Stanks Go Perpetual In 2018!

I will say that the Nukehead #1 plant produced a decent product. Its got some potency and hair on its ass. I can't say that #2 is anything more than average at best. Its got a nice Lime smell to it when ground up but its kind of a shallow high.

Definitely didn't warrant the hype they tried throwing out there, but at least people got an unbiased journal out of it. Those two plants were the lowest yielding strains I grew this year. Nukehead was the only strain not to hit 4 ounces. Even the Gorilla Glue Auto out yielded it.

I was wondering about the Nukes. Seems like they had their 15 minutes. That's what can be so confusing about the internet is that certain products get hyped up and everyone jumps on the band wagon until the next shiny thing comes around.

Hope you and ms. stank have a great new years in your new home. Owning your own place takes life to a new level of satisfaction. You deserve it.
Happy New Year Mr. & Mrs. Stank.

I'm getting ready to drop some new seeds and the Stankberry gets a go this time. Have the seeds been about 50/50 male to female? I don't have a lot of soil to start a bunch so I'm hoping to get a girl out of 2 seeds.
So far, from everyone that has grown them out......we are tracking right at a 50/50 ratio.
I was wondering about the Nukes. Seems like they had their 15 minutes. That's what can be so confusing about the internet is that certain products get hyped up and everyone jumps on the band wagon until the next shiny thing comes around.

Hope you and ms. stank have a great new years in your new home. Owning your own place takes life to a new level of satisfaction. You deserve it.

Hey Sam, you got that right brother. Something about standing on your back deck as you burn a bowl and looking out and knowing you are HOME and its yours. The peace, the quiet, the privacy, the its so nice.
Happy New Years Van and Family!

Hey Jesse, great to see ya brother and a Happy New Years back at ya. Hope its a banner year for you and yours!
Happy New Year Stank and Ms. possibilities...cheerz...h00k...:rollit::passitleft:...

Happy New Years Hook! Great way to kick off the year huh! Possibilities are endless. Hope its a great one for all of us brother!
Wanted to take a few minutes and share a few thoughts on the new year. 2018 was a big year for us.... From battling the workers comp company, to dealing with the back, to buying a house. I want to take a chance to say thank you to all of you that have accompanied us on this wild ride. I know you all have a choice of where you go in your spare time and for you all to take a bit of time out of your busy day to drop in over here means a lot. The plants are great but its relationships we have made that make this place special to us.

I know things move quickly here at times and can be tough to keep up. We are toying with closing this journal down since 2018 is over, and starting a new perpetual for 2019. We are also talking about kicking it off with a new strain drop and we are trying to decide what to grow to kick off the year. I am trying to pick 4 or 5 Indicas, Sativas, and hybrids and narrow it down from there. We want to stick to more of the older strains (not necessarily landraces....but at least older and stable strains) but I am fighting the urge to pop some of Annunaki's Sour Pineapple (tested at 7% terps) that we picked up at the Harvest Cup.

We haven't been introducing much new in the way of strains into the garden as we went through the house buying process and we are hoping to get back to a more regular schedule. We are hoping to pop a new strain about every 3-4 weeks as we clear out the backlog in our tents.

We are also getting ready to ramp up the seed making. We have several strains that we are going to start off with making fems (S1s), starting with the African Meltdown, the Black Cherry Punch, the Tangie Ghost Train, the Hindu Kush, and the Northern Lights. If any of the 3 DTF or 2 Stankberry girls show promise, I will make some of them as well.

We also hope to continue working on a few new crosses as well. So much to do......good thing this is so much fun (except trimming and harvesting seeds)!! Here's to hoping that your 2019 will be as exciting as ours will be! Happy New Year!!
Starting a new journal would be a great idea new house, new year, new Stanks? Now we're all going to be waiting in anticipation as to what the Stanks do next. I hope 2019 brings Ms.Stank and yourself nothing but pure joy you both deserve it!!
Tangie Ghost Train 1.1 Flip Day 10

This girl is in full stretch mode right now. Every time I open the tent door I shake my head and wonder what I got myself into with this one. Gave her 2 gallons of rain water with a little boost for the herd today. She is really starting to drink! I gave her a little bit of silica as well in hopes of strengthening up some of these branches. She is a big girl!

I am going to start having to pull shoots down and tie them down in order to keep them out of the least until they get heavy enough that I will have to hang them up.

Amherst Sour Diesel Flip Day 10

Checked this one but she wasn't ready for a full on drink so I top watered her with about a quarter of a gallon. I will check her again in a couple days to see if she is thirsty. I pulled all her straps down a little more to spread her open a bit more for better light penetration. She is stretching nicely but I don't have any fears of keeping her out of the light.

Her little buds are starting to form....always one of my favorite times of the grow. Cheers!

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