Stanks Go Perpetual In 2018!

I studied martial arts for a very long time. Became an instructor. Shaolin, Wing Chun, and Muay Thai kickboxing. Created situational awareness and self defence courses for women.

Guns are not the solution. They fail, they can be taken away from you, and require ammunition. Self confidence, technique, and skills taught by martial arts can’t be taken away. They can be carried anywhere. Women can destroy the average man with technique. A quick snap to the throat with fingers will drop almost anyone.

Guns culture is an American pastime. Canadians have just as many guns and hunters but we don’t have the mass killings or gun culture. The difference is attitude and entitlement. Now, when every mouth breathing gun nut is carrying, martial arts won’t help much, but gun ownership and conceal/carry is not the answer. To me.

If people need a gun to feel safe, you have a problem. A serious problem.
Thats all fine and well until the person is my size and knows some of the things I know. The only thing that gives my 75 year old mother a chance against 3 people breaking into her house or even one 35 year old female with a knife is a gun. A knife.....maybe but what if they have a knife?

They did some research a while back....criminals fear only one thing. And it ain't the law. They fear an armed victim. Thats literally the only thing that they fear.

And you proved my point with your comment that Canada has just as many guns but not the same problems. If guns were the problem....then you would have the same issues. Its a people problem. Its an attitude problem. And there is certainly an entitlement issue in the USA's culture.

I am more at home around a bunch of legal conceal carriers than I am almost anywhere else. Legal gun owners, specifically conceal carriers are rarely ever the issue and rarely ever commit violent crimes.

And I go back to a previous statement I made.....I am not trying to convince everyone out there to carry. There are too many people that are far too inexperienced and probably not with the right mindset to own let alone carry a gun. Being educated and confident with a firearm is key. If you are going to carry one, you owe it to yourself and everyone around you to know how to own, carry, and use that weapon. Its no different than driving a car. Shit is dangerous as hell with some of these people behind the wheel that think they should be using phones while they drive. Those people have no business being behind the wheel of a car and look how many people die from car accidents! Far more people are killed by automobiles than by firearms in the USA when you exclude suicides. Hell those numbers are up 20% in the last 3 years.....the same time that smart phones have become used in every part of our lives. Is it the car's fault that more people are dying or the users fault? Ban cars perhaps? I am joking of course.....responsible use is the key for everything, from alcohol to cannabis (there are times i feel I could drive high but I don't take the chance AT ALL...not worth it to me), to vehicle operation to food consumption and on to sun exposure. Don't use any of them responsibly and bad things, perhaps deadly things occur.
I studied martial arts for a very long time. Became an instructor. Shaolin, Wing Chun, and Muay Thai kickboxing. Created situational awareness and self defence courses for women.

Guns are not the solution. They fail, they can be taken away from you, and require ammunition. Self confidence, technique, and skills taught by martial arts can’t be taken away. They can be carried anywhere. Women can destroy the average man with technique. A quick snap to the throat with fingers will drop almost anyone.

Guns culture is an American pastime. Canadians have just as many guns and hunters but we don’t have the mass killings or gun culture. The difference is attitude and entitlement. Now, when every mouth breathing gun nut is carrying, martial arts won’t help much, but gun ownership and conceal/carry is not the answer. To me.

If people need a gun to feel safe, you have a problem. A serious problem.
I, too have extensive martial arts training but I can tell you this, if I can keep the bad guy from getting that close to me I prefer to. And I am no match for more than one assailant. I am a realist, I know my limitations. I agree having martial arts training is a very good skillset to have, but so is firearm training. And I am learning from the best.
I blame everything bad on social media, video games, and cell phones
I'm reminded of a certain scene from Raiders of the Lost Ark. :)

Yeah, I'm always amused at folks who think that they'll actually manage to keep possession of the gun they brought to the fight. There's a bit more to it than just pointing it at someone. In a matter of seconds, it might not belong to you anymore, and that's very not good.
That my friend is called situational awareness. Its knowing when a threat is real and when it isn't. I harp on Ms Stank all the time on situational awareness. Pay attention to cars behind you, leaving avenues of escape in traffic, look at who is in cars around you when you park. Anything that seems off, leave and find a different place.

