Stealth - Soil - HID - Smart Pot - SCROG - GDP - First Grow

Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

My biggest problem, with a SCROG, is when it comes time to havest and I've grown multiple strains. I have to untangle the branches to see who the mother was.
Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

Day 32

Not much of an update...looking to water and feed tomorrow and a good drenching at that. I'll test the runoff to see where I'm at.

Based on the nute uptake charts I've looked at and the fact that my plant still exhibits a deficiency mild as it may be, my soil ph is too low and I'll ph up the water to compensate.

I hope that helps with the Nitrogen, Calcium and Magnesium uptake. I'm getting tired of the yellow leaves. Would like to fix it.


Dorothy is looking better everyday. Pretty amazed actually. She never was unhealthy just a little smaller than the other one.


In the last couple days, the newbie has started to go off. My assumption is that the roots have hit the reservoir. I'll need to feed her up too. Hope she takes off.


Baby Le Bush doing the bush thing. Dorothy is just at the top of the screen while Baby is bent over about an inch.


Group shot...


Fun grow so far...looking forward to my next grow, already planning it based on the mistakes of this grow. I've been very fortunate though I must say.

Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

Looks good very clean and simple. I doubt your going to be able to lift that up in two weeks when you train the two big one. If you do lift it I see you having to rearrange every time.

Well I'm going to attempt to stay on it. I want the plants to spread out a bit. The growth rate hasn't been so off the charts that I'm concerned I won't be able to keep up. It will be what it is and I won't stress about it.

My biggest problem, with a SCROG, is when it comes time to havest and I've grown multiple strains. I have to untangle the branches to see who the mother was.

Hopefully, with just two plants, I won't have that problem.... :high-five:

Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

let me know how this thing works out because i lst'ed one of my plants and it looks like its gonna be somethin serious the way the branches are goin straight up. And i have a shortage on space so maybe one time i would consider doin the scrog idea. but yea i'll be watchin this one for sure...
Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow your grow in a place where you can operate all year long?


Yes, I can grow all year. This my second inside grow and I did one inside/outside grow. I will not be doing anymore inside growing during our hot summer's just another outside. The heat was to hard to handle and I cannot add any A/C to my grow room. The PM was out of control due to the high humidity, max out on power during the summer (2 homes, workshop, grow room on 200 amps).
Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

Man, those pictures remind me of 70's porn; beautiful ladies and lots of um... well, shrubbery!

Keep it up my man! :high-five:
Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

Yo whatup man, glad you decided on the Scrog - looks good.

I tried to envision what you were talking about when flipping up the front part of the scrog, not sure if I get it or not. If you are talking about being able to move the screen from a horizontal angle to a vertical angle in order to work on the plant you won't be able to do this after a small amount of growth. The branches will get tangled up in the scrog, also as things progress you will need to tie down some of the branches to the scrog.

IMO once the scrog goes down it is never again moved until harvest.

Also, and this is merely an observation, you may want to remove the screen until the plants are a bit taller. When I put mine on the top branch gets bent a good 45-90 degrees. Seems like only 1 of your ladies is slightly bent over.

You can also put something under the smaller ladies pot to raise her height even to the other.

I apologize for the random thoughts and poor grammar..a bit scatter brained today. Too many btokes this weekend.
Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

Yo whatup man, glad you decided on the Scrog - looks good.

I tried to envision what you were talking about when flipping up the front part of the scrog, not sure if I get it or not. If you are talking about being able to move the screen from a horizontal angle to a vertical angle in order to work on the plant you won't be able to do this after a small amount of growth. The branches will get tangled up in the scrog, also as things progress you will need to tie down some of the branches to the scrog.

IMO once the scrog goes down it is never again moved until harvest.

This is what I was talking about. I'm not sure you'll really be able to lift the SCROG once you get some growth. :goodluck:
Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

I agree with Marley and Mr. K on their scrog style, the main thing is once the screen is lowered it is down for the duration. If one plant is shorter than the rest, it should be raised to the same canopy height, and remember to stagger the pots for easy access to the deeper pots.
Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

Yo whatup man, glad you decided on the Scrog - looks good.

I tried to envision what you were talking about when flipping up the front part of the scrog, not sure if I get it or not. If you are talking about being able to move the screen from a horizontal angle to a vertical angle in order to work on the plant you won't be able to do this after a small amount of growth. The branches will get tangled up in the scrog, also as things progress you will need to tie down some of the branches to the scrog.

IMO once the scrog goes down it is never again moved until harvest.

Also, and this is merely an observation, you may want to remove the screen until the plants are a bit taller. When I put mine on the top branch gets bent a good 45-90 degrees. Seems like only 1 of your ladies is slightly bent over.

You can also put something under the smaller ladies pot to raise her height even to the other.

I apologize for the random thoughts and poor grammar..a bit scatter brained today. Too many btokes this weekend.

