Stealth - Soil - HID - Smart Pot - SCROG - GDP - First Grow

Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCRog, GDP - First Grow

Hey Giant,

I'm in for the ride looks like we started clones at the same time, I hope to learn more from your grow as I am interested in the Screen of Green method.

Side note...I use zero water also and ran head first into a cal / mag problem along with signs of a nitrogen deficiency. I am correcting it but it is taking longer then I like and as such I hope my ladies are not to stunted. Live and learn for next time.

Thanks and welcome...the cal/mag/nitrogen deficiency caught me off guard as well as the total amount of water I'd need per watering.

Although I noticed that the Fox Farms Ocean Forest just didn't have as much nitrogen as I thought is should, I didn't ever think I'd be low on nitrogen but as you said, live and learn.

Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCRog, GDP - First Grow

Day 20

This is a learning process isn't it?? What I've learned this week:

1) a nitrogen deficiency is the most common in cannabis cultivation
2) always water to runoff no matter how large the container
3) follow the damn nute chart and recommendations
4) my soil mix wasn't as hot as I thought it would be
5) good tap water isn't a bad thing

My nitrogen/cal/mag deficiency isn't gone but I'm gaining on it. I've got stunted growth in one of my girls but I'm fixing that as I write this.

I put in the new bulb today..the 7200K MH...boy is it blue in comparison. My 4000K now becomes my transition bulb for the first two weeks of flower.


This one is very healthy and really going for it.


This one is a little scrawny in comparison to the other but still growing.


This one shows the difference between the two.



Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCRog, GDP - First Grow

I agree!! Good tap water is definitely not a bad thing! They are looking pretty good so far man.

According to the water report, there isn't much in it, the TDS is low, the TA is low and the ppm is 030...not much magnesium or calcium in it...supplementing is the only real choice..

It's a good one. Gives me more control and to know what's cooking...

Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCRog, GDP - First Grow

Day 21 - Watered

I gave my girls each about 2 quarts of water with nutes at full strength. Next watering in a couple days will be just water...nothing in it.

Looking back, I think the stunted girl is being caused by poor soil prep on my part.

I put one bag/pot together for testing and saturated it to check ph. I didn't do that with the other. The other is my stunted girl. I think I'm dealing with dry pockets in the soil that is affecting the roots and hence veg growth.

The nute deficiency exists in both pots..the soil mix is the same in both pots. The water is the same in both pots..All environmental conditions are identical..they are the same strain.

The only difference was saturating one pot and not the other. Well, that ended today...I saturated the shit out of both of them. I've been underwatering both to begin with so I'm not worried about over watering.

I'll give them the same in about 2 or 3 days depending on how heavy they feel. The stunted girl felt so light this morning..poor dry thing..I like my girls wet!! crude but I couldn't resist!




Overall, pretty healthy. No pests...and the light is running cooler I think than the 4000K. My box is working perfectly keeping temps between 74 - 80.

It got down to 59 last night which concerned me a little but not too much. RH is just over 30 with lights on and mid 40's with lights off.

Will probably put the screen on next week and start training. I may switch to 12/12 earlier than I thought as my wife told me we're going to socal in the first week of april.

I might need to rig up a watering system while I'm away cause looking at the calendar..I'm not seeing how I'll be able to harvest and be done by then.

Any thoughts on that?? I'll be gone about a week. Fuck...

Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCRog, GDP - First Grow


You can get a cheap drip irrigation system that connects to a kitchen faucet or washing machine spigot or try some of those "Aqua Globes" they sell at K-Mart, etc. that you fill with water then invert into the soil & the plants drink as they need. Don't know if they'll last a week, so you may need several per plant.

Good Luck!
Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCRog, GDP - First Grow

any trustworthy friends? I have my daughter check on mine when I go away.

Yeah...I just don't feel comfortable with that. I'm going to rig up and auto drip system to take care of it. I think I can build one, put it on a timer and it'll take care of the watering while I'm away.

Makes me nervous to leave them for any time but...the family wants to go to disneyland..and so do

Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCRog, GDP - First Grow

Are you going to have a way to collect the run-off? If you need an idea about a auto system let me know.
Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCRog, GDP - First Grow

Are you going to have a way to collect the run-off? If you need an idea about a auto system let me know.

I'll have to figure that into the mix...I'll only need to water two or three times while I'm gone.

If I water a quart per watering, I may not have a runoff issue. I'll be on 12/12 by then..maybe I'll be using more water too..

If you've got an idea, I'd love to hear it. I got really depressed thinking I'd have to go into 12/12 now to be able to harvest by the time we leave for socal. That would really suck..

GDP is 8 to 9 weeks flowering to harvest..that's right as I'm on the Dumbo ride!!

Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCRog, GDP - First Grow

Day 22

It appears that I didn't over water as it's been 24 hours and the plants look just the same as they did.

