Stanks Go Perpetual In 2018!

Nice smoke report Van. And a beautiful place to loose yourself on a wintery day.
Cheers Derby and thanks for the kind words. We love it here. The hassle getting in seems like a distant past. Love having a water conservation land with streams and brooks as our backyard as well as the fact that we will never have neighbors!
Hindu Kush 1.2.1 Flip Day 15

Haven't posted any updates of her because I haven't done anything with her other than keep her genetics going. But now that she is flowering out again (clones cut off her last week) I will post updates on her. Definitely hoping that she's as frosty if not more so here the 2nd time around.

She isn't very big and I didn't do any training at all on her until she started to stretch and even then I just pinched and bent her a bit. If I get 4 zips off her I will be happy.....that Hindu smoke is no joke for an indica. Everyone else that has smoked her has said she hits like Mike Tyson......they go down for the count. She doesn't put me to sleep, but she shuts my mind down completely which is what I love about her.

She was in a 2 gallon pot and got up potted to a 7 gallon right before flip. She's on a rain water only diet.

African Meltdown 1.1 Flip Day 15

This girl is rolling along nicely here in flower. Still doesn't stretch as much as I would expect with the african side of her which leads me to think she must be a leaning more to her Chernobyl side. Of course this is all speculation having never seen the parents. I love growing her. She is a strong plant that doesn't take much attention and she isn't fussy at all.

She is already starting the show the early frost developing on her little budlets.

Cob Update

Been a bit since I showed any cob pics. Here are a few of the African Meltdown cobs that I kinda messed up by letting the buds get over dry. I also struggled with getting the temps in my sweat dome where I need it so it was likely a combination of both things that are off. They smell closer to the regular flower than the sweet fermented scent of most of the cobs. I will redo them when I harvest the next Meltdown.

Yeah, but it still looks right good, Van-man. I started off my day with a wake and bake of some of my Autocross® hybrid oil and graduated to a q.o. of Kush an hour ago. Hope your whole day goes a good as my last three hours woo-hoo! And my next twelve haw!
Sounds like a good start to the day Fly. I haven't smoked anything yet.....probably going to do some Tangie Ghost Train today. Give my system a break from the loveliness that is that African Meltdown. I have a lot of stuff I need to get done and that Tangie Ghost Train does the trick.
Amherst Sour Diesel Flip Day 17

Hey everyone. Starting tonight off with one of the big girls. She's progressing nicely and is showing that she's in need of a haircut in a few days. I don't do a lot of trimming on the girls in flower, I like to leave as many leaves as possible for future fuel to power through the end of flower. I prefer strategic plucking as opposed to the more aggressive approach that coco growers do.

She is starting to show the beginning signs of frost, so thats a good sign this early. Won't be much at all to do with her other than water for the next 50 days or so. Just the way we like it! On her next big watering I will be doing our normal top dressing with some more minerals, EWC, Kelp Meal, and a bit of Gypsum and Epsom Salt.
Just gotta watch the fungus gnats with that top dressing. Think I am going to invest in a single fan specifically to blow over soil top after I top dress.

Tangie Ghost Train 1.1 Flip Day 17

Next up we have the the wild child. Man I love this plant. She's constantly keeping me on my toes. I think I only have 4 or 5 more days of stretch left so I may yet make it out of this unscathed. She will get a gallon of water tomorrow to hold her over for a top dressing and a full watering.

The first pics of her are out of the 5x5 and standing in front of the 4x4. You can see she is as wide as that tent. She is really starting to develop nicely. She's definitely progressing faster than the other strains at this point. She's starting to develop early frost so another good start.

Generally I don't add much into my waterings, but with this strain and how she grows....I am going to add in a dose of silica to hopefully help firm up those gangly branches just a bit. I have the soil loaded with it but I want to force a bit more into her. I know its futile with this strain, and she will be flopping everywhere, but I can't help but try it. Anyways, enjoy the show and hope everyone had a great evening!

Tangie Ghost Train 1.1 Flip Day 17

Next up we have the the wild child. Man I love this plant. She's constantly keeping me on my toes. I think I only have 4 or 5 more days of stretch left so I may yet make it out of this unscathed. She will get a gallon of water tomorrow to hold her over for a top dressing and a full watering.

The first pics of her are out of the 5x5 and standing in front of the 4x4. You can see she is as wide as that tent. She is really starting to develop nicely. She's definitely progressing faster than the other strains at this point. She's starting to develop early frost so another good start.

Generally I don't add much into my waterings, but with this strain and how she grows....I am going to add in a dose of silica to hopefully help firm up those gangly branches just a bit. I have the soil loaded with it but I want to force a bit more into her. I know its futile with this strain, and she will be flopping everywhere, but I can't help but try it. Anyways, enjoy the show and hope everyone had a great evening!

What a beautiful girl! Well done Van wow
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