Stanks Go Perpetual In 2018!

The crazy thing was I only vegged her 70 days. She was a straight monster, right out the gate. She is still a big clone of her that is about ready for flipping. Gonna do a bit of breeding with her. She's got a nice pine aftertaste to her. She's the only plant I have grown that I didn't need to support a single cola. Even with 18" colas, she held it like it was nothing. I love her structure. Not much scent to her, but if thats my only complaint on her well my life is pretty damn good eh!
DTF #1 Veg Day 75

First off, an apology on the day number. As I was reviewing the files, I saw I musta made a "math" mistake on a previous update that I didn't catch. Needless to say, I was missing about 10 days in total veg time. Anyways, watered this girl with a little less than half a gallon of rain water yesterday. She was looking sad last night so I let her get some beauty sleep before our shoot today. She seemed to have appreciated that. This was the first full water on her since I up potted her. I expect to see much more rapid growth going forward.

The plan with this is to continue to keep her low and wide and try to veg her for another 30 days or so and flip. Aside from slower growth post transplant, she seems happy and healthy.

Stankberry #3 Veg Day 74

Things are REALLY picking up with this one. Her growth since being up potted is right up there with the monster Northern Lights I grew. She is starting to make me nervous with her growth in the new pot.

I gave her a bit over a half gallon of rain water only last night and she was thrilled when the lights came on. I have attached a comparison on the Stankberry vs DTF where you can see the explosive growth rates on the Stankberry plants when you take the training wheels off.

I topped and up potted Stankberry #2 a few days ago. I Put her into a 2 gallon pot in an attempt to try and keep her a bit smaller. Not sure if it will work, they don't like to grow slow. I will get some pictures of her in a day or two. I also topped the male Stankberry #1 plant that I am keeping around for a bit. I culled Stankberry #4 male. Slow grower and no real stand out quality that I am looking for in a dude.

DTF vs Stankberry

All of the girls are looking beautiful Van! It looks like you guys are getting settled in nicely. I have always wante dto grow a 1 pound plant. My best pull was 9.5 zips out of a 15. My best yield in terms of weight per gallon came from my Orangeade B pheno where I pulled 7.25 zips out of a 7. I am sure I could have hit a pound with her in a 15. If she did not throw bananas like it was her job I would have tried it just to get it done!
Thanks Yeti, we appreciate it brother. Yeah there is something about a big girl huh! Once you get bitten by the bug, its hard to stop scratching that itch. But the upside down bullseye grow will be able to scratch that itch for a while after the ASD and Tangie Ghost Train are done. I think they both have an outside shot at hitting a pound....small.....but still a chance. Gotta see how they fatten up. Structure wise I think the Tangie Ghost Train has the best shot if she grows those same long colas. Neiko says the ASD strain is a yielder so based on that and what we have been averaging over the last 5-6 plants, she could grow some big enough colas to hit that mark. She was up-potted three times, from the solo cup to the 2 gallon, then the 2 gallon to a 5 gallon, and then the 5 to a 15, so I know she has a freaking massive root system. She's kind of a wild card.

Gonna switch to some seed making for a bit after this batch of plants gets cleared. Maybe after that I will think about finding a good strain for trying out the 25 gallon pot I picked up. THATs a big pot! It would be fun to grow a single plant in a 4'x4' or even the 5'x5' and see how big I could get one in there! But then on to pheno hunting!
Thanks Yeti, we appreciate it brother. Yeah there is something about a big girl huh! Once you get bitten by the bug, its hard to stop scratching that itch. But the upside down bullseye grow will be able to scratch that itch for a while after the ASD and Tangie Ghost Train are done. I think they both have an outside shot at hitting a pound....small.....but still a chance. Gotta see how they fatten up. Structure wise I think the Tangie Ghost Train has the best shot if she grows those same long colas. Neiko says the ASD strain is a yielder so based on that and what we have been averaging over the last 5-6 plants, she could grow some big enough colas to hit that mark. She was up-potted three times, from the solo cup to the 2 gallon, then the 2 gallon to a 5 gallon, and then the 5 to a 15, so I know she has a freaking massive root system. She's kind of a wild card.

Gonna switch to some seed making for a bit after this batch of plants gets cleared. Maybe after that I will think about finding a good strain for trying out the 25 gallon pot I picked up. THATs a big pot! It would be fun to grow a single plant in a 4'x4' or even the 5'x5' and see how big I could get one in there! But then on to pheno hunting!
You're very welcome bud. I do love big plants I just tend not to grow many that are very big. I have been tryign to work through seeds and so I have been growing as many plants as I am allowed and to keep the flow going they do not get huge. I also only grow in 7s at this point to conserve soil and keep the variety going. a 25 gallon pot would be nice to grow in. then you will be growing Duggan style lol
Yeah I can understand that. I think if I didn't have a plant count.....I would probably grow more plants, more strains, instead of such big plants. I would probably stick to the 5-7 gallon range if I could grow as many as I wanted. I find that I generally yield somewhere in the 20-35 grams per gallon of soil, on the lower side with smaller pots usually and higher with the bigger pots.

I am going to start tinkering with things to see if I can't get the 5 gallon pots to average 25-30 grams per gallon. I could live with those numbers if I was doing more plants.
It will impact it a little......i will be running 2 of them in there. Still will be plenty of light and with the additional room it will mean better penetration to the lowers.
Oh I see! I didn't realize there were going to be two in there. :thanks:

Yes sir. One on one half of the tent going one direction while the other one goes the opposite direction. That way there will always be some sort of light over each half of the tent. They will realistically only be moving 5 feet each direction and you can set the timer to go slower or faster. I am sure there will be some sort of learning curve to it, but thats my type of play time.
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