Stanks Go Perpetual In 2018!

The wood stove will get the front half of the house into the mid 80's if I really crank the blower. Thats too damn hot for me. Ms Stank loves the I max my tolerance at 78-80. After that I have to turn that blower way down. It will get the back half of the house up to 73-74 as well.

Speaking of temps......we are getting this basement really dialed in environment wise. My RH over the last 24 hours was 43-64% (flower tent) and 65-79 degrees. We can live with that for the time being. Too much other stuff to do to waste any more time on it right now. We have some up potting to do tomorrow. And then hopefully back to unpacking and organizing for a day or two before we chop the Hawaiian. She's at 69 days since flip as of 'today'.
Those temps and RH are not bad at all. The RH numbers are what I run down in my basement and your temperature swings more than mine but that isn't bad at all. It's only a little low on the might time temperature.

I have all my stuff in the basement and you're right it does make a big difference having everything in one spot. You almost wonder if you could build something out of one of those plastic 55 gallon barrlels that would allow you to just spin it for a soil mixer. Not a cement mixer but it might work.
Man I love soil.....and I love growing in soil, but I can't say that I love mixing soil with this back still jacked up. Gotta get in rolling with the doc on the procedure here pretty soon. I gotta get me cement mixer or something if they can't fix it
Or get ya about a dozen of these compost tumblers! LoL

Hope the back eases up on ya. I understand that struggle all too well.

Hope y'all are settling in well.

This blunts for you!
Those temps and RH are not bad at all. The RH numbers are what I run down in my basement and your temperature swings more than mine but that isn't bad at all. It's only a little low on the might time temperature.

I have all my stuff in the basement and you're right it does make a big difference having everything in one spot. You almost wonder if you could build something out of one of those plastic 55 gallon barrlels that would allow you to just spin it for a soil mixer. Not a cement mixer but it might work.
I don't mind those night time temps. I left my windows open in my old grow room at night and the temp in the tents weren't too far from these (66-68) so yeah I am good with these. I tend to grow at different pot heights so not many of my pots need to sit on the ground and even then I have some good foam insulation that I set those on so the cold floor isn't an issue. RH is fine in those ranges....though I might be able to add 5 min per cycle (currently have it set to exhaust the fan from the flower tent out to the basement 15 minutes every 3 Hours) and that might take a couple % off the high end of the range.

I like your idea on trying to use one of those old 55 gallon drums. Don't think it would work with a 55 gallon unless I divided everything in half and ran two batches (which wouldn't be hard to do and might be easier anyways), but if I could find a 100 gallon drum.....yeah I could make that work like a champ!

I build a quick cart last night and this morning out of some old stuff I had laying around and now I have my soil containers on a cart I can roll anywhere I need to without lifting a pound. Man I am going to love this big basement once I get everything how I want it. Kind of wish I had saved move of those old shipping parts off the medical equipment I used to install. I would love to build another one for the worm bins as well. I do have a couple 4 wheel dollies I can use for them but they are being used currently for moving boxes and stuff.
I don't mind those night time temps. I left my windows open in my old grow room at night and the temp in the tents weren't too far from these (66-68) so yeah I am good with these. I tend to grow at different pot heights so not many of my pots need to sit on the ground and even then I have some good foam insulation that I set those on so the cold floor isn't an issue. RH is fine in those ranges....though I might be able to add 5 min per cycle (currently have it set to exhaust the fan from the flower tent out to the basement 15 minutes every 3 Hours) and that might take a couple % off the high end of the range.

I like your idea on trying to use one of those old 55 gallon drums. Don't think it would work with a 55 gallon unless I divided everything in half and ran two batches (which wouldn't be hard to do and might be easier anyways), but if I could find a 100 gallon drum.....yeah I could make that work like a champ!

