Stanks Go Perpetual In 2018!

I have been smoking this African Meltdown that I chopped last week and I gotta say, she has some hair on her ass. She makes the outdoors, even when its windy and cold, very interesting. She's pretty good to do some work on, but man you better know what you need to do cause she kinda puts me in a haze like state mentally.

She is very long lasting for this soon after 3 hour high long. The taste and smell weren't really distinguishable at this point, so my first thoughts were kind of disappointed until the effect hit. I wanted to make sure it wasn't cause it was the first smoke of the day the nope, she had as much pop to her the 2nd and now 3rd and I just smoked some of her larf that I air dried. She is definitely a sativa for sure. Never smoked either of the two strains she came from so I can't compare the highs but I would definitely say she's a strong sativa with a haze like high.

I think sativa lovers out there might enjoy this one. I am going to have my guy smoke some of this with me and compare notes. I know a lot can happen in the cure....but based off the one solid nug and the small larf I have smoked, and the way she grew.....this one might be a keeper. Definitely all head high. Music was great but I wanted to be back outdoors so I ditched it in favor of searching for dinner.....err....I mean looking for wildlife.
Doe and two fawn were out there.......some other time perhaps. I need to do some practicing with the bow before I start taking shots. I see the perfect tree right on the corner of the property for a stand. We have a nice stream that is the border for us on one side and I know they drink from there.
Nope, I ain't gonna be tracking one around for 3 hours with this back of mine. Only for sure kill shots for me and I haven't fired a bow in years. Gotta do lots of practice before I would pull back on a live one. Next year for sure though!
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