Stanks Go Perpetual In 2018!

No sir, but we may end up partitioning off an area big enough for everything and attempt to dial in the climate a bit more. But before we do that, I need to get a freaking sparky out here to the house and verify that I can do what I want as well as fix the corrosion in my board and maybe do a few other things. Problem is....none of them want to do any freaking work! I can't get anyone to even respond about a quote. We were supposed to have one company come out Tuesday but they never showed in their "11 to 1" window and when we called they said some bullshit about a screw up in the scheduling but they can get out to us on xmas eve. X-mas eve? Gee not like we might have plans or thanks. Next available appointment wasn't until next year. Man the economy in the electrician world must be really freaking good!
Yeah I don't mind paying someone to come out and do it....but fudge man, don't even show up, and don't even return calls. I felt like booking them to come back out on xmas eve and then no showing them and leave a middle finger waiting for them on the door but that sort of shit ain't me. Seriously, that sort of shit chaps my ass.

Been a busy morning so far. Lots of rain today so gotta see if I can't snag another 10-15 gallons of rain water. I tested the pH on my well water and it shows at 6.8 so its not bad if I can't keep up with the rain water for the time being. Got the 2 DTF girls still in their half gallon pots watered along with the 2 Stankberry plants. I need to get them all up potted to 2 gallon pots this weekend.

I am slated to start chopping down the Hawaiian at some point today. She is at 71 days if I am not mistaken and she looks about perfect.

Going to change the timer on the flower tent (currently running 18/6 for all the recent transplants) to 12/12 Sunday.

Been fighting something for the last 4-5 days and its starting to kick my ass. I don't have time to be sick so I will just fire up another bowl and get to work.
Alright, I gotta ask.......anyone else find weed helps with the 'cold' or 'sick' effects?

Cause I was seriously feeling like ass this morning. My nose was leaking like a faucet and I was coughing up big green gobs and couldn't hardly breath without my lungs making noise. Well I fired up a bowl of Tangie Ghost Train and I swear to you that I haven't coughed or had my lungs make a noise and I can take full on deep breaths without going into a coughing fit. Not a single drop of snot has dripped and I can fully breath through my nose.

I haven't taken any meds otherwise so literally as soon as I smoked the bowl, all the sick symptoms are gone and other than I sound sick, I feel freaking great! This plant is so wonderfully baffling to me!!

I noticed it years ago - getting high will dry up a runny nose. :slide:

And it feels better to be high ... win/win.:)

Heheh, will we eventually see it pitched as a cold remedy? :rofl:
Time to get shit done!!! Think I am gonna unpack two boxes and then get to chopping that Hawaiian wench. Found the Bose speaker that I can plug into my phone and blast some tunes. Today might not be as bad as I thought it was gonna be! Woot woot!!
:thumb: I have the same thing planned - gotta trim Bluniverse today - gonna fire up Pandora and git 'er done.

... soon

... after this next bowl


I noticed it years ago - getting high will dry up a runny nose. :slide:

And it feels better to be high ... win/win.:)
Who would have thought.....and my lungs man.....I seriously sounded like a gurgling machine before I lit up. And now I am good to freaking go brother!

It was funny, Ms Stank offered to pick something up on the way home and asked what i wanted. I said, hell if I know I don't take meds, I don't know what is supposed to help with this shit. She asked what my symptoms were and said she would grab something on the way home. Now I don't need anything! When I told her how I felt after smoking, she was blown away that smoking could clear my lungs LOL. I am still blown away....but still an hour later and I haven't coughed once, or reached for a tissue (or my sleeve LOL).

I generally don't get sick much and when I did in the past, I would just work it out or run it out. I think this is the first time in 3 years I have had anything. I was just thankful it waited until we got moved in before it hit me.

Now if cannabis actually treats the cold or cold like symptoms like it appears it does, I won't need any meds!
:thumb: I have the same thing planned - gotta trim Bluniverse today - gonna fire up Pandora and git 'er done.

... soon

... after this next bowl

Yeah I am motivated....but still not quite ready to tackle her. I might eat lunch first and perhaps take another puff on that Tangie or even some Durban I have stashed away and then chop her down.
Now I am wondering what it is in the plant that it the terpene and if so, which ones help the most with those symptoms? @SweetSue I know you are on a lot of the medical threads, have you come across anything tying specific terpenes towards treating specific cold/flu symptoms?

