Stealth - Soil - HID - Smart Pot - SCROG - GDP - First Grow

Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

I guess I should qualify my answer. IMHO Indica's that are able to veg longer could be SCROG , lowering the screen makes it a little harder to train and maintain (IMHO). In my room (5.5' X 20' door in the middle) I have access to the SCROG from only one side, bummer.

I'm about to find out the limitations of a single scrog with only 1 side accessible, going with that myself this time since I'm down to 1-2 plants this go around (probably just end up scrogging 1). Building it tomorrow in fact. Thought about just using LST but I can not see how a 250w would get as much coverage as opposed to a scrog. The last thing I want to do is build another screen. :(

I can definitely see how lowering the screen would make things a lot tougher to train. It's already a pain in the ass as is! Was mainly referring to mod scrogs and the flexibility they provide in that regard.

How tall above the pot do you place your single screen Place? I was thinking somewhere between 8-10" for the one I'm about to build. Thoughts appreciated.

Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

I have mine 18" above the pot. I usually veg for 2 months. If one of the little is lagging ion growth, I will raise the pot towards the screen.
Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

I'm using what the nutes call for...maybe I just need to get some epsom salts and put this deficiency to rest...nitrogen and cal/mag are the top two most common deficiencies.

I copied and pasted that post into my google's very helpful and I think you're right..

LOL! Butt to nut...I've never heard that...sweet! Yeah I think when I got to flower the gurlz they will be one solid bud...

Thanks for the encouragement!

Yeah that's what I am thinking. One solid log. Butt to nut is a military term. That's how they want you when you are in a line. I love indica for that reason. So short and compact. Your doing something right that's for sure. I'm going to start lst in a week or so. Hope you get some monsters. Looks like they will be. Great grow!
Yeah looks like you will have one big log. Exciting to see bushes like that. That's why I love indica. Mine will be ready to lst I about a week I think.
Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

Day 30

Butt to nut...I was in the military for just under 8 years and never heard that term before...course...that was some time ago.

Placerville...I'm thinking another 2 weeks to a month of veg is going to be my deal...if they double in size then I'll have to scrog them..right now considering LST but not sure if I can pull it off with the smart pots. Might go airpots next time...maybe not though..

Well...I think I'm looking at a classic nute lockout. I'm giving the plant nutes but they aren't responding in a way that leads me to believe that it's working. The initial ph runoff was 5.2 and that is way too low. I'm going to do a regular water flush tomorrow or the next day to determine where the ph is and act from there.


The newbie was looking a little wilted this morning so I gave her a quart of lightly nuted water..


Dorothy is looking grand...still a little runted but growing none the less..


And baby le bush is just a sight...she is going wild and will fill up the cab if I let her do it..


Comments? Flames? All are welcome!

Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

looking awesome bro. going to have some crazy bud off those bad girls. yeah my CO was a real dick and that was his favorite saying when we were screwing around. stack it up butt to nut boys. sorry off topic. i LST mine sooner and use a metal coat hanger cut into five inch pieces and make a hook on one end. then i just stake it down in the soil. No string or attachment points to worry about. mine go real flat and i run it all the way around the pot. Then I am going to flower.
Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

FYI...I use binder clips (like paper clips for a large stack of paper) that I clip to the sides of the pots, then secure the wire/line to. You can get 'em at any office supply store and can get an idea from the pic below:

Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

looking awesome bro. going to have some crazy bud off those bad girls. yeah my CO was a real dick and that was his favorite saying when we were screwing around. stack it up butt to nut boys. sorry off topic. i LST mine sooner and use a metal coat hanger cut into five inch pieces and make a hook on one end. then i just stake it down in the soil. No string or attachment points to worry about. mine go real flat and i run it all the way around the pot. Then I am going to flower.

FYI...I use binder clips (like paper clips for a large stack of paper) that I clip to the sides of the pots, then secure the wire/line to. You can get 'em at any office supply store and can get an idea from the pic below:


Thanks men!! The binder clips was the direction I was headed. That and some twisty tie stuff designed for gardening. I'm at day 30 and if I'm going to do a 2 month veg...which I think I can get away's time to bend the girls over for a peek!! (I'm such a pig!)

Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

Thanks men!! The binder clips was the direction I was headed. That and some twisty tie stuff designed for gardening. I'm at day 30 and if I'm going to do a 2 month veg...which I think I can get away's time to bend the girls over for a peek!! (I'm such a pig!)


