Stanks Go Perpetual In 2018!

Miscellaneous Update

I posted a while back that I was trying to get the Green Crack beans to do something......those failed. That strain is shelved for a while since it doesn't want to play. I followed that up with dropping two Blackberry seeds from Nirvana. They dropped and cracked but never developed other than for the tap root to stick its tongue out at me in my attempt to coax them out. Not a good stretch for me with my soak and paper towel method.

That led to a bit of frustration on my part so for shits and giggles I grabbed one of the ATF seeds that I had sitting on top of the tent out in the open for about a year and I dropped it in the hole of the green crack bean. Didn't even soak it. Guess who made an appearance this morning. 4 days from when I threw her in the hole, it popped up. I am thinking I might just try this method for a bit and see what our numbers look like. Can't do any worse than my recent stretch. (2 dud Carnival seeds, 1 dud Laughing Budda seed, 2 Green Crack seeds, and 2 Blackberry granted out of those 7, only 3 of them looked like good seeds and those were the two Green Crack and one Blackberry seed, I would have never sold the other 4 seeds if I was the breeder....very small and immature looking) of 1 success out of the last 8 (Amherst Sour Diesel).

Anyways, I will have pics up of the new addition in a bit. I do still have both of the Blackberry seeds in soil but they haven't done anything in the time that I dropped the unsoaked ATF seed and I don't expect them do anything. I might throw some of my own seeds in water and try the paper towel method and see if perhaps its something in the paper towels. I have read something somewhere that bleaching agents can be an issue and I am wondering if thats my issue cause I get them to crack but they won't do anything in the paper towels. I know my seeds are good and I don't care if I lose a handful trying it out.
I used to use the paper towel/baggie method and have good success. Now I will only germinate seeds one a hempy solo cup. Since switching to that method my success rate (knock on wood) has been 100%. And there is no seed soaking. You prepare the solo cup with the hempy, make a small hole a drop in your seed. On average the plant sprouts in 3 days.

Edit: I forgot to mention that when I breed seeds I germinate 5 of each strain to determine their viability. Not to grow them, just to see if they'll sprout and how healthy the seedlings look. I popped a lot of home grown seeds this summer with perfect success. I don't think I'll ever germinate seeds using any other method unless something amazing is discovered.
To get the solo cup ready put a 1/2" hole about 2" up from the bottom. Mix up a 1/4 strength batch of the nutrients you use. Put a piece of tape over the hole at the bottom. Pour in as much water/nutes as you can without the perlite floating too high and falling out. Let it sit like that for about an hour. Take off the tape and let the excess (above the 1/2" hole) off and you're ready to plant a seed. I keep the dome on until 24 hours after the seedling sprouts. When I remove the dome the plant/s are put on a pedestal so they are as close to my four 20 watt CFL bulbs as I feel safe doing. Real quick they'll let you know they don't like the light/heat as they'll start to droop over. If you see that lower them another 4-5" and see how they react. After 2 days under the CFLs the plants are stable and ready to transplant (gently) into their first pot. I tend to use 3/4 gallon pots to start. Some people keep the seedling in the solo cups and let them grow for extended periods and I am giving serious consideration to trying this. First, the plants grown in the hempy cups/pots grow at an accelerated rate compared to soil and soilless medims. And second after they've grown in the hempy cups for awhile the roots trap the perlite in their grasp so when you up-pot them you get a nice perlite root ball which helps to keep it aerated all around the root ball. Anyway, if anyone is interested in trying it and has a question feel free to ask.

Perfect example. Plant on the left did not like being so close to the light. Drooping over. So I moved both of them down about 5 inches and that did the trick.
Alaskan Thunderfuck (ATF) Seedling Pop Day 1

As promised, pics from our new edition. We have her off to the side in the veg tent while she gets her legs underneath her. I love the young un's when they just pop up! She came with her 2nd set visible so I am expecting her to be a pretty good grower. Hopefully we have a girl! If not, the worms will likely get him (unless he's a stud).

Hawaiian Mayan Gold Flip Day 2

Since we harvested the seeded Northern Light and I cleaned the tent, we made room to move this girl up to the tent. Tent sure is getting crowded again. Likely gonna be about 30-35 days until anything comes down so this girl better get used to the cozy home.