Predators prey on weak and unsuspecting targets. Pay attention, know what to look for (granted 22 years in the Marine Corps and I learned a lot about observation and situational awareness) and you can generally avoid a lot of the dangers out there. Its for those times when you can't avoid it (a few times in my life) where that gun can potentially save lives. Once when I was 10 years old and my dad was working on oil rigs and was away from home for 2 weeks a time. Heard someone at our garage door and I grabbed the shot gun and racked it and stood waiting on the other side of that door. I was prepared to kill who ever came through that door to hurt my mom and brother and sister. Dude opened the door, saw the 12 gauge pointed at him and he took off running.

What would have happened to me at that point had we not owned the gun? Or the time I was stationed in New Orleans and was stopped in a traffic stop in a part of town it wasn't generally wise for a white dude to be in. I saw the guy look at me and pull the knife out of pocket. He started making his way towards me as I reached down and pulled out my .45. Just held it up enough and looked at him as continued my way so he could see it. He must not have seen it initially cause he kept coming for a few more steps and then his eyes saw it, he dropped the knife and ran away. Without that firearm, I would have been carjacked in the 9th ward in New Orleans, and quite possibly killed (this was the 1995 time frame and New Orleans was the murder capital of the USA at that time).

Far more people's lives are saved every year because of legal gun owners than the number of people killed. For me its a choice and I choose to be the hardest target I can possibly be for someone intending to do harm to me or mine. My biggest responsibility in life is to protect those that I love and I will do anything, ANYTHING, to do that. I also feel its my responsibility to protect others when the opportunity arises.

Also in response to @UrbanAchiever s comment about anyone needing a gun to feel safe, then that person has a problem I ask you this. Why is needing a gun in those situations I gave a problem? I didn't put myself into those situations needlessly. One I was in my home as a kid. The second I was in car driving home from work. No other option than to drive down that street to get there and I certainly couldn't change my race (cause I can promise you that me being white was the sole the reason my vehicle was targeted in that area). So what would your proposed solution to those two situations be since you use a blanket statement like that for anyone 'needing a gun to be safe'? Why is wanting to protect your loved ones from others intending to do them harm a bad thing? I get that maybe its not for you, or you aren't a fan. But sorry....martial arts probably wouldn't have done much for me in the first situation as a 10 year old kid. And I am not sure it would have done much in the 2nd situation if I wasn't paying attention. Sure I might have been able to wrestle the knife away but what if he had a 2nd or 3rd person I wasn't aware of. Seems like my solution to the situation removed all the potential danger.

I say this without it being a direct attack on you Urban, but I think those that make statements like that are a bit out of touch with the reality of the world we live in. This world has people in it that would love to do harm to others. Evil is all over the place and it takes many forms from politicians to police to gangmembers to neighbors nextdoor that have no respect for your right to exist and wouldn't lose a wink of sleep over assaulting you, raping your wife or your kids. Police ain't gonna stop it.....they are going to investigate the evidence of that crime and maybe if they are lucky they might manage to not screw up the investigation so the evidence can be used to lock them up. I will definitely take my chances as the holder of the equalizer (and my training with it makes me alpha dawg around me and mine) as opposed waiting for John E Law to show up and stop the bad guy or hoping that my 22 years of hand to hand combat might be enough to overcome the fact that there might be 3 of them to contend with. No thanks, I will choose the firearm that I pray I will never ever have to pull out again. Thankfully the only times I have fired a gun at someone was in actual combat, but I can assure you that if the lives of my loved ones are threatened, I will do ANYTHING and EVERYTHING to neutralize that threat. Gun, grenade, napalm, burn your ass to try to take my loved ones from me and its on.
To further the discussion ...

I say it's a choice between freedom and security. I prefer freedom, others prefer security. Others want to feel like there aren't things around them that could hurt them. I want to own a gun. Others want designated people to protect them. I want to protect myself. Others feel unsafe when I have a gun. I feel safe when I have a gun.

And murders don't seem to depend on guns. People get murdered all over the place.

And ... the biggie ... that pesky Amendment thingie. If I were to design a perfect world, it wouldn't include handguns for everyone. But yeah, it's a basic American right. And because of it, no government is ever going to suppress us. In my State, 7% of residents have a concealed carry permit. One out of 15 people I see around me may be carrying a weapon. And to be honest, that makes me feel a little safer than if it was only 1 out of 1000.

But it's always been this way for me - I don't know what it would be like to have to trust the government to protect me. That makes me feel unsafe.
We are a lot alike Gray. I think it was Benjamin Franklin that said something like "A man that will trade freedoms for security deserves neither". And I will never willingly surrender that freedom to protect myself for some false sense of security provided to my 'rulers'.
Stank summed up the thoughts concerning guns and their stigma. When seconds count the police are minutes away. America for the most part other than California and New York feel the same way. The problem isn't guns. It's society that has created this issue through entitlements. Why should people have to work for what they can get for free (food, housing and health care)? Why should they have to pay for something that you can just take from somebody else? The ethics for getting work to supporting your family, treating others equally, living within your means are diminishing.

