Stanks Go Perpetual In 2018!

Man you miss a day or two and you're almost 10 pages back around here. Lots of good conversations in here. I know everyone one is kind of beyond this now but I had a few things I wanted to add.

its a US thing ... right to carry guns makes its so .... here in europe there are far far less guns in circulation and as a result we get far far less gunshot victims ... dont get me wrong i dont wanna diss on US, we have criminals to but its much tougher to get an illegal/legal gun where i live ... a gun murder is very very rare around here .... also the heroin epidemic in US isnt helping ... last i wanna point out that i know via WWW a lot of good decent americans and in general USA is one of the best countries in the world in terms of freedoms but atm ... America's image isnt that great in the rest of the world there are issues that prevent that like gunviolence, policeviolence, gangviolence, extreme poverty, greedy politicians, opioids ( prescribed and other !), racism, debt economy ...

depressing really ... but at least in some parts u can grow and smoke weed without risking jailtime lol ...

im sorry if i offended someone, it isnt on purpose :ganjamon:

now let's have the pushback :)

The Image of the US is the way it is right now because our "leaders" and the UN are trying to force us to give up our rights. It is easier to invoke radical change when you are able to make it seem like there is a problem to begin with. As others have stated the media is getting used to blow things out of proportion in order to perpetrate the image that all gun owners are whack jobs that only want to be armed in order to commit heinous acts. Your average gun owner has no intention of using their firearm for anything other than protection, recreation or sporting (hunting). To me it seems like all these acts are getting blown up so that the government can disarm us to make us softer targets. We have no way to stand up for ourselves or our rights if we lose our right to keep and bear arms.

As others have pointed out firearm related murders account for a very small portion of murders. More people are killed by blunt objects every year than firearms, yet I see no one calling for stricter laws on baseball bats or lamps. You say you are in the EU than you must see that the Uk has a problem with knife violence. You must also have seen all of the people getting taken out with trucks as well. If someone has ill intent they will find a way to make bad things happen. There is no way around it. We cannot keep making laws to try and change things. Murder is already illegal yet it happens far too often, whether it is with bare hands, cars, knives, rope or guns.

One thing that really bothers me the most is that the government has deemed anyone with a med card unable to own or possess firearms. So you can drink and take opiate pain killers and even psych meds and still own a gun, but if you use canabis to treat your cancer or crohns or chronic pain then you have no right to defend yourself... What makes it worse is that they waited until almost half of the country had robust medical marijuana programs before they decided to tell patients they could not own guns. It is pretty fucked up that they are making people decided between their constitutionally protected rights and their medicine. What makes it worse, imo, is that a lot of folks in the cannabis community are against firearms, while a lot of folks in the firearms community are against cannabis. The firearms camp always talk about it being a right that shall not be infringed, while the cannabis camp always spouts off about full legalization and safe access for all. Both groups oppose one another and do not see that if they were to help each other with their causes then there would be no stopping either cause.

instead of shooting more deer shoot less wolves and bears ... takes care of to many deer

In some parts of the country the deer population is not all that great. My state typically allows one deer per season. If you are lucky you may get a second tag. We have an issue with coyotes here. They are decimating the deer population along with our long rough winters. Over here hunters are the biggest conservationists there are. We help pay for land to be bought and improved for animals, we help fund the efforts to keep animal numbers healthy and do more than your everyday citizen realizes for animals and our environment as a whole.

I think back in the day that was called good and proper disciplining of your offspring. In 2018, in a society where at 10 years old kids are telling their moms to F off it's called Child Abuse. Who here was ever spanked, slapped, or otherwise punished by either a teach or principal in school? Not happening today is it? Not sure corporal punishment is the answer to the problems with youngsters today, not the whole answer. But it wouldn't hurt if parents were more involved in the lives of their kids.

There are actually 20 states that allow teachers to hit kids still. The parents can opt out of it if they want in some of them. I heard it on the radio the other day and was shocked. I thought it had been completely done away with. I have mentioned it before in another thread but one of the biggest issues now a days is that we can no longer punish our kids. Most kids know this and push the boundaries. What are the parents going to do? I have heard kids threaten to call DHS if their parents touch them. It is crazy how micro managed we are now a days. You cannot even let your kids go to the park without you in some states without risk of losing your kids to CPS.

