Stanks Go Perpetual In 2018!

It will be tricky, probably wouldn't water to run off very often for that reason. I would likely try to give an automated watering system that gave slow but steady moisture in flower.

The great thing is that I think the dual plants will work well together. Generally if you grow in a standard pot, the top couple inches of soil are the least rooted and used soil. So when you are growing upright, the top of the pot will be where the roots to the auto would be once you turn it over and plant it. Gonna have to get creative with this one!
LOL.....Yeah well I have a lot of time on my hands brother! The original idea came from @beez0404 and a dream he had if I am not mistaken. I have had it rolling around in my head for a while waiting for a time when I could expand on it. I needed more room to do it....and when I get the big tent up and rolling, I should have enough room to make it happen. The pot design is what I am struggling with, especially if I want to be able to grow something out of the top of it after I turning it upside down!

Now imagine, a purple strain on the top....with a circle of colas rising up from underneath and around the sides and surrounding it. Kind of like a bullseye! Yes. I am liking where this idea is going.

And thank you for the kind words on the Amherst. She is a sexy girl for sure. Not the wild amazon wench that the Tangie Ghost Train is......but much more manageable and structured. She should yield very well. Not sure that she will hit the pound mark as I haven't seen her cola structure or density yet, but I am holding out hope. I know she will be over the 12 ounce mark for sure though based off her sheer size alone. I took a clone off her, the flowering Hindu, and the flowering DTF.
I have another add on idea @Preston9mm....custom velcro soft pots. Something that we can undo, take off the root mass and turn over. This would allow it to keep the soil in it when its turned over, and we could make it so the there is a hole in the bottom for the main stem to come out from the 'bottom'. That would leave a little room on top, to add a little bit of new soil to add the new seed to the top now.

In my mind velcro is the key. I know @Grandpa Tokin has a monopoly on velcro but perhaps he can share some off his shoes to assist in the idea!
I have another add on idea @Preston9mm....custom velcro soft pots. Something that we can undo, take off the root mass and turn over. This would allow it to keep the soil in it when its turned over, and we could make it so the there is a hole in the bottom for the main stem to come out from the 'bottom'. That would leave a little room on top, to add a little bit of new soil to add the new seed to the top now.

In my mind velcro is the key. I know @Grandpa Tokin has a monopoly on velcro but perhaps he can share some off his shoes to assist in the idea!
Totally do-able!
Right? Seems like the easiest way. You could use a regular soft pot until you get ready to make it a topsy Turvy. From there in my mind....up pot to a bigger 'custom soft pot' with the velcro and hole. How to hang it is something I have to figure out. Not the easiest thing to do in a tent.....hmmmm. I suppose when I get the 10'x10' up and running, there would be enough room to build something. I have something coming together in my mind. Just gotta work out the details.

Well this is coming together a lot faster than I anticipated! SHould be a cool grow!
I have another add on idea @Preston9mm....custom velcro soft pots. Something that we can undo, take off the root mass and turn over. This would allow it to keep the soil in it when its turned over, and we could make it so the there is a hole in the bottom for the main stem to come out from the 'bottom'. That would leave a little room on top, to add a little bit of new soil to add the new seed to the top now.

In my mind velcro is the key. I know @Grandpa Tokin has a monopoly on velcro but perhaps he can share some off his shoes to assist in the idea!

I’m in!
The bucket company has 10s that you can add legs of 1 1/2" pvc. Cut a hole in the bottom and grow the photo out of that, making a custom "top" that can be removed when it comes time to flip and add the auto. No hanging required as the pit will just sit on the ground with legs giving the needed clearance for the trained photo. Can't wait to see you guys rock this!
I need some better weed to make the topsy turvy DWC possible!
Haha! With the dingoes running around at the Tokin place, he could just string it up from a tree like a grain feeder!

Mother nature can take care of the cropping. LoL
Man you're going to have a ton of bud there. They both look really healthy and happy :goodjob:.

I'd love to see the pineapple strain with 7% terps. I'd question that number though. In all my research of lab results, the highest I've seen is in the 3% range. The glands can only hold so much. When I've retested a known strain and the terps went up there is a drop in cannabinoids compared to previous tests. I'm not saying it isn't possible, but 7% would be record setting I gotta believe. I bet it's a tasty strain though and worth a run.
Someone on IG was talking about a certain cut that regularly hits 5% terps. i cannot remember what it was but I know that I thought of you when they mentioned it. I have seen 3+ being about the max anyone has gotten a few times and so kinda thought it may be bs.
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