Stanks Go Perpetual In 2018!

I want to see this one van. I’ve grown tomatoes like that before on my porch. My wife bought some gadget pot off the TV and believe it or not it out-produced the garden tomato plants. Perhaps because it was fun and they got a lot of attention. Although, I couldn’t move the Sun. I think having the light above is still beneficial...Ummmm...duh.
DTF #4 Flip Day 12

Didn't get around to this girl yesterday, so we will do her today. Gave her a healthy drink of rain water yesterday. She is slow to stretch, definitely not getting the extreme stretch I thought I might out of her. We still have another week to 10 days so she might surprise us yet.

I am struggling to find any decent place to take pictures down in the basement, so forgive the experiment with these. Think I am going to browse the zon for some photography lighting cause I can't capture anything decent down there and I am not carrying them upstairs!

Hope everyone is having a great weekend!

Have you got radiant heat at the new place? I always look at the details in the pictures to see what else I can see.
Could also be baseboard heat...

Oh yeah for sure. Radiant and baseboard are interchangeable. Radiant heat heats objects which in turn heat the space. Forced air heats the air which warms the surroundings. Radiant takes longer to heat a home but once the objects are heated it takes longer for the space to cool off, especially concrete. Forced air will heat your house faster but it also cools quicker if not running.
My brother had a house built on a slab with radiant heat. It felt much warmer than it actually was. Not sure what his bills ran comparatively. My last house had geothermal. It was cheap but never felt warm as the air blowing out of the vents was only slightly above ambient. Flip to A/C and it rocked. Radiant and Geo don't make the house as dry as forced air gas.

That natural growth looks very different than the trained plants. It will be interesting to see how she matures.
So naked without any pipe cleaners. Still rather attractive though!
I struggle with it brother! I need my pipe cleaners!!! LOL.....maybe I can just hang em off the branches and I will feel like I am doing something.
Have you got radiant heat at the new place? I always look at the details in the pictures to see what else I can see.
We have oil heat via forced hot air. But I use the wood burning stove insert into the fireplace to really heat the house during lights on period. Woods a lot cheaper to burn than oil!
Hi Van!

Surprised I haven’t been over here yet but with the masses on the forums it’s hard to be everywhere! I’m glad to be pulling up a seat and tagging along. I’ll sit in the background quietly and see what mischief I can get into!

Thanks for having me!
Hey Dutch, welcome. Just starting to flower the next round so things will be picking up here. Will get back in the swing of the perpetual once I get the big 10'x10' tent set up.
I bought a 25 gallon pot that I want to break in this year. So far 15 gallon is the biggest I have grown indoors and netted an even pound from that. I am curious what I could get in a 25 in the big tent assuming i can keep her low and wide enough.

This flower round I am running an actual yield test for this light. I haven't grown a full tent in flower under this light to test yield. This one should let me see what I can really pull under this light at once. I think I can get over 3 pounds from this lot of 6 plants. If I can hit that mark, puts the light right at 2 grams per watt.
I bought a 25 gallon pot that I want to break in this year. So far 15 gallon is the biggest I have grown indoors and netted an even pound from that. I am curious what I could get in a 25 in the big tent assuming i can keep her low and wide enough.

This flower round I am running an actual yield test for this light. I haven't grown a full tent in flower under this light to test yield. This one should let me see what I can really pull under this light at once. I think I can get over 3 pounds from this lot of 6 plants. If I can hit that mark, puts the light right at 2 grams per watt.

I just pulled 434g out of a 7Gal with my EM plant. She basically took up my entire 4x4!

Hope you don’t mind a few pics!

Very nice man! I got 13 zips off the Black Cherry Punch thats the POTY entry. She was grown in 10 gallons. I have another one of her I am working on that I will grow in a 15 once I get the big tent up. Let me see if I can find any pics of the NL that hit the pound mark.
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