Stealth - Soil - HID - Smart Pot - SCROG - GDP - First Grow

Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

Cut all the mold out immediately. I run the fan non-stop all the time. Looks like your girls are going to need a trim. Maybe- doughnut???? lol

You won't have any trouble because your plants are going into a different light phase. In fact if you trim them back hard, the only thing that will happen is that they will shoot out leaves in the stretch.

You should clear this up before the dark cycle gets 12 hours long. I suggest you spray for mites and mold now spray your plants down hard, soil drench for bugs, clean out your grow-box, vacuum, bleach sponge the walls and floor, then you can go into the 12 with everything set up again right.... minimize headaches because in 4 weeks you can't do anything about bugs unless you want to sponge down each individual fan leaf, otherwise you get chems on the goods.

BTW, this journal is rocking.

Hey GF, I keep 2 fans on 24/7. I water (automatic) when the light first comes on which will give the top layer a chance to dry out before lights out. When you foliar spray, due it early so the leafs have a chance to dry. I also run my dehumidifier 24/7 when needed.

My issue was that I wasn't running the fan 24/7..only when the lights were on. It was connected to the timer for the light. I've now changed that, added another fan, thank gawd I had that, and both are on 24/7.

Additionally, now that I'm in flower, I'll have an exhaust fan on 24/7 for odor control. That should also help.

Wet weather coming this week...I hope I can control this...I'm also building a desiccant out of silica crystals today and placing that in the box. I hope that helps as well.

There was just the slightest bit, almost not visible, on one or two of the leaves. I could barely see it and honestly, I'm not sure it was mold. I need to look at some pics...

Update coming..

Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

Day 47 - End transition to Flower

Well, I'm not sure but I think I had some mold on one of my plants. Just a touch but I wasn't running my box fans 24/7. The humidity during lights on is roughly 45% but lights off it climbed all the way up into the 80's. Sux!!

I've taken one fan off the timer, added another so that I've got a cross breeze in the box and they will both be on 24/7 along with the odor control fan.

Hopefully that will keep the rh down.

Flushed today and took the girls out of the box. I flushed only with 4 gallons each, except for the hempy, then watered with 1/2 a gallon of full nutes for flowering and changed over to my hps light. And boy is that red!

Shouldn't need to water again for a few days. I've decided to stop bending and start weaving the branches into the screen and let them just go where they want with some but minimal guidance.






Baby Le Bush!!




That's it for now!!

Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

Two of the girls look like twins, can't tell which one was Dorothy in the group shot. Hey it's Monday, don't you work?:peacetwo:
Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

Two of the girls look like twins, can't tell which one was Dorothy in the group shot. Hey it's Monday, don't you work?:peacetwo:

They are much different anymore...Dorothy has become the slut that Baby has always been! (Gawd bless her!)

I do! Worked this weekend and some today. I've got my own business..I'm slow right now so I've got a little time to spend tending to my plants..

You're retired right??

Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

Too bad 420 points aren't worth actual $$$. You have quite a little nest egg growing my friend.


Careful when you switch those lights off... those little wild girls you have might attack ya!
Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

I retired a couple of weeks after my 58th, planning for 40 years and a great pension. Congratulations on your journal, probably top 10% of visited journals.:goodjob:
Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

Too bad 420 points aren't worth actual $$$. You have quite a little nest egg growing my friend.


Careful when you switch those lights off... those little wild girls you have might attack ya!

No shit! The light spectrum is SO different..wild. I've got one light trap to make and I'm done. Already have everything ready to go, timers switched...starts tonight. Wooohoooo!!!

I retired a couple of weeks after my 58th, planning for 40 years and a great pension. Congratulations on your journal, probably top 10% of visited journals.:goodjob:

Really? Top 10%?? How do you figure that? I gues the majority of the posts and visits are my own though!! LOL

Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

If you go to the grow journals in progress, you can see how many replies and views, alot of grower are keeping up with your grow so don't disappoint us:hookah:
Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

If you go to the grow journals in progress, you can see how many replies and views, alot of grower are keeping up with your grow so don't disappoint us:hookah:

They are?? I didn't realize that..I guess I'm just posting everyday and hoping for the best.

I hope the fans and exhaust fan work for this rh problem. I need to research mold..

Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

Namaste GF24,
Yes, I agree with the others, your journal is quite good, and I will be watching to the successful conclusion:goodjob:

I recently also aquired some GDP and Kush clones, so I am about 6 weeks behind you with similar plants in my 1st indoor grow in a few years.
However, a decade or two ago I did grow a few Indica/Afgan/Skunk plants and they are definately bushes. Outdoors they were 5ft tall and 5ft wide. With topping.

