Stanks Go Perpetual In 2018!

African Meltdown 1.1 Flip Day 4

I have had this clone in the work since mid August and worked at keeping her healthy but "smaller". Decided to try her in a 5 gallon pot and see what kind of numbers we can get off her in a smaller pot. She, like her mom, has been incredibly healthy the entire grow. Very low maintenance to grow and doesn't get fussy about much.

She is certainly drinking very well for this point in flower and I am looking forward to seeing her start flowering out! We will have lots more pics once she starts doing her thang!

DTF #4 Flip Day 4

This is the DTF that we decided to grow out naturally, no LST, no topping....just a few pluckings of bigger fan leaves. She's being flowered out in a 4 gallon pot so she's definitely on the smaller side for us. She's not drinking much at this point but that will change in the next couple weeks. Rain water only for this girl from here on out!

DTF #1 Veg Day 56

We got this girl up potted about a week ago and this is the one we are going to grow out big. I am going to keep her low and wide and probably veg for 100+ days total. I picked up something in the grow store today and I might pop our cherry with it on this girl (assuming she shows me that she is up for it). Probably won't post a lot of updates on this one until I get her how I want her. I will try to throw one up every couple weeks.

Rain water only for this girl aside from her top dressings. She will likely be the first girl to go into the latest batch of soil we mixed up. She is smelling very nice when I rub up on her!

Do you have any idea how hard it is for me to grow a regular old pot plant!! I know I need to see how the strain grows out naturally, but shit thats no damn fun. A guy needs to have some fun!
Do you have any idea how hard it is for me to grow a regular old pot plant!! I know I need to see how the strain grows out naturally, but shit thats no damn fun. A guy needs to have some fun!

Haha!:rofl: Do you ever shave their legs or just let em go? I see lots of people stripping everything below top 5 nodes and I try to do that but never seem to be able to strip that much.

All looks good Stank! :high-five:
Haha!:rofl: Do you ever shave their legs or just let em go? I see lots of people stripping everything below top 5 nodes and I try to do that but never seem to be able to strip that much.

All looks good Stank! :high-five:

Hey Ween, I try to do a variety of things training wise with the plants. I would get bored if I did the same training or lack there of all the time. I rarely do the crazy insane training and trimming unless I am doing a main-lining or something like that. I don't do a lot of letting them go without doing anything to them either. In my mind, I am paying for the electricity for that flower space.....I do my absolute best to ensure I get the most return out of that electricity. To me....letting them go untrained, wastes so much space unless you are going to do a SOG. Just my personal take. I try to take up every square inch of my flower tent with bud sites. I can't see wasting a lot of space and reducing what I get out of a space and light as a good thing. If I train em to fill roughly a 2x2 space per plant, it lets me get the most out of the lights watts. That means more potent oil/more oil, more potent topicals/more topicals, and more flower for family friends and others for the same win brother.
Stankberry #3 Veg Day 67

Been a while since I showed any of the Stankberry girls. This is the only one I have done any training on. I am struggling with the idea of letting Stankberry #2 going with no training but I don't think I will do that with her. This girl is in a 3 gallon pot and seems to be enjoying it. Hoping to get another month in there before up potting her to a 10 gallon pot.

Looks like this one is out growing the whorled leaves she started with. Very happy with her growth rate.....she is growing very fast and is very healthy. She should be a big girl by the time we flip!

Happy new year Stanks (Mr. & MRS.), thank you for all that you do (knowledge & attitude) to make this a better place.:Namaste:

Hey Dynamo, thanks for the kind words! Hope you and yours have a great one as well. Enjoy your evening and hope you have a special strain to welcome in the New Year!

Happy New year Stanks!

Thanks brother! Happy New Year back at ya! You smoking anything special tonight?
Hey Dynamo, thanks for the kind words! Hope you and yours have a great one as well. Enjoy your evening and hope you have a special strain to welcome in the New Year!

Thanks brother! Happy New Year back at ya! You smoking anything special tonight?
Honestly I havent burned for a while bud! I am waiting to flower out my Cannatonic cut so I have something to combat any anxiety I may get. I am just spending the night hanging out with my little one. What are you smoking on tonight?
Lets see....we started the day with some African Meltdown. After a few hours of burning wood outside, I tried some of the Nukehead I grew back at the beginning of the year. I hadn't smoked the #2 in a while and after grinding up some to put in a batch of oil I made earlier today, I decided to smoke her. Ok buzz, just lacked any staying power.

After that, I switched to the ATF since my back was really irritated and it worked its magic. I am still contemplating what to grind up next. I am due to burn something soon....BCP perhaps or maybe some of my special Blueberry stash I keep tucked away.
I will say that the Nukehead #1 plant produced a decent product. Its got some potency and hair on its ass. I can't say that #2 is anything more than average at best. Its got a nice Lime smell to it when ground up but its kind of a shallow high.

Definitely didn't warrant the hype they tried throwing out there, but at least people got an unbiased journal out of it. Those two plants were the lowest yielding strains I grew this year. Nukehead was the only strain not to hit 4 ounces. Even the Gorilla Glue Auto out yielded it.
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