Stealth - Soil - HID - Smart Pot - SCROG - GDP - First Grow

Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

Day 41

Watering day..I ran about a gallon through all three plants, full nutes. I ph'd the runoff and it is exactly where it should be.

I left my odor exhaust system on all night and temps got down to 55 degrees. Plants look ok but I was concerned. First time it's been that low.

The soil plants are at about 6.8 and the hempy bucket is 6.2. That's good to know..they look healthy.

6 days til I flip them over into flower. Next grow, more plants, shorter veg time and more buds.


Dorothy is getting to big for the camera. I've been taking these on my blackberry and they've been good. They are both bushing like crazy. Probably the light??


The newbie has shown pre flowers so there won't be any danger of flipping her over into flower...nice to know.


The baby of bushes...if these plants double in size during flower, I think I'll need a bigger box!


Don't know if the scrog is the way to go considering the configuration of the box....just don't know if I'm going to get the full benefit of it. One thing is for sure, it's either that or lst to keep height down. Got to..


Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

Day 42

So I've been going over some of the other grow journals and it's clear this has been a relatively trouble free grow. Aside from a small ph problem, I've had no problems at all.

I also so a guy who got 1.39 oz from a pc box with 23 watts (bastard!) so I'm hopeful I'll get at least that from this grow..maybe more. Those were incredible results..

That said, I will change it up next grow. Jakeman from my local grow store says he grows with coco and perlite but I don't know if I wanna fuck with something new when I've done so well with what I have. Sure it's been a bit slower but I'm a personal not commercial grower so I don't really care about the time.

I will go with his buckets though, no scrog and will lst to control height. Gonna reduce the size of the buckets by a gallon, add two more, veg less and rock on! No Light Warrior this time...just FFOF with perlite 4 to 1.


The bush!! Looking great.


Dorothy is also officially no longer a runt. Just another bushy bitch in my box!


The newbie with new growth made it to the screen.


Family picture!


I'm grateful for the boring grow. Hasn't taken up too much of my time, yet, and it's been fun.

5 days to 12/12..then the fun begins! (I hope!)

Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

Looks like Dorothy has click her heels into high gear. SCROG'ing with indica's is a personal call, a must with sativa's. My girls are at least a foot over the scrog and still growing. I may have to build a scrog to support the cola's. This will be tricky since I use a light mover.
Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

Looks like Dorothy has click her heels into high gear. SCROG'ing with indica's is a personal call, a must with sativa's. My girls are at least a foot over the scrog and still growing. I may have to build a scrog to support the cola's. This will be tricky since I use a light mover.

I think next grow I'm going Purple Trash, which is what the newbie is. Sativa/Indica mix.

But that depends on yield on this grow. If the yield is 2 oz or more..I might just stay with GDP course it also depends on what's available. This strain has been very easy to grow.

Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

Day 43

The thing about setting up your box correctly the first time is so important! It's enabled me to just put my plants in the pots and watch magic happen. It was through research on this site that I learned how to do it in the first place and for that I've got all of you to thank.

As a result, my first grow is going very, very well. I have no complaints. It's as I envisioned it to this point. On March 1, I'll enter into a new phase which will bring with it a new set of challenges but, with the help of this board, I'll get through those too to a nice yield until my next grow.

With that..I've got the "donut" to report! I may have waited too long to flip to 12/12 based on what I'm seeing.

The weather here is going to get cold, for California, and I put a small ceramic heater in the garage that did the job nicely last night. Woke up just before lights on and the temp in the box was 66. Perfect.

I have toyed with the thought of switching up the lights on/off to lights on at night but I don't want to mess with it now that I know the little heater works. It's setup right now to be like a normal day.

Going to do another flush before I flip to 12/12 and change nutes to the flowering nutes..seems like the right thing to do now that I'm comfortable with pouring 100 gallons of water through my plants :).


Dorothy, baby, rockin the box..shaking her money maker!!


Baby Le Bush putting on her best "I vant to be alone" persona...she's been good since the beginning so why try?


The newbie is sensing something is changing...growing like mad..for the newbie!


Family portrait!!


"Thank you, thank you, thank your very much." - Elvis Presley

Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

Man, I'm stoked for you right now! :slide::slide::slide:

Can't wait to see the girls show their nugs... man, that sounds kinda sick.

Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

I use the heat from my lamps, CO2, and dehumidifer to heat my room at night. I may have to add additional heat since we have very cold weather in the future. I hope I do not lose power during the night time. :(
Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

Looking good, GF! Glad to hear the flush helped!

