Stealth - Soil - HID - Smart Pot - SCROG - GDP - First Grow

Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCRog, GDP - First Grow

My experience with water needs of plants is this, they are all different. Mine are all on a every other day schedule (automatic), but if I see one that is wilting then I will suppliment. Due to size of plant, pot, close to fan, soil mix, temps or one of the bitches is a drunk.

LMAO!!! So true..Thanks for that Placerville!!
Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCRog, GDP - First Grow

Yeah...I want to make mistakes for the learning but would rather my plants survive them! :thumb:

I just checked the box and my plants were it common to have them start gulping down the water suddenly??

HempR..I think she will end up coming back's just a patience thing..I hate seeing yellowing leaves though which is what I've got going on with both plants right now...

Just gave them another nute watering and I'll wait a couple waters before I give them more nutes.



Could it also be that I upped the temps 2 degrees in my box?? Geez..I need to start paying attention to myself :cool: Thought I was running a little cool so I upped them 2 degrees...could explain the water usage...

Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCRog, GDP - First Grow

Day 18

A couple days ago, I upped the temps in my box to 74F - 80F..right now it's maintaining an average of about 77 - 78F.

What I didn't realize is that a small change in temps would have that much more affect on watering. Live and learn. I'm letting the plants tell me what they need then I give them just enough so I don't do much damage..

This plant is doing just great growth wise..full, reaching and looking good.


This is a mag deficiency that is being will be slightly slow recovery due to the medium but that's why I went soil first, slow issues give me time to react then they get better, slowly.

I've got some "magi-cal" stuff I'm adding to the water right now to counteract the mag deficiency. Calcium deficiencies are more rare but none the less, can't hurt.

Not going any other nutes just yet..maybe beginning of week 4 I will as I'm using good soil. Just don't want to over do it.


This plant is just doing ok. It's not growing as lush as the other plant and I don't quite know why. It's showing the same deficiency as the other one but without the growth. Makes me think it's root thing but can't really know.

Any thoughts about that?? Experienced growers chime in!!


That's today's update..going to water again tomorrow, gave them a little last night as the soil felt dry to me, if it looks like they need it with a magical supplement.

Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCRog, GDP - First Grow

Hey GF, Is it only one leaf showing the yellowing or the whole plant? If it is one leaf, forget about-it, probable a gray hair.
Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCRog, GDP - First Grow

Hey GF, Is it only one leaf showing the yellowing or the whole plant? If it is one leaf, forget about-it, probable a gray hair.

Nah it's more than just one leaf. I think it's a calcium deficiency as well due to the water I'm using. I've got to check the report from the water company and see how much of each is in the water.

At 030 TDS in my tap water, can't imagine it would be much...

Edit: After looking at the report, I don't think there is any calcium or magnesium in our tap water..I would have to add it anyway..the calcium deficiency could contribute to slow growth in the one plant..wonder how much of each are in the Ocean Forest soil??

Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCRog, GDP - First Grow

Nah it's more than just one leaf. I think it's a calcium deficiency as well due to the water I'm using. I've got to check the report from the water company and see how much of each is in the water.

At 030 TDS in my tap water, can't imagine it would be much...

Edit: After looking at the report, I don't think there is any calcium or magnesium in our tap water..I would have to add it anyway..the calcium deficiency could contribute to slow growth in the one plant..wonder how much of each are in the Ocean Forest soil??


At this point it appears to not be enough, I usually add cal/mag (1/2 dose)every other watering. How is your runoff PH?
Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCRog, GDP - First Grow

At this point it appears to not be enough, I usually add cal/mag (1/2 dose)every other watering. How is your runoff PH?

Because I've got 3 gallon smart pots there isn't hardly any runoff..initially it was 5.2..

Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCRog, GDP - First Grow

Well, I guess my "whatever" deficiency could have been averted had I just known a couple of things:

1) My water is hasn't got anything in it to speak of.