More parents could be more involved with their kids. that would be very helpful. The problem with that is that most families have both parents working full time jobs just to survive. And that's if both parents are even together. It gets to be hard to be involved when all of your time is spent working just to keep a place to live and food on the table.
I have heard kids threaten to call DHS if their parents touch them

this comment made me chuckle... The couple times when i was younger like 7-8 and didnt like whatever was going on at the time and brought up child services(which i learned about in school) my parents laughed in my face and said "go right ahead, we need a vacation, youll go away and we will stay home".

love the conversations in this thread... not much to add that hasnt been said.. Social media and education, biggest issues.

being canadian i have never felt the need for a gun, but i understand vans desire to have one.. Comes down the "what ifs" which we could debate all day.

i dont think the states is as violent as its made out to be. my mom has walked most of chicago this year while my dad was there on business and never had an issue nor been confronted, mind you that was day time, but still, hearing all the media stories you would think its a warzone.
this comment made me chuckle... The couple times when i was younger like 7-8 and didnt like whatever was going on at the time and brought up child services(which i learned about in school) my parents laughed in my face and said "go right ahead, we need a vacation, youll go away and we will stay home".

love the conversations in this thread... not much to add that hasnt been said.. Social media and education, biggest issues.

being canadian i have never felt the need for a gun, but i understand vans desire to have one.. Comes down the "what ifs" which we could debate all day.

i dont think the states is as violent as its made out to be. my mom has walked most of chicago this year while my dad was there on business and never had an issue nor been confronted, mind you that was day time, but still, hearing all the media stories you would think its a warzone.
At one point in time it was not that big of a threat. Now though one call to DHS can fuck up your whole life. Especially if you are growing, even legally. Once you are on the states radar you tend to stay there. I see all sorts of stories of good families losing their kids over the stupidest of shit and then I seen families that are complete scum never have any issues. There was one family in the news because they are "free range parents", which basically means they allow their kids to go out of their sight. The cops picked their kids up from the park that was less than a quarter mile from their house because the parents were not with them. I believe the older one was 10 or 11 and the younger one was a year or two behind. The parenst could see the park from their door step but becaus ethey were not right there someone called the cops. Afte rthe cops picked the kids up they brought them to CPS instead of bringing them home and threatened the parents with losing them if anything like that happens again. WTF. When I was geting raised I went all over town without any parental guidance. Half the time my mom had no idea where I was, I knew to be inside before dark and so long as I complied everything was alright.
"Go play outside"!!

In the summers, I'd leave the house on my bike at 7AM and was due back for lunch at noon.

We all did. We were supposed to check in - show up for a drink or snack or something - but we weren't supposed to hang around the house all day.

And we all knew who the creepy people were, too, usually before our parents did. There wasn't anything that went on in our neighborhood that we didn't know about. Kids see stuff when adults aren't looking. :D
this comment made me chuckle... The couple times when i was younger like 7-8 and didnt like whatever was going on at the time and brought up child services(which i learned about in school) my parents laughed in my face and said "go right ahead, we need a vacation, youll go away and we will stay home".

love the conversations in this thread... not much to add that hasnt been said.. Social media and education, biggest issues.

being canadian i have never felt the need for a gun, but i understand vans desire to have one.. Comes down the "what ifs" which we could debate all day.

i dont think the states is as violent as its made out to be. my mom has walked most of chicago this year while my dad was there on business and never had an issue nor been confronted, mind you that was day time, but still, hearing all the media stories you would think its a warzone.
My son and I had a situation that almost went that route. I think he was about 16 years old and he and his mom (not Ms Stank, but the ex wife) were getting into it over something. I kind of always hung back cause she had the hot temper and I rarely ever allow emotions to come through when dealing with kids. I generally did the "go to your room and I will be in there when I am ready to deal with you" thing. I always liked to think about the appropriate punishment for whatever, get to the point and get it over with. His mom....not so much. Well it quickly escalated as he was stupid enough to rise up on his mom like he was gonna touch her/hit her when she grabbed his face and told him to look at her when she is talking to him.

Dude, let me tell ya what. Stank lost his shit! I had him pinned up against the wall, about 6 inches off the ground by the throat. Shit got real for that young man real quick. He hit me (I think, I didn't really feel it cause I was already in that place he never wanted to see) as I was eye to eye with him against the wall lecturing him about him even thinking about hitting my wife (at that point it ceased to be his mom, it was my wife) and that sent me over the edge. When it was over he was laying there on the ground bleeding and looked at me and threatened to the cops. I started laughing and calmly walked over and grabbed the phone and handed it to him. I said go ahead. How long do you think it will take the cops to get here? How long did it take me to do this? If you make that call, I can promise you I am going to get my moneys worth out of your ass boy!" I went on to further explain to him at that moment that if I ever heard about him putting his hands on a woman, any woman, that I would do the same thing to him again. And that if I was too old to do it anymore, I would bring a gun (LOL....should have seen the look on his face) and shoot his ass if I couldn't whip it anymore.

