
Seedlings like to start under the mars hydro light. Then I’ll move them to the vipar, then (like in the case of this OG kush) under the Nextlight which seems to bulk them better than the others.
I like the vigor they show when they hit a new spectrum (also formerly thought to be a negative/shock) and they certainly don’t complain. Watch their calcium needs under the LEDs, that’s probably the 1 sure thing that will be deficient at some point.
Whatever you do, just listen to the plant. There is no summary written anywhere that works for everyone. Conditions (humidity most important) are different everywhere, even right next door.

Love your autos and they will love you back.

I've grown more then a couple autos that end up producing 4 or 5 joints worth of flower.
Yes sometimes they just do their own thing no matter how much we think we know.
2 plants here about the same age but obviously they caught different waves.
The smaller girl is more typical (for me) at this age. She’s also only in a 2g pot (she’s a first time tester) and the bigger is in a 3 and has non-typical amazing growth. I’m hoping (for taste) that’s mostly the OG kush 🧬 not just the BF super auto bred into her.

Thank you, that's a good amount of excellent info!
No prob thanks for asking and for the kind words
You couldn't be more spot on @Justin Goody when saying the first 10 days is the crucial period in the life of an auto flowering plant. I start all my autos in a small 2x2 tent and strive to keep the temperature as close to 80 degrees and the humidity as close to 75% as I can get and keep them. Another thing I do is hand moisten the medium before putting it in the pot to assure there are no dry areas. And there is a huge difference between moist and wet. When I'm done I want to be able to grab a handful of medium and squeeze it in my hand and it just barely holds together when I open my hand. My best advice is to do what Justin Goody does and you'll grow nice autos.
You couldn't be more spot on @Justin Goody when saying the first 10 days is the crucial period in the life of an auto flowering plant. I start all my autos in a small 2x2 tent and strive to keep the temperature as close to 80 degrees and the humidity as close to 75% as I can get and keep them. Another thing I do is hand moisten the medium before putting it in the pot to assure there are no dry areas. And there is a huge difference between moist and wet. When I'm done I want to be able to grab a handful of medium and squeeze it in my hand and it just barely holds together when I open my hand. My best advice is to do what Justin Goody does and you'll grow nice autos.
Thank you. I recently learnt this trick and my last grow was in hand moistened pot's. I've done it in my current grow too. It's a game changer I think!
This BTF (Alaskan Banana Berry x Wizard x Queen G) auto has picked up some interesting traits.
Initially slow growing, I only put her in a 2g pot not expecting major growth.
She’s now having a small growth spurt and though her branches are a bit dainty for the moment, they are stacking nicely and reaching beautifully toward that light.

While the other autos all kind of “power down around 9-10pm before lights out, she is still at full attention.

So far- no 5 pointed leaves. A few 4’s (Queen G trait) and mostly 3’s but a strangely high number of singles. Looks like a reveg auto!
I am wondering if I have unlocked (or locked out) any other features.
She’s a unique one. Still a coin flip if that’s good or bad but…I prefer less leaves anytime.
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