Stealth - Soil - HID - Smart Pot - SCROG - GDP - First Grow

Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

i wish my first 3 bushed like yours are...i think i might have luck with my smaller 3 because they are already startin to bush really we'll see what happens..i kinda jus wanna get rid of 2 of the older ones and see what happens with the younder 3 but i believe all 3 older ones are females soo i cant get rid of them that would be stupid..i dont know we'll see..
Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

I have some input.

First, have you thought of adding Kelp powder to the water when flushing? Look into it use about 1 gram per gallon.

You could ph balance and save on fert in bloom with a proper kelp flush.

I would say your pots are larger for stealth so make sure they drain good for flushing.

Flush with approx 3X total pot volume.
Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

Hey Gf as I was just looking at this thread Cannabis Plant and Pest Problem Solver - Pictorial

I came across Iron def and it looks a lot like those strange white leaves you have. Just thought I'd give throw it out there encase you hadn't seen it yet.

Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

Hey Gf as I was just looking at this thread Cannabis Plant and Pest Problem Solver - Pictorial

I came across Iron def and it looks a lot like those strange white leaves you have. Just thought I'd give throw it out there encase you hadn't seen it yet.


I totally agree about the def, yet I don't think the primary cause is lack of nutes. Instead I think a nice kelp based flush, "ph reorganization" is in order. I bet is is lack of P-K uptake that has now cut iron. + there is a reason
that solutions like Dr. iron are black liquids, the kelp will be cheap.

Part of the reason I use smaller pots in stealth soil grows is you can fix most problems by upgrading to larger pots with new soils.
Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

I have some input.

First, have you thought of adding Kelp powder to the water when flushing? Look into it use about 1 gram per gallon.

You could ph balance and save on fert in bloom with a proper kelp flush.

I would say your pots are larger for stealth so make sure they drain good for flushing.

Flush with approx 3X total pot volume.

3x the pot volume is 9 gallons of water..that seems like a lot of water..

Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

Hey Gf as I was just looking at this thread Cannabis Plant and Pest Problem Solver - Pictorial

I came across Iron def and it looks a lot like those strange white leaves you have. Just thought I'd give throw it out there encase you hadn't seen it yet.


That shows the deficiency in the top leaves and mine aren't in new growth but in the middle leaves. That too and if my ph has been low which I suspect it is then the fe wouldn't have any problem with being absorbed by the plants.

I think it's far more likely ph, ca or mg. We'll see though.

So flushing is 3x the volume of the pot?? Really? 9 gallons of water?? Seems like I'd kill the plants with that much water??


I'm going to top dress with dolomite lime and flush...
Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

The tissue between the veins becomes pale or white, kind of mimics the magnesium deficiency, but not yellow, iron has the white where the yellow would be on the magnesium deficiency. The deficiency starts with the lower and middle leaves..


Ya I saw the thing about new growth and yours does not seem to have that issue. Those other leaves look exact though.

Perhaps you 'had' an iron deficiency and it is all good now. Have you noticed it getting any worse? I doubt the old leaves will recover so the new growth is what is important.
Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow


Ya I saw the thing about new growth and yours does not seem to have that issue. Those other leaves look exact though.

Perhaps you 'had' an iron deficiency and it is all good now. Have you noticed it getting any worse? I doubt the old leaves will recover so the new growth is what is important.

It's not getting worse but the affected leaves are really changing back to normal growth..

I'm not really concerned about the deficiency at this's more of a nuisance than a real problem.

McCrackin suggested a flush and I much water should I shoot for in a soil flush??

Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

It's not getting worse but the affected leaves are really changing back to normal growth..

I'm not really concerned about the deficiency at this's more of a nuisance than a real problem.

McCrackin suggested a flush and I much water should I shoot for in a soil flush??


I believe the amount he suggested is correct. 2-3x pot size.
Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

I believe the amount he suggested is correct. 2-3x pot size.

OMGoodness...that seems like so much water dude!!! That is fucking scary as hell...won't kill them with 6 to 9 gallons of water per plant???

Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

OMGoodness...that seems like so much water dude!!! That is fucking scary as hell...won't kill them with 6 to 9 gallons of water per plant???


Haha, no you should be fine. In fact, there is a grower on another site that flushes every time he waters. Calls it "make it rain". He has explosive growth so seems to work well for him, just must be a huge pain in the ass.
Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

Haha, no you should be fine. In fact, there is a grower on another site that flushes every time he waters. Calls it "make it rain". He has explosive growth so seems to work well for him, just must be a huge pain in the ass.

Ok you guys...flushing it is..tomorrow is my normal watering so I guess I'll flush many gallons apiece tomorrow...

If I kill my plants I'll be hunting you guys down!! LOL :)

Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

IMHO You cannot over water the girls as long as the water is removed. It is similar colonoscopy, you get to flush out the crap and start with a balance PH. All good.
Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