He looked a me in a whole new light after that. I rarely ever had to discipline him as his mom was generally the one that did that. We had several long long discussions after that about what went down that day and those actions are not tolerable ever, at any time. Definitely one of the ugliest days we had..but one of the best lessons that young man got.

Obviously if I had a chance to do things over again, i would have chosen a different route to go down. Not sure how I would have handled it cause it wasn't a scenario you really think you need to prepare for. Shouldn't have to prepare for the day your son thinks he can ever put his hands on a woman, let alone the woman that brought him into the world.

Always made me wonder where he learned that type of behavior......cause he never saw that stuff at home.
At one point in time it was not that big of a threat. Now though one call to DHS can fuck up your whole life. Especially if you are growing, even legally. Once you are on the states radar you tend to stay there. I see all sorts of stories of good families losing their kids over the stupidest of shit and then I seen families that are complete scum never have any issues. There was one family in the news because they are "free range parents", which basically means they allow their kids to go out of their sight. The cops picked their kids up from the park that was less than a quarter mile from their house because the parents were not with them. I believe the older one was 10 or 11 and the younger one was a year or two behind. The parenst could see the park from their door step but becaus ethey were not right there someone called the cops. Afte rthe cops picked the kids up they brought them to CPS instead of bringing them home and threatened the parents with losing them if anything like that happens again. WTF. When I was geting raised I went all over town without any parental guidance. Half the time my mom had no idea where I was, I knew to be inside before dark and so long as I complied everything was alright.
that was my generation to ... i roamed the entire neighbourhood and the neighbouring woods, those were different times ... unfortunately
same childhood for me as well, the rules were the rules, follow them and all was well. Guess all our folks were "free range" lol

figure youll all get a kick outta this quick story from the weekend... Friend of ours wanted to take her baby daughter.. A year old if memory serves correct... To get her ears pierced.. Well some keyboard warrior on facebook jumped all over her post asking if the baby had given her consent...:eek:.... When was the last time youve heard a baby give consent to get their diaper changed, or fed, or or or... Its just ridiculous out there and why i want no part of it.
same childhood for me as well, the rules were the rules, follow them and all was well. Guess all our folks were "free range" lol

figure youll all get a kick outta this quick story from the weekend... Friend of ours wanted to take her baby daughter.. A year old if memory serves correct... To get her ears pierced.. Well some keyboard warrior on facebook jumped all over her post asking if the baby had given her consent...:eek:.... When was the last time youve heard a baby give consent to get their diaper changed, or fed, or or or... Its just ridiculous out there and why i want no part of it.
Folks like that....and Facebook is infested with them... are the reason I no longer go on Facebook. Good grief, people have lost their minds.
same childhood for me as well, the rules were the rules, follow them and all was well. Guess all our folks were "free range" lol

figure youll all get a kick outta this quick story from the weekend... Friend of ours wanted to take her baby daughter.. A year old if memory serves correct... To get her ears pierced.. Well some keyboard warrior on facebook jumped all over her post asking if the baby had given her consent...:eek:.... When was the last time youve heard a baby give consent to get their diaper changed, or fed, or or or... Its just ridiculous out there and why i want no part of it.
Did you see the people pushing for parents to get their babies consent before they changed their diapers? WTF are those people smoking? They were insinuating that it is sexual abuse to change a babies diaper without consent....
Did you see the people pushing for parents to get their babies consent before they changed their diapers? WTF are those people smoking? They were insinuating that it is sexual abuse to change a babies diaper without consent....
Let's hope those people don't reproduce. They are insane and we don't need any more crazy in the world.
Let's hope those people don't reproduce. They are insane and we don't need any more crazy in the world.

I understand that sperm counts are wayyyyy down, so there is hope! :thumb:
This is why I very picky with who I let into my life. Aside from the few people I choose and the plants, I am better off without much interaction with most of the world out there. Our circle is VERY small, even considering family (cause lets be honest, most drama in our lives come from the same one or two family members and I might not be able to control who is in the family but we can damn sure control who's in the circle) and we like it that way.
The problem is its still raining too hard to smoke after collecting and hauling in all that water. Man I will be glad when we are in our house. Guess I will go take some pics of the Meltdown the BCP for some updates. See ya'll in a bit. Hopefully I can medicate then!
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