Stanks Go Perpetual In 2018!

Things are looking great :thumb:
Man you're going to have a ton of bud there. They both look really healthy and happy :goodjob:.

I'd love to see the pineapple strain with 7% terps. I'd question that number though. In all my research of lab results, the highest I've seen is in the 3% range. The glands can only hold so much. When I've retested a known strain and the terps went up there is a drop in cannabinoids compared to previous tests. I'm not saying it isn't possible, but 7% would be record setting I gotta believe. I bet it's a tasty strain though and worth a run.
Might I suggest LST for the Tangie that involves wrapping the growth around the lights and then back down?

I think it was Beez that said something about growing a plant, trying find a way to flip the pot after a few weeks of growing to try and get the tops to turn and grow upside down. I am thinking that upside down tomato thing.....but instead they turn like a fish hook and go back up. Its making me wonder now. Hmmm......Never thought about it much before but could be interesting to try. Upside down pot plants!
Happy New Year, Wishing you both the best year of your life. Plants look great as normal keep it green my friend.:ganjamon:

Hey Drift, thanks bud! Nice to see you swing through! Hope you had a great new year and wonderful xmas/holiday season.
Things are looking great :thumb:

Hey Con! Appreciate the kind world brother. Very happy with these two right now.

Wow. You are going to have your hands full with that tangie. Amherst SD is looking good.

Thanks Sam....hands full is an understatement. I am going to have to get very creative over the next 10 days to be able to handle this amazonian girl.
My bro ran out of height in his GH and just bent the whole plant over on its side. Everything just starts grow upward. I've also read about grow with height issues that just grow the plant up for veg then lay it over on its side when it flower time.
We used to do something like that outdoors. Right before flower and stretch we would bend them over from just above ground level then place chicken wire over them. They would send up nice even colas during stretch and only be 3 or 4 feet above ground.
So, I've kicked this idea around a bit in the past. Here was my thoughts on it...

Apologize in advance if this comes off as "crazy ramblings"


I write ideas out in my notebook all the time.... most never come to life. This project has potential though...

Peace out!
So, I've kicked this idea around a bit in the past. Here was my thoughts on it...

Apologize in advance if this comes off as "crazy ramblings"


I write ideas out in my notebook all the time.... most never come to life. This project has potential though...

Peace out!
Yeah I am playing around with the idea. Would be interesting to saw the least. We need to do a collaboration on this LOL!
Speaking of catching up. Happy Friday. Going strong here Van and Ms. ASD still a looker in a big way.
Hey Otter, thanks brother! Yeah I am very happy with the ASD so far. Hope she flowers like she vegged!
Yeah I am playing around with the idea. Would be interesting to saw the least. We need to do a collaboration on this LOL!
I think I will try one in my next group.

Most likely gonna train her like I did with Jolene;
Then.... flip her ass over.

I'll definitely hit ya up when I start getting serious about it. Should be a fun little experiment.
So want to have your mind blown......think that idea......and expand on it. I just had the thought of this Topsy Turvy type plant.....but once you get it flipped over if you had the means to add an Auto bean, you could get two strains from the same pot....the photo from the underside of the topsy turvy and the auto on top after you flip it over.

I am going to give this some thought. Not that I really need something else to do......have way more on my plate than I need, but this could be pretty cool.
So want to have your mind blown......think that idea......and expand on it. I just had the thought of this Topsy Turvy type plant.....but once you get it flipped over if you had the means to add an Auto bean, you could get two strains from the same pot....the photo from the underside of the topsy turvy and the auto on top after you flip it over.

I am going to give this some thought. Not that I really need something else to do......have way more on my plate than I need, but this could be pretty cool.

Interesting idea Preston to grow upside down but have plant go upwards. You'd still need to deal with floppy buds where as upside down that would be less of an issue. For regular upside down growing, you'd have to figure out a way to catch the drainage, shouldn't be too hard. I'd love to see someone do this, don't think it'll be me though.

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