Hello Giants fan your friend from TheGrowBiz here. After seeing your pics and speaking with you the other day and reading your last few pages of posts I though I could make some suggestions. First your plants seem to be showing some signs of a PH lockout so I would def suggest a full flush of the medium. Flushing with water 2x to 3x times the volume of soil/ medium your growing in isnt too much your trying to get all the built up salts and toxins out and that is a sure way to do it, then water with a light ph balanced half dose of nutrients. Its not the amount of water you put in a pot but the frequency of the water that can hurt the plant. As long as you allow full wet dry cycles in between watering (soil only) your plant will be fine its the sitting in wet soil for extended periods of time without letting them dry out between waterings that basically suffocate the roots that will drown them. Second to help prevent a future ph or salt build up problems be sure when you water in the future to allow run off every time you water if you dont the old fertilizer salts from previous waterings will build up in your medium. Also I believe you told me you were using the full techniflora line of nutrients which is basically very inorganic and geared more towards hydroponic growers and truth be told there is no fertilizer line on the face of the earth where you need 6 or 8 different bottles to grow with and when you go by their fertilizer charts and using that many products you are very prone to getting problems like this they are merely up selling you on all their products that you dont really need you can achieve great results with just 1, 2 or 3 part fertilizer regimens. And when I figure out how to upload pic on here Ill show you a pic of a plant warrior pot in use that I turned one of my other customers onto.
Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

Hello Giants fan your friend from TheGrowBiz here. After seeing your pics and speaking with you the other day and reading your last few pages of posts I though I could make some suggestions. First your plants seem to be showing some signs of a PH lockout so I would def suggest a full flush of the medium. Flushing with water 2x to 3x times the volume of soil/ medium your growing in isnt too much your trying to get all the built up salts and toxins out and that is a sure way to do it, then water with a light ph balanced half dose of nutrients. Its not the amount of water you put in a pot but the frequency of the water that can hurt the plant. As long as you allow full wet dry cycles in between watering (soil only) your plant will be fine its the sitting in wet soil for extended periods of time without letting them dry out between waterings that basically suffocate the roots that will drown them. Second to help prevent a future ph or salt build up problems be sure when you water in the future to allow run off every time you water if you dont the old fertilizer salts from previous waterings will build up in your medium. Also I believe you told me you were using the full techniflora line of nutrients which is basically very inorganic and geared more towards hydroponic growers and truth be told there is no fertilizer line on the face of the earth where you need 6 or 8 different bottles to grow with and when you go by their fertilizer charts and using that many products you are very prone to getting problems like this they are merely up selling you on all their products that you dont really need you can achieve great results with just 1, 2 or 3 part fertilizer regimens. And when I figure out how to upload pic on here Ill show you a pic of a plant warrior pot in use that I turned one of my other customers onto.

Jakeman!!! Thanks so much for the advice both here and at the store. I'm a customer!!

Guys - if you live in the Sacramento region, you've GOT to check out the new hydro store in Rocklin - the grow biz. Huge and they have EVERYTHING I bought online..something like 6000 square feet of floor space!! And as you can see from this post, a very informed and helpful staff!!

Thanks Jakeman!!

Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

Guys - if you live in the Sacramento region, you've GOT to check out the new hydro store in Rocklin - the grow biz. Huge and they have EVERYTHING I bought online..something like 6000 square feet of floor space!!

Sounds great.

Ok you guys...flushing it is..tomorrow is my normal watering so I guess I'll flush many gallons apiece tomorrow...

If I kill my plants I'll be hunting you guys down!! LOL

Just make sure you planting pots drain. Pour and fill, drain...
The reason I suggested the kelp powder additive to the water you are going to use is that it sounds like the current situation could use the buffer for PH. I have noticed that adding kelp to planting pots in a light (minimal) dosage, on the tail end of a flush, has left the plants," in a very nice position for 12/12. This will buffer the cold int he dark period, heat from the HPS, and also regulate the ph as you add bloom nutes.

It will also help work out the mg/fe problem you are having without additional stuff.

Please just keep in mind, kelp's ratio is 1-1-5 or something like this, so you will not want to continually add x-x-X nutes on a pattern that would toxify the K range of (N-P-K).

Do the flush and add no nutes whatsoever for another 2 weeks. simply add balanced water. (remember you will probably not water after a flush for at least 3 days as the soil will be wet)

Then in 2 weeks after you have gone into 12/12 your plant will be showing nicely, then use low doses of nutes (less than 1tsp per gallon) every other watering. The soil should be drying out regularly by this point as your plant sucks up water at a surprising rate.

Then you can start adding ferts at an increased rate 1.1 tsp, 1.2 tsp, 1.3 tsp but never go over approx 1.7 tsp per gallon (this value is calculated on your ppm).

In about 5 weeks into it, you would be able to add 1.7 tsp per gallon of bloom fert and the plant can dry out and not burn. week 6 you can flush (kelp???? maybe.) and then water out for weeks 7,8, and into 9.... bahm cutting curiing, smoking. lol

Hope this helps, you don't have to do it exactly, but this is what I would do to your plants. Good luck and make sure you are having fun.
Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow you're the bomb!!

Day 37

Short update..flushed this morning with 6+ gallons each, except for the hempy, and my plants seem fine.

I'll update with pics is screaming at me to pay attention to it so I've got to run...BBL



Dorothy looking good!


The newbie is going to get flipped to 12/12 too...


Baby le Bush...what can I say...she's a stunner!! Hips, boobs...mmmmmmm!..


Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

Day 38

Business as usual behind the green door. No stress after flushing, it all looks good.

The newbie is stressed a little but it doesn't surprise me..I put that poor thing in there without giving it much thought to what I was doing...more of an experiment than anything else.

Both of the larger plants are growing against the screen. For them it's really just about bending and not so much about weaving the plants into the screen.

This strain, from what I can see at this point, is probably more suited to lst than to scrog..but what the hell. We'll see what happens when we flip!


Dorothy the Runt...bushing out..


Baby le Bush...yep, yep


My poor abused newbie...surprised she is still hanging on..


Green screen pics..


That's today's update...thanks for your comments thus far. Flipping to 12/12 in t-minus 9 days.

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