Stanks Go Perpetual In 2018!

Amherst Sour Diesel Flip Day 3

Alright, things are back in order here in Stankville and the girls are doing well. Hope everyone had a great xmas and is resting up for a great New Years.

We are kicking the updates off with the big girl. She got up potted to the 15 gallon pot on the 20th so she has had a full week and seems to be getting used to the new home. I gave her a big hair cut and spread her out a bit more yesterday and then gave her a big drink of water.

The canopy is about exactly where I wanted it going into the flip and I am hoping she will reward the decision to go with the 15 gallon pot.

Tangie Ghost Train Flip Day 3

This is the one I am going to have my hands full with. I know I vegged her way too big....but I did it on purpose....I am a masochist, what can I say. I am going to be super cropping her the entire flower period. But I expect massive yields off her. I got 341 grams off her mom who I only grew to about half the size of this one if veg. Hoping for another member of the pound club from this one.

I don't have nearly the room at the top of the tent that I am going to need so I will be getting creative with stuff...just not sure how yet! :rofl::laugh:

Gave this monstah a drink of water today, only about a gallon but the top of the pot needed it. She should be drinking full steam here shortly.

Bonus Flower Tent Update

Here is the full flower tent.....not everything is flipped. I am manually moving a couple smaller pots out of here at flower lights out and throw them under the T5 for a few hours. I really need to hurry up and get the 10'x10' tent up and running.

Thanks Duggs, appreciate it brother.....yeah i spent some time on that Amherst canopy. The Tangie, not so much LOL. Growing her the first time I learned she will yield great without a perfect canopy and she stretches like a SOB and I ain't worrying about her. She is going to do whatever it is that she wants to do regardless of what I do to her so I will bend her and shove her where ever I can get her.

The Amherst, I am hoping will hold that shape. Might add just a bit of Silica into the next two waterings on her to give her branches a bit more strength. Other than that, all my work on her is done.....flip her and forget her! She is going to be a pretty girl!
Time to grind up some of that African Meltdown and go do some chores! Interesting smoke that one. Always amazing to me how different these plants can be. Its not the focused sativa high that I get from the Tangie Ghost Train.....its more care free and pulls you towards being outdoors. More of a mood elevator than the Tangie Ghost Train, but I don't get quite the same amount of work down. I find myself just watching the woods and trees, listening for any and all sounds. Haven't determined if she is a keeper yet. Hopefully this bowl will help me decide!
What are the genetics on African Meltdown? I was interested in your description of the high and wondered what the African part is. I'm still trying to pin down what it is that's different about African genetics. I've had Malawi, Durban, Bushmans ... Zamaldelica which is similar - they all share a certain clear raciness that I don't find in most other strains, and they lack a certain "kindness" that I get from American strains, like Brazilians and some Mexicans.
What are the genetics on African Meltdown? I was interested in your description of the high and wondered what the African part is. I'm still trying to pin down what it is that's different about African genetics. I've had Malawi, Durban, Bushmans ... Zamaldelica which is similar - they all share a certain clear raciness that I don't find in most other strains, and they lack a certain "kindness" that I get from American strains, like Brazilians and some Mexicans.
The genetics according to the guy that gave them to me are Chernobyl x Mozambique. Apparently my pheno is one of the rarer ones according to how it grew. I smoked her again today and same basic high I described earlier. A pleasant mood elevation that was enjoyed by a full walk around the property. No munchies at all.....and finished up after the walk with moving stuff out of the basement into the shed and then moving all the remaining used soil back in the basement. Didn't really have a desire to eat until 3pm so I suspect there might be some THC-V in it. Its not a very racy Sativa in my opinion, but its a very enjoyable sativa high.

I really need to get some buds into my buddy's hands. He is great at dissecting the highs and putting them into words. I don't do well at that, I do better with telling you when and how I like to use a strain. The Meltdown would be a good one to use to enjoy a casual hike away from people, or a couple hours in the basement tending to the plants. Its not one I want to smoke if I have to work too hard (Tangie Ghost Train is great for that). I need to explore what its like with music still. Haven't really smoked it and stayed indoors yet. Seem to always end up with outside in the woods after smoking her. Still have a bit more testing to do on her.....but she is worthy of more exploration!

Will likely be trying the first tester of the Hawaiian girl tomorrow. Looking forward to that!
Yes....the A5 X Malawi (A5 Killer name from ACE) and Thai Chi are two great examples of this Gray. The A5 is a no nonesense , get things done Sativa....and the Thai Chi is a more relaxed , friendlier Sativa. Both have their place and both are very potent , their own way.
I am looking forward to running both of those strains! :drool:Mmmmmmm
Good God man, no messing around here. The ASD will behave but that TGT is going to keep you busy lmao! Have fun bud. Great work as always.
Thanks brother...and yeah I am very afraid of whats ahead in her flowering. It wasn't planned to take her this big.....but all the delays in getting into the house kinda caused it to happen this way. I wanted her big, but not this big. But then I look at it as a test of my ability to tame a wild woman like this LOL, or at least see if I can make it out the end with as much dignity as I can muster. She got about 1-2 weeks into the 10 gallon (from a 2 gallon) before flip so she's gonna be a handful for sure. I love the smoke and so do my friends so the jars don't stay full long......she will be put to good use!
Yeah, with a hedge trimmer! Nice work, and if looking at that TGT doesn't motivate you to get the 10x10 up and running I don't know what will :eek:. have no idea! We moved an outdoor table out of the basement and into the shed, along with some miscellaneous stuff. Now we gotta go through about 10 more boxes of shit and we might have enough room to start setting it up. Gotta start looking at the light mover too. Even half of the 10'x10' will double my flower space so even if I don't get the 2nd Spydrx up and running, I will have a lot more room to work with. The goal is to have it up and running by the end of January. The earlier the better!

Looking flipping great Van And Ms. Amherst S D is looking phenomenalest. They all look great! Nice work.

Thanks brother, feels good to see the girls getting back to being happy and healthy and in big enough pots for a while.
Man, looking good all round! No probs leaving them for a few days.
Thanks brother.....can't leave em long here soon. Once they get zooming in flower, I have to water them every other day. I am going to get an automated system set up once I get the big tent up and running, but for now we are handcuffed to them every couple days. The goal will be able to leave for up to two weeks and not have to worry about them dying on us.

This is about ready to get fun. Those are some big plants to flip.

Hey Sam, hope you had a great xmas brother. Yeah its about to get real fun up in here! Its nice to get some girls going into flower...I miss seeing a tent full of flowering girls.
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