Stealth - Soil - HID - Smart Pot - SCROG - GDP - First Grow

Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

Nope..white as hell but dig it...just honor the place in you that dwells in me also...namaste


thats whats up, never hurts to know about the world we live in!!! i'll talk to u later computer gonna die, good talkin with ya though... we'll chat more later though....have a good one...:tokin:
Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

What's up GF,

I just stopped and skimmed through your Journal here real quick. Your ladies look quite nice and ready to flower. If my memory serves me correctly you said they were Indica correct. Indica's are smaller bushier plants and don't get as tall as Sativa's. Me personally I would remove the screen and let those ladies do what they do. That's just me and I mean No disrespect, so please don't take it that way.

:goodjob: & :goodluck:

I'm subscribed and can't wait to see these grils flower!!
Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

What's up GF,

I just stopped and skimmed through your Journal here real quick. Your ladies look quite nice and ready to flower. If my memory serves me correctly you said they were Indica correct. Indica's are smaller bushier plants and don't get as tall as Sativa's. Me personally I would remove the screen and let those ladies do what they do. That's just me and I mean No disrespect, so please don't take it that way.

:goodjob: & :goodluck:

I'm subscribed and can't wait to see these grils flower!!

No disrespect taken at all...the older I get the less I get offended.. :Namaste:

I've actually considered that. I think though that I might run into height problems..

But you know what I was just thinking...if I just tied down the main stalk where it's bent to now, I'd probably be alright. I could just attach it to the side of the bag underneath and it would probably suffice to keep my height under control.

I just might do that. Thanks for the comment, welcome to my journal and we'll see in tomorrows update which direction I've gone with it...

Day 46 - Last day of veg

These plants are looking incredible. I must say to this point, they have exceeded my expectations and made me think I can actually grow some good meds. (that sounds so funny to me!!)

I'm changing the light out tomorrow morning, switching to 12/12 first thing tomorrow morning.

I'll be using a 250w Hortilux Eye HPS bulb, 2100K for the duration instead of going with the 4000K mh to reduce the stretch.

As my new friend Light mentioned above, I may also remove the screen and tie down all plants as they are bent over now and attach the tie down to the side of the bag. They are already trained that far so why not?

I think Light has a point, the plants are inherently squat anyway and I do have a little more room upward than where the light is at this point. Bent over like they are (I love my girls bent over by the way!! :smokin:) should suffice in keeping them as height restricted as I'll need while providing me with the space to maintain them comfortably.


Dorothy...what else is there to say? I think I discovered why she stunted initially. I removed a leaf that I didn't cut but peeled away from the stalk. That sent her into repair mode and she stopped growing vertically. I may have remembered that from before but I "don't recall". ;)


The newbie is growing very fast. She is reacting to everything I do to her very quickly. I bent her under the screen yesterday and her nodes got bigger overnight. Astounding.


Baby le Bush....she is going gangbusters...freakin nodes everywhere.


Installing one more light trap and one more carbon filter for the primary box exhaust tomorrow. Ready to fire up the ona bucket on the first sign of a smell.

Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

Hey GF24, IMHO a scrog may still be the way to go. With my little ladies I put them on pots to lift them to the scrog. I flatten the plant under the scrog and spread the stem out. They will look funny, but the leaves will turn and face the light quickly. With indica's, my worry is PM and by spreading their legs open, more airflow. This will also expose more light to the bud sites.
Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

Its gonna be great to watch these do their thing. I like the screen you have going. The reason is the stretch can take the compact bush and turn it into a mop-top-fro of stems that won't hold their own weight as buds form.

At least with the screen, you will have some support for them.

Tie-it-down.? YES PLEASE. A little LST will open up the light to areas generally blocked.
Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

Hey GF24, IMHO a scrog may still be the way to go. With my little ladies I put them on pots to lift them to the scrog. I flatten the plant under the scrog and spread the stem out. They will look funny, but the leaves will turn and face the light quickly. With indica's, my worry is PM and by spreading their legs open, more airflow. This will also expose more light to the bud sites.

Boy you sure have me concerned about the mold issue. What's your rh generally run up there in P'ville?

Its gonna be great to watch these do their thing. I like the screen you have going. The reason is the stretch can take the compact bush and turn it into a mop-top-fro of stems that won't hold their own weight as buds form.

At least with the screen, you will have some support for them.

Tie-it-down.? YES PLEASE. A little LST will open up the light to areas generally blocked.

That is a good case for keeping the screen. I do see a lot of bud sites on both of these for the branches might be a critical element.

Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

u know what i peel leafs off all the time and never had a problem, matter affact thats pretty much the only way i do it. im still tryna get a scalple or however u spell it, cause i always worry that im gonna slip with a knife and end up cuttin off more then what i planned... but maybe next grow i do it different since ur sayin it may cause problems and just use a small blade... i should have learned from my first grow, i peeled one off when it was in flower and was close to bein done and i ended up breakin the branch in half in half, it didn't mess the plant up or nothin but i ripped the damn branch off ... but yea from hear on out im gonna do it with a razor... :tokin:
Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

u know what i peel leafs off all the time and never had a problem, matter affact thats pretty much the only way i do it. im still tryna get a scalple or however u spell it, cause i always worry that im gonna slip with a knife and end up cuttin off more then what i planned... but maybe next grow i do it different since ur sayin it may cause problems and just use a small blade... i should have learned from my first grow, i peeled one off when it was in flower and was close to bein done and i ended up breakin the branch in half in half, it didn't mess the plant up or nothin but i ripped the damn branch off ... but yea from hear on out im gonna do it with a razor... :tokin:

You can get a pair of trimming shears pretty cheaply at home depot or lowes..or any hardware/gardening store I think.

The growers bible I have recommends cutting between the leaf and where the stem attaches to the main stalk. The remaining stem will fall off by itself over time....

Just what I've read, don't know if it's the right way or if there is a right way.

Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

do u have the J.Cervantes growing bible??? i think i might wanna try to find a pair of them little fold up scizzors, they would be perfect... and with that technique it doesn't hurt to try it right, i mean it sounds like it wont hurt the plant... :tokin:
Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

Hey GF24, it's not the outside air, its the enclosed grow room. I messed up by putting mylar over my foil covered plywood walls. Moisture started to accumulated between the two surfaces. I had the forethought of attaching the mylar with velcro (so I could remove and clean between grows) so I was able to reach over the scrog and pull it off the walls. I hope this gets my high humidity undercontrol and give my de-humidifier a rest.
Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

Hey GF24, it's not the outside air, its the enclosed grow room. I messed up by putting mylar over my foil covered plywood walls. Moisture started to accumulated between the two surfaces. I had the forethought of attaching the mylar with velcro (so I could remove and clean between grows) so I was able to reach over the scrog and pull it off the walls. I hope this gets my high humidity undercontrol and give my de-humidifier a rest.

Thanks for explaining that...what are you using for a dehumidifier?

Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

do u have the J.Cervantes growing bible??? i think i might wanna try to find a pair of them little fold up scizzors, they would be perfect... and with that technique it doesn't hurt to try it right, i mean it sounds like it wont hurt the plant... :tokin:

Yup, that's the one. It's a pretty common sense book although it's not up to date with all of the new stuff but it's got some very handy tips and tech info I live on.

The micro pruning shears aren't that expensive and get a good pair'll thank me later......promise!


Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

Yup, that's the one. It's a pretty common sense book although it's not up to date with all of the new stuff but it's got some very handy tips and tech info I live on.

The micro pruning shears aren't that expensive and get a good pair'll thank me later......promise!



Get a pair of Fiskers, I like the one with the curve tip, better when trimming buds (around $10-$12), can get at HD or Hydro shops.
Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

gf24, a store bought 45 pint unit.

Dehumidifier? Dude...I'm flushing right now and just saw the tiniest bit of mold on some lower leaves.

I bought some silica to take some of the humidity out of the air but I also don't have fans on inside the box with lights off...

Do you think that will help to lower humidity?? FUCK!!

Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

Cut all the mold out immediately. I run the fan non-stop all the time. Looks like your girls are going to need a trim. Maybe- doughnut???? lol

You won't have any trouble because your plants are going into a different light phase. In fact if you trim them back hard, the only thing that will happen is that they will shoot out leaves in the stretch.

You should clear this up before the dark cycle gets 12 hours long. I suggest you spray for mites and mold now spray your plants down hard, soil drench for bugs, clean out your grow-box, vacuum, bleach sponge the walls and floor, then you can go into the 12 with everything set up again right.... minimize headaches because in 4 weeks you can't do anything about bugs unless you want to sponge down each individual fan leaf, otherwise you get chems on the goods.

BTW, this journal is rocking.
Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

Hey GF, I keep 2 fans on 24/7. I water (automatic) when the light first comes on which will give the top layer a chance to dry out before lights out. When you foliar spray, due it early so the leafs have a chance to dry. I also run my dehumidifier 24/7 when needed.
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