Stanks Go Perpetual In 2018!

I have been smoking this African Meltdown that I chopped last week and I gotta say, she has some hair on her ass. She makes the outdoors, even when its windy and cold, very interesting. She's pretty good to do some work on, but man you better know what you need to do cause she kinda puts me in a haze like state mentally.

She is very long lasting for this soon after 3 hour high long. The taste and smell weren't really distinguishable at this point, so my first thoughts were kind of disappointed until the effect hit. I wanted to make sure it wasn't cause it was the first smoke of the day the nope, she had as much pop to her the 2nd and now 3rd and I just smoked some of her larf that I air dried. She is definitely a sativa for sure. Never smoked either of the two strains she came from so I can't compare the highs but I would definitely say she's a strong sativa with a haze like high.

I think sativa lovers out there might enjoy this one. I am going to have my guy smoke some of this with me and compare notes. I know a lot can happen in the cure....but based off the one solid nug and the small larf I have smoked, and the way she grew.....this one might be a keeper. Definitely all head high. Music was great but I wanted to be back outdoors so I ditched it in favor of searching for dinner.....err....I mean looking for wildlife.

Excellent! I wish I could partake with you.
Damn man, that ASD…...I have no words. I think you will break your harvest record whatever it is with that. ASD yields huge, nice fat greasy colas. She will have no choice but to flop on ya. I'd say you really should run that in a 15. She doesn't stretch a whole lot so a 15 would be the way to go! Put in on a plant dolly if ya have to.
Ok I am convinced!

I did a soil inventory yesterday and I think I can use the 15 gallon and still have enough to get by until the new batch is ready in a month. I hear she is a yielder and I would love to give a real go at it. My only hesitation is I really neglected her training for yielding like crazy. But who cares right....a good hair cut (sharpens the blade) and shit load of pipe cleaner and I will have her ready to go.

I swear I keep changing my mind on 10 or 15. Yesterday i was convinced to just do the 10 and be done....but then last night I was sitting there thinking "Nah Stank, go big, DO the 15, fuck it!" and I was leaning towards that but was trying to talk myself back to the 10. Well why go 10 when ya got a 15. And if she gets too big, guess I will have to get my ass in gear and get that freaking 10'x10' up and running.

Thanks Neiko!! (like I needed much motivation to go big!)
Excellent! I wish I could partake with you.
Yeah I am fighting the urge to go grind up another bud of her. Might as well if I am going to be doing a bunch of transplanting! Really enjoyed the buzz she gave.....very different. So much head and haze like. Wish she smelled and tasted better but I willing to wait for the cure.

On a side note....the Hawaiian is pulled from the main tent (Day 70 since flip) and she will be chopped either later tonight or tomorrow. I got the ATF up potted to a 2 gallon from the half gallon. She will likely spend another month in there and then get slapped in a 10 and flipped. I up potted DTF #4 into a 4 gallon where she will get a couple days to adjust and then she will get direct flipped. I am growing her naturally without any topping. Gonna see what the DTF want to grow like without any interference. Hopefully 4 gallons is enough soil for her.

I also have another African Meltdown clone that just got uppotted to a 5 gallon last week that will be flipped at the same time. I hate flipping everything at once cause it means I am going to have a bunch of stuff coming down at once, but oh well. It is what it is. Maybe I can stagger their starts a little bit.
Yeah but man they are a bitch to move! I mean you grow in 26ers, how often do you pick yours up LOL? I wish I could roll them into the tent somehow...but lifting them in and out of the tent with my back is task. 10s are tough when watered......15s are very tough.
Yeah but man they are a bitch to move! I mean you grow in 26ers, how often do you pick yours up LOL? I wish I could roll them into the tent somehow...but lifting them in and out of the tent with my back is task. 10s are tough when watered......15s are very tough.

