Stealth - Soil - HID - Smart Pot - SCROG - GDP - First Grow

Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCRog, GDP - First Grow

Grats on the new Hempy. :cool:

Make sure you are watering her at least twice a day, directly over the roots. It will take her some time for the roots to hit the res, growth will be slow till then don't freak! Once the roots hit the res growth will explode and you can just water whenever the pot feels light.

Your hole looks like its a bit big, standard for a hempy I believe is 7/16"? Just monitor it to make sure you are not loosing too much media out of it. Don't think it will be too detrimental though.

Other than that, :goodluck: ! I think its very cool you're running two different setups in your cab. Good way to figure out whatcha like.


The hole is a little larger but I've got landscaping cloth covering it so I don't lose any medium.

Thanks for the watering advice, I was wondering how I should handle that. I think it will give me a good idea which is better for me.
Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCRog, GDP - First Grow

Day 23 I appear to be someone who "freaks" about slow growth? That only proves one have been reading my journal :)!

I am freaking a little about the slow growth of one of my girls...she is looking better but I fear the root damage that could have occurred might be permanent..I know cannabis is very resilient but..she just isn't showing me much recovery.

The growth is there, some, but the other is just blasting off. So much so that I'm almost ready to install the screen to tie that bitch down...(I love it when I talk dirty!!)

I think I'm going to like this hempy bucket experiment a lot. It seems idiot proof and while I'm a pretty sharp guy, it helps to make it easy.





I'm taking Marley's advice and watering the hempy twice a day til the growth explodes. How do you tell when the roots hit the bottom of the reservoir?? I was thinking of doing a mini hempy came in a rockwool cube and I thought worst case the medium being part ocean forest would retain a little water and have some nutes thus making the mini unnecessary.

On my next grow in the fall, I might just go full bore perlite/vermiculite, 7/16..true hempy just to try it...hopefully this will turn out ok.

Please, please educate me if I sound full of myself or full of shit...either one..I really am malleable, I promise.

Props to Fruitridge Health and Wellness...they had an excellent array of clones and if you're in the Sacramento's the place to go..

I've got some root growth stuff that came in my nute box..should I use the transplant menu for the hempy??

Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCRog, GDP - First Grow

Day 24

I've got some serious bush going on in my box, the runt is frustrating me and the newbie has transplant shock...sweet!!

I'm confused about the modified hempy bucket I've still seems pretty wet to me as because I'm not 100% perlite or the vermiculite mix, I think the watering schedule is altered somewhat.

The mediums seemed moist to the touch today so I'll water tomorrow.

Nothing major going on..the deficiencies are slowly getting better. I don't know why the runt isn't growing better than it is. Maybe it's just supposed to be a runt..I dunno...


The runt...damn thing!!

I prefer my girls clean shaven or at least trimmed...but in this case the more euro mitt the better!! If her sister would get on board, we'd be in business.


Please remind me that the next time I take on a hempy project to just follow the damn directions and not try to improvise. I should have gone straight perlite but I'm a dumbass that way..


I'm beginning to see the value of not going soil and leaning toward hydro. Soil is difficult to control and reacts too slowly for me. Additionally, you don't "really" know what the soil mix is unless you're making it yourself.

Hempy might just be the best thing since sliced bread in terms of control, ease of use and expense.

Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCRog, GDP - First Grow

Day 25

Watered a quart today per soil plant. It's been 3 days since my last watering and they were lighter but not completely dry.

I'm thinking scrog screen installation next week.

I wish I knew why the reason for the stunted growth on the one plant. That sure would be nice.

I think I'll modify my box for my next grow and create a drain table and go all hempy.

I know I could rig up something that would drain automatically...a pump for watering and another for draining setup on timers. Yup, I'm going to get this hempy thing wired in the question.


This one is newly transplanted and the bottom leaves have totally yellowed out but the rest of the plant looks ok considering.

Watering with rooting solution, half quart per. Going to flush it out probably tomorrow to replace some of the res water to keep it fresh.


The bushy runt...placerville...I hope you're right bro! ;)


The bushmaster! Some of her leaves look bleached out...could be the light was too close??


Questions? Comments? I'm open to being full of shit ya'll so don't be shy! ;)

Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCRog, GDP - First Grow

I know I could rig up something that would drain automatically...a pump for watering and another for draining setup on timers.

I built mine out of 2" X 4" with 5/8" plywood. Went to HD and bought some 40 mil rubber mat (garden section, cheap and almost un-tearable), laid it inside the framework holding the plants. I also bought a kitchen sink drain. Drilled a hole through the plywood and rubber mat for the drain, silicone and tighten the drain nut on the bottom. Mine drains outside. Could be drained to bucket. Remember to tilt the table so water will go towards the drain. Another nice thing is how easy the rubber mat is to clean and vacuum up leafs and dirt. Just some food for thought.
Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCRog, GDP - First Grow

I know I could rig up something that would drain automatically...a pump for watering and another for draining setup on timers.

I built mine out of 2" X 4" with 5/8" plywood. Went to HD and bought some 40 mil rubber mat (garden section, cheap and almost un-tearable), laid it inside the framework holding the plants. I also bought a kitchen sink drain. Drilled a hole through the plywood and rubber mat for the drain, silicone and tighten the drain nut on the bottom. Mine drains outside. Could be drained to bucket. Remember to tilt the table so water will go towards the drain. Another nice thing is how easy the rubber mat is to clean and vacuum up leafs and dirt. Just some food for thought.

