Stanks Go Perpetual In 2018!

I don't even do paper towel anymore. 48-72 hrs in a shot glass of water and then straight into the soil.
HEMPY SOLO CUP FOR GERMINATION!! Just the right amount of moisture. Plenty of oxygen. A seed germination paradise.
I don't even do paper towel anymore. 48-72 hrs in a shot glass of water and then straight into the soil.
Me too but I only soak for 24 hours. I put the cups of water on top of my surround sound reciever to heat the water a bit. I just went 4-4 on my latest batch. They were all up in 48-72 hours. I try to get them into soil before they split.
Interesting on the germ issues

I'd say when I do the water, I'll see a crack, or what appears like it in 24-30 hrs

Then into paper towels. I is the half sheet towels, 3, and folded in half, stays moist longer being thicker

Mine popped a tap root yesterday after 4,hrs in the towels

Give the Stankberry a day or so in towels, I've had em take 24hrs easily in them to pop a root

Now with the challenge girls I'll do the damp towel in a zip lock, blow air into it like a balloon, seal, place on a hot pad or something that's about 85 degrees, I use a heating pad with a towel over it, that works great on tuffer seeds

I also never use the fridge, in a Tupperware, not sealed, in the dark at room temp

These Amnesia Haze that I just germed was at least 1-1/2 yrs old, and it popped fast
Maybe the one folded twice isn't getting enough oxygen.

I don't know brother. I will be honest, I did them differently on purpose cause I was thinking the same thing.....but the one that folded twice is the one that popped so there goes that logic LOL. All I know is I know is I don't know LOL.
Congrats on the harvest! Wonderful colors!
Thanks Flash, I appreciate it! Very pleased with her.

so I only fell like half a journal behind and a cpl

Stunning on the NL and you are going to be rolling in seeds......

Welcome back Smeegs! Glad you are back mate!

Wow Stanky!!!!
Superb NL mate a job well done!!!
Like we say here, seeds for Africa.
You must be happy with that lot?

Thanks so much Grow Bro, we are very pleased with the results. Gonna be several more days before I start harvesting the seeds.
HEMPY SOLO CUP FOR GERMINATION!! Just the right amount of moisture. Plenty of oxygen. A seed germination paradise.
That will work for hydro growers, no so much for me. I don't want to deal with the transition that roots need to go through when they switch like that. Doc gave an interesting breakdown of what a plant has to go through when it switches rooting from hydro into soil. Its a great method for hydro growers for sure though Beez, thanks for sharing brother!
I was having a germination problem as well until I started putting the moist paper towel in a zip lock bag and place on the water heater. 100% germ rate since I started. Hope all those babies pop for you Van!!
I don't know brother. I will be honest, I did them differently on purpose cause I was thinking the same thing.....but the one that folded twice is the one that popped so there goes that logic LOL. All I know is I know is I don't know LOL.
Fair enough, sometimes there’s no rhyme or reason it seems. Lol
Me too but I only soak for 24 hours. I put the cups of water on top of my surround sound reciever to heat the water a bit. I just went 4-4 on my latest batch. They were all up in 48-72 hours. I try to get them into soil before they split.

I don't even do paper towel anymore. 48-72 hrs in a shot glass of water and then straight into the soil.

Yeah this is kind of the direction that I am leaning towards. I mean hell, I didn't even soak the last ATF seed at all, just dropped it in the soil and it popped. I just wanted to try and figure out what the issue is that has suddenly reared its ugly head with my paper towel method. I kind of have the equivalent of OCD when it comes to figuring out why something stops working. It bugs me to no end and I can't stop brainstorming on what might be the cause of it. It makes it difficult to shut the brain down when there are unexplained things that negatively impact me and I can't figure why. I blame it on my engineer father. The guy never answered a question I asked with an actual was always another question to make me think about it. This is just baffling to me.

And the messed up part is understanding the why is more important to me than just figuring out a different way to do it. I know I have spent several hours already trying to work this whole thing out in my head. Its a simple process with only a few contributing factors which include the paper towel, the water source, the temperature of the room, cleanliness, light access, and genetics. Am I missing anything?? Just time....but that is variable to how fast the seeds sink and how long it takes to crack. Time, temps, paper towels, water, cleanliness, darkness/light levels and genetics.....gotta be one of those factors. Man this shit bugs the hell out of me.

I guess the next thing to try is direct sow with the genetics that have failed me. So I was 0-2 with Carnival, Green Crack, and Blackberry. I have seeds left for all of them so I think what I will do next time I go to drop new genetics is just direct sow these genetics. If they pop with no issues, then I suppose I can rule out genetics as the issue. But I can't try this for a while since I potentially have DTF plants to deal with (assuming they break the soil....I transplanted them to solo cups late last night) for the time being. Assuming these 4 pop up, I figure it will be about 35 days or so to find how many of female.
Oh yeah they were toast man. Remember, they all cracked when being soaked and had the tongue sticking out the opening when I put them in the paper towels. They all got recycled into the soil.
Oh yeah they were toast man. Remember, they all cracked when being soaked and had the tongue sticking out the opening when I put them in the paper towels. They all got recycled into the soil.
Ahhh ok, didn't remember they cracked

Ya think maybe it was too wet, the towels??
I was having a germination problem as well until I started putting the moist paper towel in a zip lock bag and place on the water heater. 100% germ rate since I started. Hope all those babies pop for you Van!!
Also do in glass water min 24 hrs. Paper towel in bankie. Warm dark place.
If they dont pop its more the seed quality tgan your error.
So dont feel bad !!
We all get duds now and then. Some more than others. Lol!!
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