Your back is the main concern, but you know what that NL did in a 15.
Have to do what is best for you and your situation over all.
Yeah but man they are a bitch to move! I mean you grow in 26ers, how often do you pick yours up LOL? I wish I could roll them into the tent somehow...but lifting them in and out of the tent with my back is task. 10s are tough when watered......15s are very tough.
I feel ya there! My Critical is in a 10 gal and I can't move her when she's wet. I can only imagine the 15's & 20's. Holy cow!
Your back is the main concern, but you know what that NL did in a 15.
Have to do what is best for you and your situation over all.
Yeah I can handle it if I have the room to deal with them. Its one of the reasons I have changed how I train the plants. You guys may have noticed that I started letting them get taller before spreading them. That allows me to bend down in squat position without a face full of plant (and with my beard and long hair thats a serious challenge in flower) and lift the pot up using good form. When I was spreading them lower, I couldn't do it and would have to use bad form to lift them.

Thats one of the appeals of having the big 10'x10' up. I can set them and forget them in flower and leave enough room to get around them and train them out properly. Hell I like the idea of investing in a bunch of those cheap 4-wheel dollies from Harbor Freight so the plants are mobile. Having the 10'x10' up and running is still the end state.....just not feasible until after the new year at a minimum.

Didn't realize how much work this move was going to be and how much slower I have to move. Man....just can't work like I used to or want to anymore. And that was something I always prided myself ability to outwork damn near anyone. I have worked 90 hour work weeks with a flu, running temps 102-104 degrees and never really slowed down. Cold, heat, shit....wouldn't stop me man, I would kinda chuckle as all the others would stop for breaks. I always had the mindset of "embrace the suck, and get it over with as fast as possible so you can rest and do what you want to do". Never understood the point of dragging shit out if ya could get it over and done with. I ain't that guy anymore man and it sucks!!
Yeah I can handle it if I have the room to deal with them. Its one of the reasons I have changed how I train the plants. You guys may have noticed that I started letting them get taller before spreading them. That allows me to bend down in squat position without a face full of plant (and with my beard and long hair thats a serious challenge in flower) and lift the pot up using good form. When I was spreading them lower, I couldn't do it and would have to use bad form to lift them.

Thats one of the appeals of having the big 10'x10' up. I can set them and forget them in flower and leave enough room to get around them and train them out properly. Hell I like the idea of investing in a bunch of those cheap 4-wheel dollies from Harbor Freight so the plants are mobile. Having the 10'x10' up and running is still the end state.....just not feasible until after the new year at a minimum.

Didn't realize how much work this move was going to be and how much slower I have to move. Man....just can't work like I used to or want to anymore. And that was something I always prided myself ability to outwork damn near anyone. I have worked 90 hour work weeks with a flu, running temps 102-104 degrees and never really slowed down. Cold, heat, shit....wouldn't stop me man, I would kinda chuckle as all the others would stop for breaks. I always had the mindset of "embrace the suck, and get it over with as fast as possible so you can rest and do what you want to do". Never understood the point of dragging shit out if ya could get it over and done with. I ain't that guy anymore man and it sucks!!

I can relate, as I can still outwork the younger guys.
But only because they are lazy, when they decide to get motivated, they can move faster than me. That and my eyesight going to crap are the two things I hate the most about getting older. LOL
LOL! I’m picturing you dead-lifting those huge pots. :adore: Mmmmmm...Hawaiian.
Thats what I do Gramps!! Basically dead lift it.....hate when I forget to move the yellow insect trap and it gets stuck in my beard lol. Can't help but think I have fungus gnats crawling in my beard the rest of the day.