This is what I was talking about. I'm not sure you'll really be able to lift the SCROG once you get some growth. :goodluck:

I agree with Marley and Mr. K on their scrog style, the main thing is once the screen is lowered it is down for the duration. If one plant is shorter than the rest, it should be raised to the same canopy height, and remember to stagger the pots for easy access to the deeper pots.

I wasn't aware that they needed to be taller than they are before I installed the screen..thanks for that and it makes sense. Cause they were right there, I thought what the hell.

I'll take a video of what I mean about being able to lift the front of the frame up. I don't expect to be able to lift it for long but it is possible to lift it and do some training early on.

Cause my plants are both bent forward toward the front of the frame, at this point, lifting it isn't a problem. It's the frame that actually lifts, not the screen itself. The screen moves very little actually. I'll take a vid..

Honestly the more I look at these plants, being as bushy as they are, I'm not sure a scrog will be beneficial in maximizing the potential buds.

Day 33

Not much to report...Baby Le Bush is just going nutz...I think the combo of the new light and new perspective on water is really helping both plants.

I ph'd up the water to 7.0 to compensate for the low ph of the soil. I read that this can, over time, help raise the overall ph of the medium and make nutrients easier to access.

According to the nute chart I've got, I'm ok with that ph for cal/mag uptake so that's what I went with.

The pre planting soil runoff ph was 5.2 and although I don't think that is accurate, it was indicative of too low soil ph. I mean if it were 5.2, I would be experiencing every freakin deficiency known to the point to where I'd have plant deficiency! LOL

I'm going to have to do a flush both plants to avoid excess nutes in the soil. Getting the courage to flush with a gallon of water is a little unnerving..I must admit. I'm using a half now per watering.

I watered today no nutes.


Dorothy is making up for lost time. Not so much in height but in width.


Dirtinmyears...shrubbery indeed! Man...this is a euro mit squared..


The purple trash newbie is perking up nicely...she got 2 quarts of water with nutes today. The first quart only yielded out about 12 ounces of runoff and the second well over 16 oz of runoff..hope that refreshed the reservoir.


Scrog pics....they are both bent over slightly..Dorothy less than Baby...


Thanks for the tips boys...I appreciate it..

Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

Day 34

We are getting bushier and bushier as time goes on..I wish there was a little more in terms of vertical growth but there isn't and that's cool too.

Both plants are bent over in kind of what looks like an expensive lst method via the scrog

Watered and flushed the newbie last night, she is perking up and honestly doesn't look that far behind the others in terms of height. Width is another matter..


Dorothy looking fine..


The newbie getting some height.


Baby Le Bush doing her thing.


This is the scrog screen video I mentioned I'd create.

Scrog Vid

Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

IMHO I would try to get your runoff ph water in the low 6's minimum.:smokin:

Yeah I agree and I think it's there. If I actually had soil in the 5.2 ph range, my plants would look way worse than they do and in all likelihood they'd be dead or not grow at all.

I'm going to flush next watering so we'll see...

My next grow is getting amended with dolomite lime for sure if I have to grind the shit myself!

LOL!! Additionally, there won't be any Fox Farms Light Warrior mixed in...the advice I've gotten from my local hydro shop has been total shit.

I told my local hydro guy that I was having a mag/cal/nitro uptake issue and he recommended lowering the ph to 6.

The nute chart that I have says that there won't be ANY uptake at that fact that mag/cal need a minimum of 6.5 to be available to the plants..while nitro is available in a much wider spectrum of ph levels.

The advise seemed totally wrong..thank you 420 for being the most informed site out there...!!!!!!

Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

Nice vid, now I see what your problem is. Your ground isn't level, and the pots are halfway down in the little cubby hole there. That is going to make it harder to train your ladies as the screen is lower than it would be if the plants were all on even ground (if that makes sense)?

I have the 10" or so for the pot and 11" for the screen so a total of 21" of space to work with underneath the screen. It makes sense now why you want to flip your screen up to be able to train, there's not a whole lot of space in there!
Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

Nice vid, now I see what your problem is. Your ground isn't level, and the pots are halfway down in the little cubby hole there. That is going to make it harder to train your ladies as the screen is lower than it would be if the plants were all on even ground (if that makes sense)?

I have the 10" or so for the pot and 11" for the screen so a total of 21" of space to work with underneath the screen. It makes sense now why you want to flip your screen up to be able to train, there's not a whole lot of space in there!

Oh gotcha..I don't have much room but it is workable. That's why I was thinking LST would be a better option for me as it would accomplish the same thing. The only thing is that with smart pots...lst is not as easy as it would be if I had pots with firmer hempy buckets. (or air pots)

Good decisions coming out of this for my next grow though...I'm going to nail the next grow...SO!

Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

Oh gotcha..I don't have much room but it is workable. That's why I was thinking LST would be a better option for me as it would accomplish the same thing. The only thing is that with smart pots...lst is not as easy as it would be if I had pots with firmer hempy buckets. (or air pots)

Good decisions coming out of this for my next grow though...I'm going to nail the next grow...SO!


Hey you can still nail this one! Doing a mighty fine job for a first grow IMO.
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