You won't regret's a couple more pics of the LST after a couple weeks or so:

First the Haze above:


Then, a Afghan Kush I was able to "spread" open:


The Kush right now has over 20 tops and I'm putting her into flower tomorrow :grinjoint:

NOTE: Both plants had severe root damage when I received them a couple days before the first pics. Their grow cubes were cut off of the grow slabs! I expect the transsformation would have been much quicker had they had their roots!
Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

sorry about posting pics here just want to show you what my NL plant looked like in bondage. i have one string holding the plant in the soil and then the hooks holding it down. i took them on my touch and the hps made the lines.
Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

Mr. Krip, I can't believe that growing media hasn't killed your plants yet!! I have heard some real horror stories about that local hydro shop just stopped carrying it outright!!!

Butt to nut.... hmm.... I guess each DI has their own way of explaining how to "dress & cover." Still, that's one of the funnier ways I've heard.

So how are your temps with lights on, giantsfan? I love how the plants are looking nice and stacked.

Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

Mr. Krip, I can't believe that growing media hasn't killed your plants yet!! I have heard some real horror stories about that local hydro shop just stopped carrying it outright!!!

Smokey, that's the Sure To Grow (STG). Do NOT, under ANY circumstances, attempt to germinate using their grow cubes! Stick to rockwool or rapid rooters! I didn't listen when I was first warned and lost about $75 in good seeds before I switched to rockwool. The media in the waterfarm is their "Hail" product. It's definately easier than hydroton and hasn't killed anything yet, so I may stick with the hail. But, if you want some more STG horror stories, read my first journal! :)
Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

I've learned so much from this grow..regardless how it turns out my next will be on to purple cheese. :)

Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

Day 31

I'm noticing that Baby Le Bush is consuming water at a higher rate than Dorothy. Dorothy is still a bit more damp than Baby so tomorrow I'm going to flush her out a little bit and get the runoff ph then make adjustments from there.

My sense is that my runoff ph will be too low and that's probably why the cal/mag/nitro deficiency isn't going away as quickly as I'd like.

I've already started making notes for my next grow which will be in the fall starting most likely on November 1.

I've learned so much from this grow it's been totally worth it although I don't think my yield will be as high as I was hoping for. Anything will be fine though.

I've got to make a decision on lst or today. LOL I'm thinking I'll just throw the screen in there and start bending, veg for another month then throw it into flower.

I might make the transition over to Air Pots for the next grow so that I have a firm pot side to anchor the string to when I lst if I decide to do so.

Our temps have been unseasonably warm so I'm a little concerned about my temps in 12/12 and how to manage the lights on/off times to maintain temps in the 70's. My night time temps are so good right now...61 degrees...awesome for budding..

My day temps are up 2 degrees from where I had them..I'm running between 74 to 80 consistently.


The newbie...she'll need another 30 days of veg just to be considerate before flippage.


Dorothy...looking sweet! Very tight and compact plant.


Baby Le Bush - what a beauty..going to have to hold her down a bit...



Edit: I put in the 7200K 11 days ago and I've just gone back to compare the pics before and after. The 7200 has definitely made a big difference in the bushiness of the plants. Sold on that change.

Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

Scrog Installed

Well, I made the decision to go scrog..I thought it would be an easier transition than lst and so far, it is..course it's very early!

The plants are 10" ish tall and that is at the bottom of the screen. Baby Le Bush is bent over about an inch.

I rearranged the location of the plants and it made sense to install the screen.


I moved the two older plants to the back. My thought is to bend them forward and it gives me room to deal with the newbie. I can lift the screen up and tend to them.


Then when the newbie gets bigger, it's got 30 days to do that before I flip to 12/12, I'll bend it toward the back wall and the screen will fill in. (hopefully :) )


Thoughts, ideas or whatever? Chime in ya'll!!

Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

Looking good. Nice job on the SCROG screen!

Just curious, since I've never done scrog...How do you plan on lifting the screen once the plants are growing into it? Don't you have to lift the plants with the screen?
Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

Looking good. Nice job on the SCROG screen!

Just curious, since I've never done scrog...How do you plan on lifting the screen once the plants are growing into it? Don't you have to lift the plants with the screen?

The back of the frame is anchored to the back of the box with zip ties screwed in and the front part of the frame is not attached but can be. I simply lift up the front part of the screen and it rotates up toward the light.

This gives me the option to lift it up and train the plants under the screen during the last 30 days of veg.

I haven't done a scrog before either but I'm assuming that I'll only need access to the plants until after the first two weeks of flower, after the "stretch". By then the screen will be as filled out as it's going to get and then I'll attach the front part of the frame to the box and let the buds fill in.

As I said, I've not done this before either but that's the vision I have. I'm also assuming that I'm wrong! That's the plan though.

Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

Looks good very clean and simple. I doubt your going to be able to lift that up in two weeks when you train the two big one. If you do lift it I see you having to rearrange every time.
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