A good portion of Americans look at the EU and want no part of open borders and the socialism that they have in place. The EU may not have a gun issue but they damn sure have an immigration issue with no-go zones in neighborhoods and immigrants refusing to accept the local laws and customs.

Our political system is broken as we have just seen with the election of our latest supreme court justice and the circus that it caused. The media has way too much power. They spin the crap out of everything one way and really do the average citizen a disservice. They shutdown everything that doesn't fall in line with their agenda. Journalism in a fact non-biased way is non-existant. They are not happy unless they are fanning the flames to get stories and divide the country.

I personally don't care how the rest of the world views us. We have foot the bill for defense and given billions to other countries over the years. We have given up technologies we shouldn't. We have taken it in the rear with trade/tariffs and that has to stop. Up until the 80's when we joined the WTO we made most products here. People had jobs that kept them off the streets and allowed a comfortable wage. We need to get back to self reliance and taking care of our own population rather than playing police and doling out handouts throughout the world. To be fair about it we have also created a shit storm geo politically with our militarily involvement in the middle east.

I just think that a good portion of America belives that we should take care of our own before any global issues.
Amen brother.
He started making his way towards me as I reached down and pulled out my .45. Just held it up enough and looked at him as continued my way so he could see it.

Unless I intend to fire my weapon I will not brandish it. Well, I guess I would but that it is illegal where I live and I value my CC license. At my age I could have the skills of Bruce Lee and still get whooped by a healthy 14 year old. But my #1 means of protection are instincts and awareness. But me and Walther go everywhere together. I have carried concealed for 18 years and have never had a need to reach for my weapon and I hope to keep it that way. I did however have to remove my holster (after removing the firearm) and hand it to a State Trooper who wanted to check out my Sneaky Pete holster.
I find I am happier with the TV on less, growing more plants, and hanging out with you fine folks if I want interaction with the outside world. There is a degree of respect and warmth found here that is missing in the world. Crazy crazy world. I don't know how you city folks do it.

Right on buddy. Pretty much the same here. The thing about the city is 99.995% of the folks are just like me. We mind our our business, say high, gladly help anyone in need and we are all in the same boat.

I find it particularly sad tho, I'm a white guy and a lot of time when I encounter the old school African Americans (older that me and I'm 60), I see fear in their eyes looking at ME. I grew up in the 60s so remember all the hate and violence. We've come a little further from that but not much, really.

The cool thing about democracy is, if the government won't make the needed changes the people will. And again sadly,history will repeat itself once again. We cant seem to learn from the past. All these so called smart guys in their 3 pc suits cant seem to get out of their own way. They fight for status quo but when it comes time to fight for the common man, its duck and cover and point the finger of injustice at the people they represent.

Here's some interesting factoid:

"More Americans have died from gunshots in the last 50 years than in all of the wars in American history. "

The war is here in the USA. I'm heading for the hills.

Just another reason to mind my business.
Don't fvck with people
and smile smile smile.

Have a nice day! :passitleft:

OK off the rant sorry. I'm about to head outside. oye... :eek:

I'm with Stank and Kelp. I use it a lot same as I do with Malted Barley and coconut water (pure).

Hey Stank, have you tried malted barley scratched in like you do with kelp?

Can just mix both of them together and do the same thing as you do with kelp.
Malted barley will shorten your flower times by a fair bit. 10-20% off, which is bank for me. 1 TBS with the Kelp meal is enough. I mix it in with my soil mix too and amend with it at up-pot.

With kelp I also foiler it on when I do IPM, it's like the triple play FTW.

For kelp liquid there are 2 ways to use it. Liquid and Kelp Meal. The liquid was originally made so that it can be easily exported from England as it is HIGHLY concentrated.

The heating process to cook it down we loose a little bit of the original goodness, I think some of the enzymes get lost going on memory tho so could be something else.

Anyway we can make our own kelp liquid and I use both the already made concentrate (mix with water and good to go) and I also soak kelp meal in plain water say 1/2 cup in a quart mason jar shake well, and into the fridge. The liquid will separate from the meal and I strain that off and foiler on/water in.
In the mason jar we have kelp meal that is re-hydrated and liquid kelp. They are both very good for gardening.