I build a quick cart last night and this morning out of some old stuff I had laying around and now I have my soil containers on a cart I can roll anywhere I need to without lifting a pound. Man I am going to love this big basement once I get everything how I want it. Kind of wish I had saved move of those old shipping parts off the medical equipment I used to install. I would love to build another one for the worm bins as well. I do have a couple 4 wheel dollies I can use for them but they are being used currently for moving boxes and stuff.
How are the worm bins coming along? Dunno if I missed a worm update, but call me interested on how that poo is coming along.
Or get ya about a dozen of these compost tumblers! LoL

Hope the back eases up on ya. I understand that struggle all too well.

Hope y'all are settling in well.

This blunts for you!
We have one of those LOL. Cheers brother, good seeing ya again P!
How are the worm bins coming along? Dunno if I missed a worm update, but call me interested on how that poo is coming along.
Man all I can say is worms are impressive. Them bastards will eat the hell outta damn near anything. We have two big bins that are loaded (maybe 40-45 gallons of vermi composted soil total) that will be used to seed another 50-100 gallons waiting to go. Just gotta finish making room in the basement for all my shit lol. I need to find a nice area down there and engineer a stacking rack system of some sorts that will allow me to go vertical and leave enough space to access the lid for feedings. Gonna have to think about this one for a bit. By spring time I have this all set up and rolling along like a well oiled machine.
Seed Update

Some of you may remember me talking about pollinating our African Meltdown while she was still in veg. Here are the results of most of those seeds. I wasn't sure if the African Meltdown was going to be worth a shit from a smoke perspective and I didn't want to ruin the buds with seeds. Pollinating the pre flowers gives me enough seeds to play around with while still allowing me a full harvest of seed free buds.......and I still have the genetics if I need to make more. I definitely think this method will be my preferred way of testing crosses while still getting a full harvest of meds. Chalk one up for the home team!

Actually a nice pile of seeds.
Thanks brother, I was very happy with the process this go around. Great thing about working with plants in veg is no need to worry about pollination other than the preflowers. Just spray everything down really well a couple times before you shove em in the flower tent and you are good to go. Probably got a total of 70 seeds from it this I took some off halfway through flower. They weren't quite as tiger striped as the ones I left on until harvest. More than enough seeds to run a batch and test to see if its worth exploring more.
Amherst Sour Diesel Veg Day 108

Took these pics a couple days ago and forgot to post the update. This girl is getting ready for her final up potting. Still not sure if I am going to go with the 10 gallon or the 15 gallon. Right now I am leaning towards the 10 cause I could use that extra 5 gallons on other plants until the soil I mixed up yesterday is ready. I would love to grow her in a 15 but man I hate moving them damn things. Talk about an ass kicker. I need to make my mind up because she is getting up potted tonight.

She needs a massive hair cut. I haven't touched her in 20 days other than to water her. She can be spread out and opened up a bit more once she is up potted so that we get some better light penetration. I gotta get moving on her cause we will run out of room height wise if I don't! Cheers.

How long in veg where they when u pollinated them Van
Well they were clones off the mom so they were mature. In terms of days old in the clone form.....probably 30 days or so. Just gotta wait for there to be enough pre flowers in order to get enough seeds. For the casual home grower, you could do it at first sign of pre flowers. I wanted somewhere in the range of 50-100 seeds while still getting full sinsemilla meds. The good thing is there are generally pre flowers at every node so if you top and spread them out, it doesn't take long to get enough pre flowers to give you the seeds you want.
Well they were clones off the mom so they were mature. In terms of days old in the clone form.....probably 30 days or so. Just gotta wait for there to be enough pre flowers in order to get enough seeds. For the casual home grower, you could do it at first sign of pre flowers. I wanted somewhere in the range of 50-100 seeds while still getting full sinsemilla meds. The good thing is there are generally pre flowers at every node so if you top and spread them out, it doesn't take long to get enough pre flowers to give you the seeds you want.
Gotcha, I remember you doing it

I never veg that long but I'm gunna keep it in mind for sure
108 days in veg! o_O

That's gonna be a bigun. :)
Yeah I never intended her to go like this. She was supposed to get flipped a while back if we didn't have all the delays with moving into the house. Just kind of worked out this way. I really have kind of neglected her but I am hoping she will still be kind to me come chop time.
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