Stealth - Soil - HID - Smart Pot - SCROG - GDP - First Grow

Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

Still on board, the ladies are looking good. Did you gegt snow today, in SS we got about an inch.
Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

Look at those side chutes. I am impressed by the bush. (lol)

In 8 days (wait as long as you can after this flush) you will have a perfect opportunity to take a clone or two. :smokin:

without watering the little one, hopefully we see some vigor in her in a day or two.

The bushes look like they liked the flush.

And as always, I am sending you positive green vibes.
Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

Look at those side chutes. I am impressed by the bush. (lol)

In 8 days (wait as long as you can after this flush) you will have a perfect opportunity to take a clone or two. :smokin:

without watering the little one, hopefully we see some vigor in her in a day or two.

The bushes look like they liked the flush.

And as always, I am sending you positive green vibes.

Thanks bro!! I think they did like the flush...the side shoots are very vigorous. No clones from this one..this will be my last grow of the season due to box location. Next fall I'll have a veg cab and this will be my flower cab..I'll be ready for clones then and get in two grows in the fall starting hopefully October 1st depending on weather.


I'm wondering how much smoke these plants will produce when it's all said and done...any thoughts??
Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

Nope no snow for us...being in the flatlands we don't get much of the white stuff!! :)

Welcome Smokey!!


I lived there for 28 years and had snow maybe 4 times., I am scheduled for a flush next week, since I mix my water 60 gallons at a time (good for 1 week).
Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

Day 39

8 days til I flip into 12/12. The newbie is looking scrawny...I'm afraid I fucked up my hempy experiment....oh and learn..

Now if I only knew what I learned!!

The other girls are looking stupendous after the flush. Both are responding well to the "lstreen". Not getting wrapped up in the screen yet but I'm sure after flipping they will both take off.

If I got an ounce from this I'd be happy. We'll see..


The newbie : Tough to see her from this angle. The box temp got down to 57 last doesn't look like things went south. That's the lowest it's ever been.


I don't know if I can consider Dorothy a runt anymore. She's doing very well.


And Baby Le Bush is well, bushy!


Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

Day 40

The girls are spreading out and making themselves comfortable..just a scant 7 days til I go 12/12 and if they double in size after that, gawd help me.

The girls are getting big and spreading out. Dank stank is kicking in as well. Good thing for the carbon filter which is doing an incredible job of getting rid of the smell. It isn't strong yet but I'm still in veg!

Going for a feed tomorrow..we'll see how things go from here.


Spreading out..not filling the screen by 50% or 60% but that's ok. I'm not going to stress about it. After all it's an educational grow. The white leaves here are the underside of the leaf..not a deficiency.


The newbie will be thrust into 12/12 and hopefully she can hang with the big chicks in the mercy! :)


Baby Le Bush...spreading out all over the place. I'm bending her toward the front of the box and she's spreading out on the backside too.


Dorothy....looking fine..


My plants have been showing pre flowers for quite a while. Does that mean they'll be ready earlier or does it matter?

That's it for now!! :peace:

Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

GF, you can pretty much expect them to at least double (maybe even triple!) in size once you switch to 12/12. It will help the you have the scrog, so just be prepared to do a lot of weaving! :goodjob:
Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

I would cut out any discoloration because they are so bushy, they look good.
Your thoughts?

Wouldn't trimming leaves stress the plant? I thought about that then decided against it.

GF, you can pretty much expect them to at least double (maybe even triple!) in size once you switch to 12/12. It will help the you have the scrog, so just be prepared to do a lot of weaving! :goodjob:

Triple in that would be something to see...and I guess we will!! I was going to go mh for the first 2 weeks of flower but I don't think I will now..

Going for a little more stretch. Can't wait to flip just to see what's going to happen!! :slide:

Tripling in size would completely fill in the screen...sweet!! Maybe more than an ounce harvest!!!????

Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

Wouldn't trimming leaves stress the plant? I thought about that then decided against it.
This is probably a preference and style type question; Cutting fan leaves off would be my preference and style. I would look at it top down, and cut the fan leaves facing inward toward the plant, prune fan leaves that are blocking a node from light and leave outward facing fan leaves or ones not blocking light from lower portions.This results in a plant shape that resembles a doughnut in larger plants. Cut the center out by removing fan leaves. The plant will have to make adjustments, thus it pushes out other fan leaves during the stretch. The fan leaves that are closer to the bud sites will extend. I find this technique to really help manage a bushy plant. And it reveals the parts of the plant nearest to the production areas.
You are also heading into a 12/12 cycle which I know to have a stabilizing effect on the plants. You can burn energy in the stretch and not lose much time, if any. Also, you are going to have to trim that plant when you are done. It will be much cleaner this way. You can defend against bugs and mold and mildew by increasing airflow through your plant and removing the bulk mass of fan leaves that light-blocked the node sites from the top down light.
If you have the 7-9 week rush to get done, maybe this isn’t you style or pref.
I read a master method article where the guy trimmed off the entire set of giant fan leaves from the buds on week 9 on 12/12, just to have his plant push the smaller ones inside the bud-sites out in week 10 then he cut throughout week 11. The result being bud with almost no leaves growing near it. He did this in combination with a flushing method and with a nitrogen deficiency strategy. The product was superior grade, A+.
I like to cycle through fan leaves as I grow-on. I will cut out fan leaves during veg, just because I want to up nitrogen levels and watch the plant push out more. You can cycle out any of the different genetic problems of unfamiliar plants (bag-seed) this way. Clones from the parts of very mature plants kept in veg-state that show abnormality will result in abnormal clones. Thus if you take clones from branches have been pushed and show only single-node leaves, you can make single-fan leaf plants.
You can also get a nutritional regime that is plant specific. Plants on gradual increase of ppm using Nitrogen fert can get to regular levels that would kill any other plant if it had been dropped into the scene without the “upward training”. Resulting in clones that root out almost immediately and then seem “very hard to grow with major deficiencies,” when really the clones require more fertilizers and ppm than usual, because their mother was treated to a major diet of chemical fertilizer.

I could go on, seeing as this hobby is consuming me like "World of Warcraft" ate my friend. Regards
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