Stealth - Soil - HID - Smart Pot - SCROG - GDP - First Grow

Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

your ladies are lookin lovely, when they start to bud your gonna have alot of tiein down to do..gonna have buds and tops everywhere as bushy as she is and shit and ounce per plant!!!! i hope so, cause that will be atleast a qp!!!! but i been lookin at this one spot on my plant where pistils are comin out but then again underneath it looks like little ball on each side so im hopin and prayin its not a hermie cause its lookin good and its got pistils everywhere, so we'll see what happens.... :tokin:
Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

shit and ounce per plant!!!! i hope so, cause that will be atleast a qp!!!! but i been lookin at this one spot on my plant where pistils are comin out but then again underneath it looks like little ball on each side so im hopin and prayin its not a hermie cause its lookin good and its got pistils everywhere, so we'll see what happens.... :tokin:

Take some pics bro and post them..let's look!

Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

Take some pics bro and post them..let's look!


shit i wish i could, my camera is a peice of shit, spent all this money on it and cant even take a close up tomorrow morning it should be more noticeable, hopefully.. because it cant be fuckin up my other plants so it needs to let me know what the hells goin on so i can know if i need to get rid of her or not but i hope not because im content with what i have in my cab now, i have 4 plants with 3 different strains and 4 different techniques of growin so yea im happy with what i have so it better not be one....:tokin:
Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

I agree that you should get 1 ounce per plant for sure. Probably more. Grow looking good. Glad you have everything under control. :cheer:

I would be thrilled with an ounce per plant. Wow...

Thanks HempRocket!!


Just checked my high RH and I'm in the mid 60's!!! All of the advice worked...sweet!!

Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

I would be thrilled with an ounce per plant. Wow...

Thanks HempRocket!!


Just checked my high RH and I'm in the mid 60's!!! All of the advice worked...sweet!!


what did u end up doin??
Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

what did u end up doin??

I turned on one of the exhaust fans on 24/7 and installed to circulating fans on inside the box. They are running 24/7 as well.

It seems to have taken care of the high humidity. My highest reading was 66% last night which is good.

That's down from 84%. I need to pull both plants out and re lst them and spray for the mildew so I can keep it at bay.


Edit: I just found what looks to be an awesome little dehumidifier on ebay for 22.50...that should be a great back up to the system I have in place right now. With that I should be able to lower the humidity way down for flower and get even better results!! Sweet!!
Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

Just read through your journal. Enjoying it. Subbed. Great job. I found alot of great info in here. :Namaste: Also came across this video where this guy roots his clones under 24/7 cool light; then veg's for only 5 days 18/6; and then flowers for 8 weeks under 7 400w hps! check it out.
Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

I think you are going to be very happy with the way these babies get rolling. When they get bushy like that they tend to get a "wild mop top" type look . You are going to have a ton of great tops and the stems are going to be skinny.

I support your losing the scrog. I could tell it was making you unhappy, not being able to work within those confines. lol.

Next time you are at the grocery store, pickup like 15-20 bag ties from produce. That way you can tie connect and support the bushes as the tops blow outward.

With the way things are going I am saying 2oz per bush and 1 oz from skinny. With some real luck you will get 1 full oz in density in the last 2 weeks of this grow.

Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

Day 49 - Flowering - Day 2

I'm short on time so this will be quick..

Everything looks awesome. All variables seem very well under control right now. I found an "Eva-Dry Renewable Mini Dehumidifer" from eBay last night.

It's a passive dehumidifier and I think will work great in addition to what I've already got working. It was $22.50 for the high capacity model. Because my box is small, it will work great. Larger areas will need more but there are many smaller affordable options out there for these..very cool.




The newbie..this is a good experiment for me. I threw her into flower without as much veg time. It will be interesting to see how she does.


Babe Le Bush...I can't even find the main stem anymore!!


Family shot.


Getting a little stretchy in there. Gonna do some more tying down before the weekend. Watering probably Friday is feeling like the plan. I'll do some tying down then and make sure all is well there.

I've kind of haphazardly tied these plants down so I want to make sure the main stalk is supported and then spread them out as much as I can.

It's getting tight in there on the newbie so I'm going to let her go up a little bit more before I tie her down more.

Thanks to all of you for subbing and checking in on my grow. I appreciate it!

Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

I think you are going to be very happy with the way these babies get rolling. When they get bushy like that they tend to get a "wild mop top" type look . You are going to have a ton of great tops and the stems are going to be skinny.

I support your losing the scrog. I could tell it was making you unhappy, not being able to work within those confines. lol.

Next time you are at the grocery store, pickup like 15-20 bag ties from produce. That way you can tie connect and support the bushes as the tops blow outward.

With the way things are going I am saying 2oz per bush and 1 oz from skinny. With some real luck you will get 1 full oz in density in the last 2 weeks of this grow.


Wow..that would be way more than I'd hoped for from my first attempt. I looked at it from a pipe dream kind of way in that if I got .5 gram per watt I'd be looking at over 4 oz of dried buds....

I was hoping and would have been very content with 1 oz from the entire grow! I've got friends who will be delighted to see me when the cure is done with a yield like that!

I really want to be able to make some killer brownies...I'm finding I really like edibles. Yum!