I have never grown a scrog or in a cabinet with height restrictions like yours, so take my opinion FWIW.....
Having said that, I'd trim out some of the under brush, lower leaves and even a small branch or 2, get a couple of inches clear to make sure you get some airflow under there.
just another old gardener
Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

Namaste GF24,
Yes, I agree with the others, your journal is quite good, and I will be watching to the successful conclusion:goodjob:

I recently also aquired some GDP and Kush clones, so I am about 6 weeks behind you with similar plants in my 1st indoor grow in a few years.
However, a decade or two ago I did grow a few Indica/Afgan/Skunk plants and they are definately bushes. Outdoors they were 5ft tall and 5ft wide. With topping.

I have never grown a scrog or in a cabinet with height restrictions like yours, so take my opinion FWIW.....
Having said that, I'd trim out some of the under brush, lower leaves and even a small branch or 2, get a couple of inches clear to make sure you get some airflow under there.
just another old gardener

Greetings and salutations of respect to you OG...:Namaste: :Namaste: Welcome to my grow..please make yourself at home and express your thoughts freely.

That seems to be the consensus...some trimming, some organic fungicide...I'm on it and thank you for your kind words and advice...

Well boys....the scrog is gone...can't work with it in the box. If I'm going to maintain the plants like they need to be tended to...I can't do it with the scrog.

I just don't have enough room underneath to do whats I gots ta do!! I pulled that little cutie out of there and tied down Dorothy and Baby Le Bush around the main stem to the edge of the bag with bankers clips and green tie down stuff... (the technical term for it I'm sure!)

Update in the morn.....night all!!

Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

SCROG's can be a pain in the ass, but luckly there are other options.

It needs to be reconfigured. I need to raise it up to make it work. I think the way the box is..lst is the way to go..

Flower will be busy and I need access all the way around. Just spraying for mold was looking to be a pain in the ass..

Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

I have my platform 8" above the floor so it drain automaticly. So my screen is 3' off the floor. I have access, under the screen, to the back of the scrog (one sided access) but a pain.
Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

I have my platform 8" above the floor so it drain automaticly. So my screen is 3' off the floor. I have access, under the screen, to the back of the scrog (one sided access) but a pain.

I wish I had that kind of space..I only had 11" from the base to the top of the screen. With as bushy as the plants are right now..I had virtually no space. Couldn't even get my hand to the back of the box..

Day 48 - Day 1 of Flower

I got rid of the scrog...makes things way easier. I haven't had time to prune or spray yet although I did do a thorough check of the plants this morning and I don't see any sign of mildew. I'm still going to spray as soon as I can..probably later on today.

All plants have been tied down and I'm having to adjust them already. I'll need additional tie downs shortly I can tell.

Is it possible I'll get an ounce of buds per plant here??

Pics! From left to right....

Dorothy....the training bra is off boys and she's fitting into a full c


The newbie had to be restrained this morning. She's getting taller than everyone else in the box.


Baby Le Bush is also sporting a full c cup...


Only after one 12/12 I'm seeing a small degree of stretch...this could get ugly fast folks...I'm going to have to tie these ladies down but good.

I couldn't tell what the RH was overnight. The gauge I have hasn't reset itself just yet. I'll check it this afternoon to see if there was any change in the overnight I hope so!

Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

Good to see the girls moving up and out.

I think I'm naming my girls the "Olsen Twins". They don't like to eat, are skinny as hell, and look like they just got out of rehab :)

Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

IMHO you should easily get an Oz. from each of the twins. Normally the goal is 1 gram per watt of light. I did not meet that figure last grow. I think I will this grow, with the addition of a light mover/ CO2/OC+ on this grow.
Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

Good to see the girls moving up and out.

I think I'm naming my girls the "Olsen Twins". They don't like to eat, are skinny as hell, and look like they just got out of rehab :)


Dude I read this while I was driving and almost wrecked my car!! Awesome!!

IMHO you should easily get an Oz. from each of the twins. Normally the goal is 1 gram per watt of light. I did not meet that figure last grow. I think I will this grow, with the addition of a light mover/ CO2/OC+ on this grow.

An oz per watt?? That's like almost 9 ounces! I don't think there is anyway I'll get that much...I'd be happy with 1 ounce of good buds. Or is that leaf and bud??

The plants are really going nutz..

Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

Yup, that's the one. It's a pretty common sense book although it's not up to date with all of the new stuff but it's got some very handy tips and tech info I live on.

The micro pruning shears aren't that expensive and get a good pair'll thank me later......promise!



yea that books good shit, thats what made me grow!!!! and their called micro pruning shears, ok good shit thanks...:tokin:
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