Despite my initial fear in doing it, I must say it did help a lot. Doing it again on Monday before I flip.

Man, I'm stoked for you right now! :slide::slide::slide:

Can't wait to see the girls show their nugs... man, that sounds kinda sick.


These babies are going to be solid buds. I hope the yield is tasty and potent enough. I'm stoked for me too!! Your grow is going much better, you sound much less "all over the place" in your journal...awesome for you!!

I use the heat from my lamps, CO2, and dehumidifer to heat my room at night. I may have to add additional heat since we have very cold weather in the future. I hope I do not lose power during the night time. :(

I ended up putting a ceramic heater in my garage. Works great. Losing power would SUCK! Hope you didn't. This morning was pretty woolly!!

This is one of my favorite Journals right now. Good Job.

Thanks McCrackin!! Your advice has been much appreciated!

Day 44

I've been sick as hell over the last 24 hours. Feeling better now thank gawd. I think it was food poisoning from some bad fish I ate.

The girls are going nuts...if the stretch is more productive than this..I DEFINITELY vegged too long.

Not much to report...the newbie decided to explode and is now above the screen. I'll let her do what she wants to do..



It's getting solid in there. By the end of the next 8 weeks it will be a freakin jungle! YES!!

My overall yield may well exceed expectations.

Honestly, the screen here is more just to keep the plants from going too nutz height wise. It's not an actual scrog from what I've been reading. During flower, I know I'll be training more but due to the strain inherent height restriction it isn't working to do a true scrog thus far. I'm going to have to modify my watering procedure if the plants get screen bound during flower. I have a plan for that so it's all good.

Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

Day 45

Seems like everyday these plants explode. It's crazy. I'm either flipping at the right time or I waited too long. Either way, I'm beginning to think I'm going to be thrilled with the result.

I've been reading up a lot on flowering and trying to see if there is anything I'm missing or need to know..seems like it's all straight forward so...onward!!

I'm flipping over on Monday. I've decided to go with the hps straight a way as I just don't think, although I don't know, that this strain is going to get stretchy. Maybe the newbie will as it's part sativa but you know, the newbie could use a little stretch.

I don't know how much she'll produce. The competition for space in there is rather stiff at the moment!

I'm also going to flush on Monday with the final water being the flowering nutes. I'm excited about this phase. It will test my patience and the odor control system!


Dorothy...busting out all over.


The newbie is above the screen and growing very well. There is some nute burn there but in this case, I'm not too worried about it. She is an experiment.


Baby Le! is all I can say.




I have been a little concerned about the lights off rh which tends to rise from lights on. It's been in the mid 80's which is a concern. I've read prairie poet puts something to take away the moisture. I'm hoping that ventilation will do the trick as I'll have plenty of that.

Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

Your entering the best time of the grow when the ladies start to blossom and fill out. I am two weeks into flower and the aroma is starting to develope. Gook luck.
Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

lol i see u got an experiment too, hopefully yours ends up how u planned, mines is makin me happier everyday.... other then that ur girls are lookin beautiful!!! is there a way u can lower ur screen to make it a scrog or do u now wanna do that anymore??? overall everything is lookin good, cant wait to see the end result, and specially if u do plan on scrogin it...... :tokin:
Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

lol i see u got an experiment too, hopefully yours ends up how u planned, mines is makin me happier everyday.... other then that ur girls are lookin beautiful!!! is there a way u can lower ur screen to make it a scrog or do u now wanna do that anymore??? overall everything is lookin good, cant wait to see the end result, and specially if u do plan on scrogin it...... :tokin:

Well, I haven't gone 12/12 yet so I think when I do, on Monday, there will be a lot more to scrog. The are really filling in right now.

This is more like a screen lst job than a true scrog. My next grow will be in hard sided pots so lst will be a lot easier than with soft sided pots like I'm working with here.

I'm still learning and the plants are healthy. That's all that really matters to me on this grow.

Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

yea and as bushy as they are them things are gonna be covered in buds, i wish mines were as bushy as yours are, i dont got shit on mines, but im still learning so like they say practice makes perfect and shit i cant wait to be perfect at this. :tokin:
Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

yea and as bushy as they are them things are gonna be covered in buds, i wish mines were as bushy as yours are, i dont got shit on mines, but im still learning so like they say practice makes perfect and shit i cant wait to be perfect at this. :tokin:

I guess that's strain dependent. Frankly, I'm a bit amazed at how bushy they are. They're both going to be one solid 1lb bud! (In my dreams!)

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