She is looking a little stressed tonight from the light. Some of the plants have a few days where they look a bit wilty until they get used to is. I did move her about 4 inches I took her off a 5 gallon bucket and put her on top of a pot instead. We will see how she likes that when I peek in there. She got a top dressing of Glacial Rock Dust, Basalt, Gypsum and EWC before her watering yesterday. For anyone that missed it, she is in an 8 gallon pot. That should be more than enough to get her to the end.

She isn't as big as I would have liked to have made her but I just don't have the room. She is basically a box shape and is 24" x 24".

How the hell do you measure anything with that yard stick? LOL
  1. Alaskan Thunderfuck (ATF) Seedling Pop Day 1

    As promised, pics from our new edition. We have her off to the side in the veg tent while she gets her legs underneath her. I love the young un's when they just pop up! She came with her 2nd set visible so I am expecting her to be a pretty good grower. Hopefully we have a girl! If not, the worms will likely get him (unless he's a stud).

That is a healthy looking seedling. I love it when the start with a stem that thick.

In am really surprised that you had difficulties with the Nirvana seeds. I get pretty much 90% germ rate out of them. Ase, myself and grandpa have all used them without issues. In any event the ATF sure popped up nicely.
Not sure, but I have managed to pack a 36" plant, a 30" plant and a 24" plant into a 46" x 46" Tent. LOL....but I have. And trust me, they only go in one way!

You have been growing some monster plants over there. That Northern lights still blows my mind for a tent grown plant. That Spyder must be working for you to keep them that tightly packed in and developing like they are. You grow some beautiful plants.

That is a healthy looking seedling. I love it when the start with a stem that thick.

In am really surprised that you had difficulties with the Nirvana seeds. I get pretty much 90% germ rate out of them. Ase, myself and grandpa have all used them without issues. In any event the ATF sure popped up nicely.

Thanks Sam. I do find the stems on the seedlings tend to be stronger early on when I do direct sow into the soil. As far as issues with Nirvana, I am not sure I have an issue with any seed company yet. I am not convinced that i am not doing something on my end that is negatively impacting the germination rates. As I said above, everything is fine until I go into the paper towels. Every seed, except for the Amherst Sour Diesel, sunk and cracked and then stalled with the tip of the tap root sticking out. Its when I move the to the paper towel that things seem to stall. So those seeds could have been fine. If its an issue with any chemicals in the paper towels, I SHOULD see that on the 8 Stank Genetics seeds I dropped last night.

I soaked em in some water and H2O2 for 15-30 minutes and then soaked em in water til they sank. I put 4 Stankberry seeds in one paper towel and 4 DTF into another. If I have any issues with the seeds germinating, I am leaning towards it being something in my process. Now if all 8 germinate, then I guess there may have been an issue with all the seeds that failed. If they all fail, or a significant portion fail, I will retry it again using the direct sow to soil method and see what the numbers look like. Could and probably is something in my process. I don't see how I went from being 100% on germination (more than 20 out 20 were successful in the soak then into paper towel method) to 12.5% over my last 8 seeds. Only a significant change in my process would make that sort of impact. I am not using the rain water in the germination, and have always used distilled water so I know its not a water thing. Same type water, same containers, not sure about the paper towels....I think they are the same brand but who knows if they used something different in the manufacturing process that might be killing the seeds when I put them in there. Temps in the house are very similar to previous seed germinations so I can't imagine that the 2-3 difference would be it. Its stays a cozy 73-77 degrees in the germination area. That only leaves genetics or the paper towels. I know my genetics are good so hopefully this experiment will help confirm if its the process or the genetics.
You have been growing some monster plants over there. That Northern lights still blows my mind for a tent grown plant. That Spyder must be working for you to keep them that tightly packed in and developing like they are. You grow some beautiful plants.

Thanks brother, we really appreciate that. The light is amazing. I know it might be sticker shock for some people but my yields under that light and in the new soil are through the roof so its well worth it in my mind. Yields have seriously almost doubled (.71 grams per watt on old lights and in the 1.35 grams per watt range right now) while using roughly the same watts (I think I am using about 60 watts more with the Spydrx Plus). The quality on the buds is incredible as well. Its already paid for itself and then some! I can't wait to add a 2nd one and have them on movers in the 10'x10' Think I am going to need a bigger fridge!!
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