2) My plants need a couple things that aren't in my water. I didn't take this into account at all.

3) I'm at the 2 week point and need to start with my nutes. I didn't think I'd need them in veg at all honestly and at worst after the 3rd or 4th week. I need them now just over 2 weeks.

One of my plants is going nutz..finally. The other isn't going nutz but isn't dying either.

Don't know if I'll go soil again after seeing the hempy buckets. Seems like there are inherent problems with soil that don't exist in hempy buckets although I'm sure then have their own set of issues....I like them better than what I'm experiencing which isn't that bad.....really...

I still think I'm in good shape...just waiting for the smaller plant to take off. I'm sure it will.

Getting a new clone tomorrow and going to try a hempy grow since I'm early in this one..that should be cool.. :thumb:

Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCRog, GDP - First Grow

Day 19 - Corner turned - watered today

Good news this morning. The current issue is being resolved. The leaves are returning to their lush, green color and losing the yellow look. You can actually see the green coming back on the leaves...

Very cool. I guess the feeding was the problem. If I go soil again, nutes @ the 2 week point for me unless I change the soil mix.

I also, believe it or not, may not be watering enough. Cervantes calls for there to be some runoff in the tray after watering. I'm watering about 1/2 a quart per plant now about every other day which seems like a lot to me but maybe I need to up that a little bit as I'm not getting any or much runoff.

The runoff I did get this morning was 6.6ph...very pleased with that and I didn't ph the tap water either just let it sit out for a day with the lid off.



The scrawny one is looking better and they are both growing quickly. I'm changing out the bulb tonight to a 7200k mh and I can't wait to see how that works.

At this rate, I may be able to put in the scrog screen in about 7 days and start training away..

Your thoughts??

Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCRog, GDP - First Grow

Nice work! On the road to recovery! :thumb:

Thank Krip!

I'm happy that the problem was resolved. I agree that there should be some runoff. I water my girls with about 2-3 quarts each. :goodjob:

Yeah?? That much often do you water? Is there a fan inside your space? What are you day temps? Which containers are you using??

I guess I've got to rethink this watering thing..I was concerned about over watering but for a healthy root system, I've got to get all 3 gallons of my containers

Figures though..I didn't think under watering would be an issue for me but I guess being too cautious is possible too..

Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCRog, GDP - First Grow

I water once every 2-3 days, depending on the needs of each one. You should check out my grow in my signature. I list all the details there. I have them in 5 Gal buckets. My day temps are around 75-78 F. When you water, you should get most of the medium wet and make sure there is runoff. Your plants have probably ran roots all the way down to the bottom of the container and so if you don't water enough, those roots at the bottom don't get enough moisture and die. Not good for your plants.
Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCRog, GDP - First Grow

I water once every 2-3 days, depending on the needs of each one. You should check out my grow in my signature. I list all the details there. I have them in 5 Gal buckets. My day temps are around 75-78 F. When you water, you should get most of the medium wet and make sure there is runoff. Your plants have probably ran roots all the way down to the bottom of the container and so if you don't water enough, those roots at the bottom don't get enough moisture and die. Not good for your plants.

Thanks for the help watering method has just changed..should be looking for more runoff in a couple days.

Looks like a bit of a N deficiency as well, just like my ladies. :)

As long as the new growth is looking healthy you will be fine. It's when the new growth has issues that I begin to worry a bit.


That's what the consensus is...Nitrogen, possible calcium/magnesium. What surprises me is the nitrogen. But...they are looking better after a couple feedings.

Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCRog, GDP - First Grow

Hey Giant,

I'm in for the ride looks like we started clones at the same time, I hope to learn more from your grow as I am interested in the Screen of Green method.

Side note...I use zero water also and ran head first into a cal / mag problem along with signs of a nitrogen deficiency. I am correcting it but it is taking longer then I like and as such I hope my ladies are not to stunted. Live and learn for next time.
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