Stanks Go Perpetual In 2018!

Also you run the light closer on a mover. The plants are blasted with photons as the light passes over them. Once past the plant is given a short rest to recover and cool down slightly before the next pass. The plants will receive more joules of light energy in a given time frame.
Flower Tent Update

Just a couple quick pics to show how the Tangie is pushing the limits. Gonna have to get in there tomorrow and start strapping her down. Her top shoot is less than 3" from the light. The rest of those tops are between 3-7 inches from the light. I figure she has about another week of stretch left in her. :eek::oops:

I could super crop.....but I think I am going to try pulling them downward via some pipe cleaners. Now of course that will make her wider and take up more room in the tent which is again more reason to get my shit together and get the big tent up. If that doesn't work and I need to super crop, I will do that. I only need to give them a few inches of room. I am counting on the weight starting to pull them down a bit during the last half of flower. Thats what happened with her mom. We will make it work.
Have a good night guys; can't keep the eyes open here.
Enjoy brother. I am having company over to watch the National Championship game and smoke some weed! Gonna cook some chicken and shrimp fajitas!!
Enjoy brother. I am having company over to watch the National Championship game and smoke some weed! Gonna cook some chicken and shrimp fajitas!!
Sounds good man. Enjoy.
Hey Newty, great to see ya sis! Yeah I have a few ideas to tame that amazon wench. I did a little super cropping initial work down there this morning. I think it will take a few times of pinching and bending to get her to keep from going right back.

We are about at one of the key stages where I like to do some top dressings on the flowering girls. Kind of afraid to think of what she will do when I give her top dressing. I am toying with trying to let the colas grow up between the spydrx's strips. Not sure how hot it will be between them. At least I have choices right LOL!
Story Time / Smoke Report

We had our friend over for dinner, smoke, and to watch the National Championship game last night. First off, what a great game. To see Bama get their asses thumped like that was thoroughly enjoyable. Next was the food.....turned out great. The Shrimp fajitas were fantastic and the chicken fajitas were great as well.

On to the smoke report/story time. I have shared my initial thoughts on the African Meltdown with you all on a couple occasions. They were kind of brief but I will expound on it in conjunction with the things we were doing after smoking it (and things I have done after smoking it previously).

Smells, man her smells have shifted several times over the course of flower into harvest and cure. Early and mid way through flower she was very lime (believe Chernobyl strain is known for its lime smells and tastes) but that faded near the mid to end of flower. She has mellowed out and is very hard for me to describe other than to say kind of sweet with some hints of melons but very pleasant. Not overpowering or hard to contain but very nice none the less. He and I will work on trying to pinpoint some more of the smells as we can identify them. His nose is much better than mine at identifying many of those subtle smells.

We loaded up a big bowl and stepped outside to smoke. Neither of us had smoked all day in anticipation of smoking her on a clean system. She smokes very smooth with some sweet aftertastes, but nothing overly crazy or amazing. Her magic seems to lay in the effects. We stood outside on the deck overlooking the property where we talked for a couple minutes before we came back inside and went down to see the girls. We were down in the basement for 10-15 minutes before we came back up to start cooking dinner.

I asked him what he thought of the high. He smiled and said its really different. His description was 'floaty'. He said I don't know how to describe it other than I don't really feel much of my body as I am walking so I just feel like I am kind of floaty.

Now having been smoking it, I understood exactly what he meant and its a perfect description. Anyways...back to the story...

So I am getting dinner together as we are talking about various things and out of the corner of my eye I can my buddy do a 360 degree spin/twirl. LOL..he kind of looked surprised that he did it....LMAO....and looked over at me and asked "Dude did I just do a twirl?"

Yes you DID! LOL

"Dude I don't do twirls"

I lost it cause again I have been smoking this stuff for a few days and I have experienced those random type of urges. I was in the living room one day and got up to go to the kitchen and I did a full on hop, kick with twist and landed facing the other direction and my thought was "WTF are you doing dumbass, you are going hurt your back"

But that wasn't the only time I had done those sorts of things when smoking her. And I always want to go outside and just kind of explore.

So we kind of laughed about his twirl and how floaty it was making us feel. Its a big time euphoric strain too. You can't help but feeling great. Its not gonna jack you up so are stoned and stuck to a couch. But you will high and happy as hell on this one. Of course the fact we were watching Bama get their ass kicked helped with that mood too.

About 2 hours after we smoked, he looked at me and said "This strain is long lasting huh? I still feel it pretty good. I don't want to go exploring as much but I want to sit down and just relax. And I can really feel my imagination being sparked. This is some good stuff, I like it"

About half an hour later, he asked if I had any of the Hawaiian testers that we could try. So I ground up one and I let him have a go at the ground up bud. His first comment was "That's crazy tropical smelling. I get pineapple, mango and something else I can't pick up. She's really really sweet smelling"

We stepped outside and hit her and she was very smooth and sweet tasting as well. We didn't really smoke it for flavor capture as both our systems were still feeling the lingering effects of the African Meltdown. He did comment that she has a little kick to her taste at the end but he can't identify what it is yet.

I sent him home with a baggie of both for him to work on his official smoke reports. The effects of the Hawaiian were more intense but much shorter. Hits harder than the meltdown but is over and done with much quicker too. I won't judge it until its jarred and curing. I don't like to really report on another strain after smoking something else.....the highs and effects become too muddled for me.

To summarize, I think the Meltdown is one I might get tested. She is different from anything I have ever smoked. She isn't going to test off the charts THC wise, but the effects of her high are so unique and long lasting. I have felt her lingering 4+ hours after smoking her. I am very glad I kept her in the garden. I will be making Fems of her for sure and will be keeping her around for clones and possible future breeding.

She is an embracing Sativa, no white knuckle roller coaster ride at all for me. She is fun. She sparks creativity and makes you feel energetic and young (and apparently do twirls and jump twist kick out of the blue as well as other similar type actions). She would be fun in small group gatherings. She is so different than the other Sativas I have grown and smoked.

She is what I would call a weekend Sativa for most people. What do I mean by that? Take Tangie Ghost Train...I love that Sativa but she is a focused sativa. I have an uncontrollable urge to get stuff done when I smoke her. I am going to work if I smoke her. And you get an incredible amount of stuff done. I don't feel as happy or euphoric with her so I call her a weekday sativa. She doesn't overpower your mind or let your mind really drift, you stay on task and handle your business. Well, the African Meltdown isn't like that at all. Your mind will not focus on a single task, it goes crazy with thoughts and ideas in many different directions. You want to do things, but you don't want to be forced into one wants freedom. Its like you need room when you smoke her cause you want to move around and be free. You don't want to sit, but you don't want to work either. You just want to enjoy whatever it is you might enjoy. Its a free spirited weekend description I can think of for most people.

Think I might go smoke some of her and go for a walk. We got a coating of snow last night so its pretty out and I might something interesting! Cheers!
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