I wish the scrawnier one would come around though. She looks like a super model without any weight on her..I like the other "shapely toned" sweetie..she's bushing out all over the damn place.

The deficiency is slowly getting better. Tomorrow I'll check for dryness and possibly watering again.

The dark period seems to be when the growth happens. I look in on them just before I crash and they always look different in the morning.

The growth rate is much slower than I thought it would be. Makes me think I'm doing something wrong. Light is good, temps are fine, water is good....dunno.

I'm not sure if the 7200K bulb is making that big a difference but time will tell.



Day_22_-_1.jpg last thing. I bought a bag of Miracle Grow perlite and I noticed after I got it home that it is "fortified with plant food". I sifted through it and got all the dust out then combined it 50/50 with some FFOF to top dress the skinny one as after the watering, I could see the plug she came with.

Anyone ever use this perlite?

Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCRog, GDP - First Grow

I'll have to figure that into the mix...I'll only need to water two or three times while I'm gone.

If I water a quart per watering, I may not have a runoff issue. I'll be on 12/12 by then..maybe I'll be using more water too..

If you've got an idea, I'd love to hear it. I got really depressed thinking I'd have to go into 12/12 now to be able to harvest by the time we leave for socal. That would really suck..

GDP is 8 to 9 weeks flowering to harvest..that's right as I'm on the Dumbo ride!!


I am also working on a time restraint as well, leaving for Europe for 3 weeks in May. My watering system is fully automatic, except filling the water barrell. I use a pump on a timer and excess water is gravitied to outside drain. My suggestion is to use irrigation tubing. Very cheap and available everywhere. Hose fitting to 1/2" tube, branched to each pot, then reduce to 1/8" tubing. I put 3 tubes in each pot. I put a t-barb fitting at the end of each 1/8" tube. You will need a timer that will shut off after 1-2 minutes, since most timer minimum run time is 15 minutes. It is really important to make sure you have high enough pressure in the system so all emitters are running at the same volume or the ladies at the end of your system may get thirsty.
Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCRog, GDP - First Grow

I am also working on a time restraint as well, leaving for Europe for 3 weeks in May. My watering system is fully automatic, except filling the water barrell. I use a pump on a timer and excess water is gravitied to outside drain. My suggestion is to use irrigation tubing. Very cheap and available everywhere. Hose fitting to 1/2" tube, branched to each pot, then reduce to 1/8" tubing. I put 3 tubes in each pot. I put a t-barb fitting at the end of each 1/8" tube. You will need a timer that will shut off after 1-2 minutes, since most timer minimum run time is 15 minutes. It is really important to make sure you have high enough pressure in the system so all emitters are running at the same volume or the ladies at the end of your system may get thirsty.

That's what I was thinking too. Thanks Placerville..sad about the principal at Schnell School aye?? What is this world coming to...

Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCRog, GDP - First Grow

Good news!! I just checked on my plants to feel the weight and after a closer inspection, my runt is indeed showing progress!! Her leaves are flat and not curled under and overall looking much better.

Mas aqua...who wouldda thunk it!


Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCRog, GDP - First Grow

Good news!! I just checked on my plants to feel the weight and after a closer inspection, my runt is indeed showing progress!! Her leaves are flat and not curled under and overall looking much better.

Mas aqua...who wouldda thunk it!



That is good news! :goodjob:
Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCRog, GDP - First Grow

That is good news! :goodjob:

Thanks guys!! (or gals!)

I dove off the hempy cliff today. I bought a 2 gallon painters bucket for about $3 bucks...later I checked the dollar store and yes they did have the cheaper buckets...tapered too at 1.5 gallons. I will go there for future grows.

I added about 3.5" to 4" to the bottom, drilled the hole, not in that order but you get the idea. Then mixed FFOF and perlite 50/50 and top dressed with a little FFLW.

The clone is Purple Trash...a combo of Purple Erkle and wife loves Trainwreck..

I watered one gallon and a quart came back out..which I saved. Should I reuse this tomorrow??




Because this is part Sativa and hempy, I'm expecting this to catch up with the others relatively quickly. As soon as it does, flippage.

Thoughts?? Hopefully this will help fill out my scrog!!

Re: Stealth, Soil, HID, Smart Pot, SCRog, GDP - First Grow

Grats on the new Hempy. :cool:

Make sure you are watering her at least twice a day, directly over the roots. It will take her some time for the roots to hit the res, growth will be slow till then don't freak! Once the roots hit the res growth will explode and you can just water whenever the pot feels light.

Your hole looks like its a bit big, standard for a hempy I believe is 7/16"? Just monitor it to make sure you are not loosing too much media out of it. Don't think it will be too detrimental though.

Other than that, :goodluck: ! I think its very cool you're running two different setups in your cab. Good way to figure out whatcha like.

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