Stanks Go Perpetual In 2018!

Same thing. But yes, fairly consistently, 200 people die each year from collisions with deer. I know that because it was one of the stats that shocked me when we were concerned over military fatalities in current conflicts.

Bambi will hurt yo azz.
So will hammers and baseball bats, and some bare hands, feet, and elbows! I was shocked at some of the death numbers lol.
Pretty much the same here in Michigan too.
You know my old man and grandfather were instrumental in helping to get your hunting laws changed. He grew up in the UP way back and back then you could only shoot bucks. Every spring, my grandfather and dad would go out and do deer death surveys as they ran a shit load of trap lines and did everything possible outdoors so they knew a lot of the land up there. They had a big area they would survey and they used to take it step further by taking pictures of the stomach contents of the dead animals. They wrote a point paper of sorts kind of laying out the effects only taking males and how hurts the species long term and the continual increase in deaths annually were directly attributed to weaker genetics passing on traits to more and more female deer. Well finally Michigan got wise and with efforts that assisted them, they essentially got the law changed to where you can hunt doe as well there.
You know my old man and grandfather were instrumental in helping to get your hunting laws changed. He grew up in the UP way back and back then you could only shoot bucks. Every spring, my grandfather and dad would go out and do deer death surveys as they ran a shit load of trap lines and did everything possible outdoors so they knew a lot of the land up there. They had a big area they would survey and they used to take it step further by taking pictures of the stomach contents of the dead animals. They wrote a point paper of sorts kind of laying out the effects only taking males and how hurts the species long term and the continual increase in deaths annually were directly attributed to weaker genetics passing on traits to more and more female deer. Well finally Michigan got wise and with efforts that assisted them, they essentially got the law changed to where you can hunt doe as well there.
That's a pretty cool story. I'm not up on the laws 100% but I believe we can shoot a doe in bow season but in rifle season they only issue so many doe permits. I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong.
instead of shooting more deer shoot less wolves and bears ... takes care of to many deer

Not a lot of wolves in the US anymore and even then they kind of screwed it up. They re-introduced a non-native wolf species to one area and its having a hell of an effect on wildlife in those areas. Bears aren't as big of a predator to deer as some would think. Really cougars/mountain lions along with wolves were among the biggest natural predators (coyotes as well on fawns), along with people (think before grocery stores....both my parents grew up eating meats either hunted or raised).
I hear you on the reasons adults get hooked. I have 2 family members that are. Both are back pain issues that got them there. I was more focused on the younger generation. We tank amongst the highest rated in the country for overdose deaths a good bit of those are 24 and under.