My thoughts exactly...

Day 26

Well...things are going along swimmingly...the deficiencies are slowly going away so that's good.

One of them is getting really big in comparison to the other...that's good news..

Watered yesterday.

My new clone is going through the classic symptoms of too much water...scaling that back to every other day til the roots tap the res. With soil mixed in with the perlite, stupid move on my part, it retains more water and my cab temps being in the 70's doesn't really lend itself to much evaporation. So...I'll lighten up and it should be fine.


The runt...growing runt like.


The new clone with over watering symptoms. Not worried about it at all in this bucket as it drains well.


My bushy pretty!


That's it! Scrog screen in next week from the looks of it...then the tying up my girls!!

Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCRog, GDP - First Grow

Hey GF, all's coming along nicely :goodjob:

I recently went to hempy's on a few plants and it's definately easier to manage than most other forms of hydro.

I thought I'd show you a real runt...

This is a Barney's Farm LS* that has been stunted since it's first leaves, which were about the size and shape of my other plants' cotyledons. I took this pic a few days ago and she had three full (mini!) sets of leaves and was working on her 4th and, in total, is less than 2" wide:


Yours looks like a giant in comparison!

Happy Harvests!
Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCRog, GDP - First Grow

Hey GF, all's coming along nicely :goodjob:

I recently went to hempy's on a few plants and it's definately easier to manage than most other forms of hydro.

I thought I'd show you a real runt...

This is a Barney's Farm LS* that has been stunted since it's first leaves, which were about the size and shape of my other plants' cotyledons. I took this pic a few days ago and she had three full (mini!) sets of leaves and was working on her 4th and, in total, is less than 2" wide:


Yours looks like a giant in comparison!

Happy Harvests!

LMAO!! Thank you Mr. Krip for that wake up call...a little perspective is always appreciated!

Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCRog, GDP - First Grow

has anybody heard of this product or somethin like it??? Im tryne take care of odor control before it becomes a if anybody has any experience on this subject could u let me know please....
GrowBright 4" Inline Fan & Carbon Filter Combo from
Product Number: ODR-GB4CMB
Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCRog, GDP - First Grow

has anybody heard of this product or somethin like it??? Im tryne take care of odor control before it becomes a if anybody has any experience on this subject could u let me know please....
GrowBright 4" Inline Fan & Carbon Filter Combo from
Product Number: ODR-GB4CMB

I have heard of that. If you're going stealth, it might not be the best choice but from all accounts, it's good stuff. HTG has a good reputation.

Look into an ona bucket too...I don't know what size grow you're planning but overall, it is good stuff.

A little more info would be good and in the DIY or FAQ section would yield more answers.

Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCRog, GDP - First Grow

has anybody heard of this product or somethin like it??? Im tryne take care of odor control before it becomes a if anybody has any experience on this subject could u let me know please....
GrowBright 4" Inline Fan & Carbon Filter Combo from
Product Number: ODR-GB4CMB

Suka, if it's this one:


It's what I'm using.

I haven't yet hooked up the carbon filter, so can't speak to it. It's a good SMALL fan. I use it to vent/scrub a 2' x 4' x 5' cabinet. It would most likely not effectively vent anything much bigger (i.e. an entire room).

In general, you'll be better getting a bigger fan than what you actually need. The smaller fans will need to run at full speed all the time, which is much louder than taking a bigger fan and using it at a lower speed. Plus, you'll have the extra power if/when you need it.

Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCRog, GDP - First Grow

LMAO!! Thank you Mr. Krip for that wake up call...a little perspective is always appreciated!


Glad me & my little girl could cheer you up! :tokin:
Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCRog, GDP - First Grow

The bushy runt...placerville...I hope you're right bro!

Hey Flatlander, Do you have something against little people :}
Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCRog, GDP - First Grow

I have heard of that. If you're going stealth, it might not be the best choice but from all accounts, it's good stuff. HTG has a good reputation.

Look into an ona bucket too...I don't know what size grow you're planning but overall, it is good stuff.

A little more info would be good and in the DIY or FAQ section would yield more answers.


Suka, if it's this one:


It's what I'm using.

I haven't yet hooked up the carbon filter, so can't speak to it. It's a good SMALL fan. I use it to vent/scrub a 2' x 4' x 5' cabinet. It would most likely not effectively vent anything much bigger (i.e. an entire room).

In general, you'll be better getting a bigger fan than what you actually need. The smaller fans will need to run at full speed all the time, which is much louder than taking a bigger fan and using it at a lower speed. Plus, you'll have the extra power if/when you need it.


you guys should take a look at my grow,,,, i think that size fan would be perfect, i could screw it to the top of my grow cab that i made. it would be perfect , i think thats the set up im gonna go with...heres my grow
Sukafr33's first indoor grow- cfls, bag seed (all different strains), DIY grow cab .... check it out and let me know what u guys think.
Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCRog, GDP - First Grow

I was just in my box and I smelled both of my mature plants. One had a minty smell to it and the other had no odor at all.

These are supposed to be the same strain. Is it possible they are not? Shouldn't they both smell the same??

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