Thank McCrackin!!

Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

do u think i should tie mines down or no because their not bushy like that and the light can already get to them??? mines are 10 days in flower. and like ur newbie i got one that was way younger then the other 2 and i ended jus puttin it into flower with the older ones anyway and mines is way smaller then yours, but its doin good startin its cola already and yours is lookin good too all of them matter affact, like i said i wish mines were that damn bushy, look like u gotta little shrub or a bush lol... :tokin:
Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

do u think i should tie mines down or no because their not bushy like that and the light can already get to them??? mines are 10 days in flower. and like ur newbie i got one that was way younger then the other 2 and i ended jus puttin it into flower with the older ones anyway and mines is way smaller then yours, but its doin good startin its cola already and yours is lookin good too all of them matter affact, like i said i wish mines were that damn bushy, look like u gotta little shrub or a bush lol... :tokin:

yeah the shrubbery is fun...the only reason to tie them down is cause you're dealing with a height restriction.

I don't know that lst or scrog increases yield as much as it maximizes the potential of your grow.

I think mine are bushy due to the strain and they are healthy due to the environment I've provided. This is turning out way better than I thought it would.

Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

ok good cause im good on hieght room, will my plants still grow taller even though they are in 12/12 and the tops have already started, do u think they will get taller besides the hieght of the cola??
Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

I think you are going to be surprised at the way the little one performs.

What are you doing for bloom nutes? You have some time to decide.

Powder, Liquid, chem, organic, it gets intense!!!!!

Lately I have been digging Earth Juice and General Hydroponics brands. I find the flexibility of using multiple brands according to "feel" compliments the success I have been having lately.

GH has like 6 or 7 liquid water soluable products. Everything.
EJ has one of the greatest lines of product I could ask for, their base bloom powder has it all. One stop shop. The base powder on this line kept at low constant levels will keep you plants so green during bloom you wonder when or if some of the fan leaves will start turning yellow.

oh and lowes has a product, super bloom, that is a bit salty but a great product used at low levels.

Don't forget kelp. ratios at like 0.3-0.7-1.6 for days when you are not feeling a fertilizing but want to push soil organics.

I have seen it done with one EJ product and seen it done with the multitude, I tell you the mad chemists that diagnose and mix perfect solutions have the best results. I consider myself to be one of those chemists. lol
Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

ok good cause im good on hieght room, will my plants still grow taller even though they are in 12/12 and the tops have already started, do u think they will get taller besides the hieght of the cola??

All plant strains stretch, I assume, during the first few weeks of flower. In the pics I've seen, the cola is always the tallest part.

You're not that far into flower and I would expect that there will be more vertical growth for the next couple weeks.

Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

I think you are going to be surprised at the way the little one performs.

What are you doing for bloom nutes? You have some time to decide.

Powder, Liquid, chem, organic, it gets intense!!!!!

Lately I have been digging Earth Juice and General Hydroponics brands. I find the flexibility of using multiple brands according to "feel" compliments the success I have been having lately.

GH has like 6 or 7 liquid water soluable products. Everything.
EJ has one of the greatest lines of product I could ask for, their base bloom powder has it all. One stop shop. The base powder on this line kept at low constant levels will keep you plants so green during bloom you wonder when or if some of the fan leaves will start turning yellow.

oh and lowes has a product, super bloom, that is a bit salty but a great product used at low levels.

Don't forget kelp. ratios at like 0.3-0.7-1.6 for days when you are not feeling a fertilizing but want to push soil organics.

I have seen it done with one EJ product and seen it done with the multitude, I tell you the mad chemists that diagnose and mix perfect solutions have the best results. I consider myself to be one of those chemists. lol

I'm still using the technaflora training wheels setup. It's been awesome so far. I don't think I'd bother with 6 or 7 bottles of's just too complicated for me. I like simple yet don't want to go with TRF's either so something in the middle would be great.

So far, these nutes are working great.

Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

Hey bro, zero some blue light on that hempy plant and you'll probably end up with just one BIG OLE' BUD! Lookin' good, keep it up!:high-five:
Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

Day 50 - Flowering Day 3

Took the girls out of the box today and watered with ph'd, no nutes. They are looking so full and pretty.

I'm continuing to lst them. The very center of the plants is a bit hard to lst until they get a little taller then I can bend them a bit more.

Rh has been between 33% to 70%. I'd like it to be a little lower and probably will be when I get the mini dehumidifier sometime early next week.




Baby Le Bush...


The newbie..


Group shot..


I'm glad I took out the scrog. I have way more control over placement and maintenance.

Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

I'm gonna have to agree with McCrackin with the 5ozs from those least that much. I might even give ya another 1-1.5 oz, but what the hell do I know :)

I can't wait to see those ladies a month from now, they are gonna be HUGE!
Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCROG, GDP - First Grow

I'm gonna have to agree with McCrackin with the 5ozs from those least that much. I might even give ya another 1-1.5 oz, but what the hell do I know :)

I can't wait to see those ladies a month from now, they are gonna be HUGE!

That would be amazing...

I'm getting a little concerned about odor...doesn't seem like my odor control is working as well as it should..

Eeeeeshhhh that would suck!!

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