Downfall to changing the way I have trained the plants, is they are taller and more unstable when I go to move them. Plus they are.....well taller and now I can't stand up with them fully and have to bend over a bit to move with them. So while the new method is better in some ways, it has its downfalls or negative branches. Just gotta figure out a why to trim the negative branches lol. I think having them on dollies is my fix as long as I have enough room in the tent to play the plant shuffle game lol.
I can relate, as I can still outwork the younger guys.
But only because they are lazy, when they decide to get motivated, they can move faster than me. That and my eyesight going to crap are the two things I hate the most about getting older. LOL
Awww man you have no idea. LOL.....I learned that well in the Corps. I prided myself on my ability to outwork any of them. If it came down to a matter of 'will' in something....not necessarily speed or strength (cause there is always gonna be someone genetically more gifted than you), only you decide when someone else wins. I learned to embrace that pain and the suffering that went into it (probably stemmed from growing up playing sports in Florida, play football in that heat and well growing up cutting grass as a kid, I spent an average of 5 hours a day in that brutal climate landscaping as a teenager) and always enjoyed testing the limits of what I could do physically.

One year there was an opening for a marathon spot and they asked if anyone wanted to do it....a week before the marathon. I told them give me til after lunch to decide. I went out, ran the perimeter of the base road and felt fairly good (10.5 miles) and told them yeah, fuck it, I'll run it. I did one more three mile run before the event and I ran a marathon with no marathon training what so ever. Knee locked up on me at mile 20 and I hopped the last 6.2 miles on one leg. Still finished in a respectable 5.5 hours.

I boxed while in the Corps, did MMA, played all the intramural sports that we had on bases including tackle football well into my 30's. I always found the same thing, I loved that I had an advantage of the 'will'. Embrace the grind, embrace the suck, break their will, fuck em up!

MMA is one of my greatest loves aside from Ms Stank, cannabis and the outdoors. One of my absolute favorite things to see in MMA is a man completely and utterly destroy the other man's will to fight anymore by simply wanting it more. I am not talking about a superior fighter beating someone badly, I am talking watching the opponents body language change, watching him doubt himself, doubt if he can take many more punches, watching him struggle to breath because he is tired. I seriously fucking love that! I love the guy that drags the other guy to that 3rd, 4th, or even 5th round.....taking everything the guy had to dish out in the 1st and 2nd round and just ate it! Glaring at the opponent like a predator, letting him know that you can punch me 5 more times and I am still gonna come forward, I ain't going nowhere and you are going to have to deal with me. And watching the guy read that look and have their 'will' broken and look for a way out of a fight that they thought they were going to win early on.

I used to love to watch my guys break under me on PT sessions. Oh you guys just thought we were doing a 5 mile run today. No, see now we are going to indian run to the track field and we are gonna run sprints until someone pukes....only question is it gonna be the old guy or is it gonna be one of you young bucks. And let me tell ya, there were some battles. But I always won. Used to fuck with them even more.....would have sand bags staged at the field for them to carry back on the run back. Talk about watching wills being crushed. But they learned, they learned they were capable of a lot more than they ever thought they were. You learn a lot about yourself when you push yourself. I miss being able to do that. If the surgery helps enough for me to do that again, I will not take it for granted. My whole life, every aspect of my life revolved around my physicality......been a very humbling two + years with this back injury. You learn a lot about yourself when you lose something as important as your physicality.
With some good surgeons and a check from workman's comp, maybe those days are not behind you. Still, nothing wrong with being cerebral if you have to!
My Critical is in a 10 gal and I can't move her when she's wet.
Don't believe! I move 10 gallon pots wet and I'm sure have 30 years on you. And I am in no shape to lift anything :).
Can't help but think I have fungus gnats crawling in my beard the rest of the day.
Let it fly in the breeze and get caught in the trees
Give a home to the fleas in my hair
A home for fleas, a hive for bees,
A nest for birds, there ain't no words
For the beauty, the splendor, the wonder of my
Hahaha! Gnats in your beard! That was a good laugh. Thanks!

Dude, I feel you...exactly! Being a physical person most of your life and then suddenly forced to stop because of injury is no bueno. I’m proud of you for driving on brother. You know my situation so keep hitting it bud. Dig!
Don't believe! I move 10 gallon pots wet and I'm sure have 30 years on you. And I am in no shape to lift anything :).
Guess I should rephrase... I choose to not be able to move them. LoL

I've had enough spinal fusions. I gotta take it easy on the remaining discs.
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