In regards to the deer population in the area you mentioned it's a huge problem. That would be why I don't ride after dark any more. It's a lack of hunting pressure. Kids don't want to get out if bed and hunt and securing permission for land access are two big issues.
That's a pretty cool story. I'm not up on the laws 100% but I believe we can shoot a doe in bow season but in rifle season they only issue so many doe permits. I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong.
yeah I don't know brother. I haven't ever hunted michigan. I have only hunted Maryland and out west (Idaho, Colorado, Utah, Montana areas). I believe that in fact that number of permits is somehow tied to some formula that came from some of the survey procedures they helped establish. They were extreme conservationists and put the health of the species above anything I and remember my dad talking about how he would listen to my grandfather and the other old timers discussing how they could figure out how many females were needed in what areas of different counties cause of the vegetation available and how they would need to differ from county to county, area to area. It was pretty cool. I think I was born in the wrong time. That lifestyle is so much more appealing to me. Less and less and more nature and animals.
yeah I don't know brother. I haven't ever hunted michigan. I have only hunted Maryland and out west (Idaho, Colorado, Utah, Montana areas). I believe that in fact that number of permits is somehow tied to some formula that they from some of the survey procedures they helped establish. They were extreme conservationists and put the health of the species above anything I and remember my dad talking about how he would listen to my grandfather and the other old timers discussing how they could figure out how many females were needed in what areas of different counties cause of the vegetation available and how they would need to differ from county to county, area to area. It was pretty cool. I think I was born in the wrong time. That lifestyle is so much more appealing to me. Less and less and more nature and animals.
That's a pretty cool story. I'm not up on the laws 100% but I believe we can shoot a doe in bow season but in rifle season they only issue so many doe permits. I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong.
Depends on what county in Michigan. Almost every county sells a shit load of doe tags, in which every Hunter can buy 5 per day until they are sold out. Government wants to cash in on tags nowdays more than manage the herd. Some people think it's because of lobbyists from auto insurance
As far as society gone crazy. I grew up out near Detroit and as soon as I became a adult I moved out to the boonies. Never looked back. I'm getting ready to move again, to another area of the boonies. When I watch Detroit news there's a shooting everyday. Mostly on the Eastside. But every day. I've lived in my area now for almost 27 years and I've never seen anyone even get arrested here. For those who live in the bad area's, take it from me there's a better way of life. Move to the country if possible! As far as concealed carry permit goes, always carry, never tell. Keep it to yourself
And see, that goes back to the stuff I said about the different areas. They wanted those decisions to be left up to the local areas and didn't want some bureaucrat sitting in the state capital making decisions for something they had no knowledge of. They wanted it left to the local municipalities to make that determination. Sounds like some of it still stands.....pretty cool. I think our general knowledge of species health has come a long way since my grandfather and dad's times. We have had time to see how our bad choices have impacted things and even managed to correct some of them.
Depends on what county in Michigan. Almost every county sells a shit load of doe tags, in which every Hunter can buy 5 per day until they are sold out. Government wants to cash in on tags nowdays more than manage the herd. Some people think it's because of lobbyists from auto insurance
LOL.....that would sound feasible as well. I know first hand of the effort that went behind getting those older laws changed....and it wasn't for any lobbyists originally. I can certainly see them trying to take it over though and throw off the balance that should be kept.
I rabbit hunted with my grandpa and uncle when I was young and if we started killing more females than males they would move to a new area. They instilled that thinking in me.
Never let an opportunity pass to make a buck of two at someone else's or something else's expense. And the saddest part is we elect people who are supposed to protect us from that, but instead are the biggest enablers and capitalize off it almost as much as those companies themselves. Sometimes they reap more cause they play both sides. They will cater to one industry and then accept payments from companies that oppose the other. Help the highest bidder or both at the same time. And then lie to our faces LOL.

And when I say this, I mean both dems and republicans. Some people are foolish enough to believe that only the other side is bad. LOL...yeah ok. Cause greed knows party lines......right.......
Never let an opportunity pass to make a buck of two at someone else's or something else's expense. And the saddest part is we elect people who are supposed to protect us from that, but instead are the biggest enablers and capitalize off it almost as much as those companies themselves. Sometimes the reap more cause they play both sides. And when I say this, I mean both dems and republicans. Some people are foolish enough to believe that only the other side is bad. LOL...yeah ok. Cause greed knows party lines......right.......
The politics in this country are sickening. It couldn't be anymore obvious the politicians are out for themselves and their corporate backers. Republican or Democrat it doesn't matter, they manipulate their base for their own gain.
I rabbit hunted with my grandpa and uncle when I was young and if we started killing more females than males they would move to a new area. They instilled that thinking in me.
I remember one fishing trip as kid. My best friend and I would get up on Saturdays and go fishing. I think I was 14 or so....maybe 15. It was one of the few cold snaps in Florida and it pushed the sea trout into the deeper holes. Well we found one of those holes and man we slayed them. There was no limit on sea trout at the time in florida so we kept all the legal fish which was over 100. I remember pulling back up all excited and dad asked how we did. I pulled up the stringer with a big grin and I was met with a surprising look of disappointment. Didn't understand it at the time.....cause I wasn't thinking, something alot of kids that age are guilty of.....but I figured it out. He was disappointed I kept that many at once, even though we ate everything we caught. He wasn't good and communication at all back them but he had a way of teaching ya with looks or a shake of a head. It was the last time I ever took more than 'we needed'.....again even though we ate all. Lesson learned LOL
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