I tell people (that will listen) that I can literally feel my ECS regulating my body based on my body's needs (not my wants). When I am really bad on pain scale, doesn't really matter how much I ECS focuses on treating the pain and very little on 'high'. It will still get me feeling good mentally and comfortable physically, but it won't really regulate much towards 'fun', it all goes to medicinal needs. Now when I am not on the 8+ range pain wise, I can feel the differences on how the ECS spread the effects. I get a much more 'high' or 'stone' when my pain is lower. I can also feel how it regulates things as it pertains to being angry. It focuses on calming me mentally and getting me back on 'even keel' before it will even allow the fun aspect of cannabis. The body regulates it how it needs it, or at least for me as someone who uses several times a day it does.
You mentioned your lungs clearing up, too. I'm a lifelong cigarette smoker and it's taking its toll on me after 50 years of it. In the morning I wake with a dry hacking cough as I sip my coffee and read the newspaper. After an hour or so of that, I sit down for my first buzz. Within minutes, any cough becomes productive - not dry. My lungs and sinuses clear. :hmmmm:

So there's something expectorant about cannabis smoke in my case, and maybe even for edibles - dunno. I'm assuming it's the volatile resins. After all, 20% of what we're burning is volatile oils - cannabinoids and terpenes.

And so far, I don't detect a similar downside - seems an overall positive. But then ... I like to get high so ... :hmmmm:

Alright, I gotta ask.......anyone else find weed helps with the 'cold' or 'sick' effects?

Cause I was seriously feeling like ass this morning. My nose was leaking like a faucet and I was coughing up big green gobs and couldn't hardly breath without my lungs making noise. Well I fired up a bowl of Tangie Ghost Train and I swear to you that I haven't coughed or had my lungs make a noise and I can take full on deep breaths without going into a coughing fit. Not a single drop of snot has dripped and I can fully breath through my nose.

I haven't taken any meds otherwise so literally as soon as I smoked the bowl, all the sick symptoms are gone and other than I sound sick, I feel freaking great! This plant is so wonderfully baffling to me!!
What I know is when I took the 30 year break I was never sick before. Soon after I caught everything. Kids were involved so science is out the window but you're onto something I think.
Who would have thought.....and my lungs man.....I seriously sounded like a gurgling machine before I lit up. And now I am good to freaking go brother!

It was funny, Ms Stank offered to pick something up on the way home and asked what i wanted. I said, hell if I know I don't take meds, I don't know what is supposed to help with this shit. She asked what my symptoms were and said she would grab something on the way home. Now I don't need anything! When I told her how I felt after smoking, she was blown away that smoking could clear my lungs LOL. I am still blown away....but still an hour later and I haven't coughed once, or reached for a tissue (or my sleeve LOL).

I generally don't get sick much and when I did in the past, I would just work it out or run it out. I think this is the first time in 3 years I have had anything. I was just thankful it waited until we got moved in before it hit me.

Now if cannabis actually treats the cold or cold like symptoms like it appears it does, I won't need any meds!
The doctor that gave ms otter her med card is a harvard professor of psychopharmacology. He mentioned that smoking weed helps lungs in good ways. I can't remember the terms he used but I was encouraged.
Very interesting....just seems so counter-intuitive......inhale smoke to help your lungs. But make no mistake, I am a believer. I felt it first hand today. I wouldn't have believed it had I not experienced it. Like I said before, this plant doesn't stop amazing us. I am still blown away.

I didn't smoke my normal size bowl since I felt like such ass so its kinda wearing off now....about an hour and 15 minutes. I guess thats not too bad, I can see micro dosing with a hit or two every hour being the way to go while I fight this. Lungs are still doing ok, but the drip is coming back to the nostrils.

Whats your preferred method when you are fighting something Gray? Smaller doses more frequently or just blast off to the moon? Or will it even let ya blast off.....I am going to stick to the Sativas until this evening. I am kind of curious the difference between sativas and indicas in their ability to treat the cold and flu symptoms. I will find out later today! :p
I'm a sipper by habit, so I rarely get blasted. I smoke out of a one hitter and that gets me 3 good hits. I do that a couple times and I'm as high as I want to be. Then a few times an hour I smoke another onie for a rush ... :bongrip: ... just surfin' the high. :surf:

Getting blasted when I'm sick makes me want a nap, which is usually what I wanted before I smoked. :rolleyes: Ditto for non-sativas. I want to be high when I feel sick, not thick-headed and tired.
yeah for some reason my system is calling out for Sativas right now. Got a good bit of relief out of that first smoke. Just finished collecting 30 gallons of rain water.....time to warm up and hit that TGT again!
The doctor that gave ms otter her med card is a harvard professor of psychopharmacology. He mentioned that smoking weed helps lungs in good ways. I can't remember the terms he used but I was encouraged.
Its good to see a doctor that is actually familiar and using it like they should instead of hopping in big pharm's back pocket and dishing out their poisons.
Its good to see a doctor that is actually familiar and using it like they should instead of hopping in big pharm's back pocket and dishing out their poisons.
This guy was serious as a heart attack. Must have been 75+ old, pony tail, soft spoken, I would have liked more time with him. We're just breaking the surface of what this stuff is.
Ms Stank and I talk about that all the time. I really think you have to use it regularly to really start to get in tune with your ECS. I was always a guy that was very in tune with my body before cannabis. The regular use and getting to know my body even better and the effects the different strains have for different ailments makes me think exactly that......just the surface! There is so much more to this plant than we ever imagined. Its hard to talk to most people about it because they just don't understand.
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