Cant overdo kelp ... (well using common sense anyways).

I know some of us like the "if a little is good then a lot is better". I've found that to generally not be true, unless talking about love. Never enough. :Namaste:
I can assure you, Stank ain't pulling out a gun unless he intends to fire it. I intended to fire both times I pulled them out, but thankfully never had to.

My dad taught me about guns at a very early age. He knew I was the oldest kid and he made it my responsibility to learn to use them responsibly as a kid, break it down, clean it, put it back together, and to know the name of every part of it. After he taught me, then he taught me about defending my family if he wasn't there. He knew my mom really didn't want to have anything to do with guns so as the oldest, that responsibility feel on me while he was gone. I was thankful he did all that the night I heard the garage door being jostled open when I was a kid. Man I was scared but I wasn't gonna let anyone hurt my mom or siblings
I've only pulled a pistol once in my 58 years on earth and the other guy will never know how close he came to death. Pressure was on the trigger and coming back when he stopped and turned directions. I let off the trigger. That sear had to be so close to letting loose. I shook for along time afterwards.
im sorry if i offended someone, it isnt on purpose :ganjamon:

now let's have the pushback :)

Good convo for sure I agree with you as does my European wife. That said our country is here because we all have the right to bear arms. Our country was set up this way on purpose. It's like the 4th check in checks and balances in government.

Don't take care of the people, the people take over. It's how we won our independence.
Right on buddy. Pretty much the same here. The thing about the city is 99.995% of the folks are just like me. We mind our our business, say high, gladly help anyone in need and we are all in the same boat.

I find it particularly sad tho, I'm a white guy and a lot of time when I encounter the old school African Americans (older that me and I'm 60), I see fear in their eyes looking at ME. I grew up in the 60s so remember all the hate and violence. We've come a little further from that but not much, really.

The cool thing about democracy is, if the government won't make the needed changes the people will. And again sadly,history will repeat itself once again. We cant seem to learn from the past. All these so called smart guys in their 3 pc suits cant seem to get out of their own way. They fight for status quo but when it comes time to fight for the common man, its duck and cover and point the finger of injustice at the people they represent.

Here's some interesting factoid:

"More Americans have died from gunshots in the last 50 years than in all of the wars in American history. "

The war is here in the USA. I'm heading for the hills.

Just another reason to mind my business.
Don't fvck with people
and smile smile smile.

Have a nice day! :passitleft:

OK off the rant sorry. I'm about to head outside. oye... :eek:

I'm with Stank and Kelp. I use it a lot same as I do with Malted Barley and coconut water (pure).

Hey Stank, have you tried malted barley scratched in like you do with kelp?

Can just mix both of them together and do the same thing as you do with kelp.
Malted barley will shorten your flower times by a fair bit. 10-20% off, which is bank for me. 1 TBS with the Kelp meal is enough. I mix it in with my soil mix too and amend with it at up-pot.

With kelp I also foiler it on when I do IPM, it's like the triple play FTW.

For kelp liquid there are 2 ways to use it. Liquid and Kelp Meal. The liquid was originally made so that it can be easily exported from England as it is HIGHLY concentrated.

The heating process to cook it down we loose a little bit of the original goodness, I think some of the enzymes get lost going on memory tho so could be something else.

Anyway we can make our own kelp liquid and I use both the already made concentrate (mix with water and good to go) and I also soak kelp meal in plain water say 1/2 cup in a quart mason jar shake well, and into the fridge. The liquid will separate from the meal and I strain that off and foiler on/water in.
In the mason jar we have kelp meal that is re-hydrated and liquid kelp. They are both very good for gardening.

Cant overdo kelp ... (well using common sense anyways).

I know some of us like the "if a little is good then a lot is better". I've found that to generally not be true, unless talking about love. Never enough. :Namaste:
One misleading thing about your statement on more people dying from gun shots than from includes those that kill themselves which is generally about 80% of firearm related death. So subtract that 80% cause lets be honest, someone that is intent on killing themselves is gonna find a way. Guns are just the easiest and fastest. Sorry, I don't mean to dismiss that number of deaths, but I don't consider them killings in the way someone being murdered. The are tragic for sure....probably more so than someone being murdered. Great things about long enough and hard enough and you will find one that can back up almost any debate. The difficult part is justifying those statistics. So yes that fact it true......but I can say the same thing about cigs, sugar, automobiles, and hospitals! According to John Hopkins research, its estimated that 250k people die annually in the UNITED STATES from medical mistakes. Then lets not even discuss the deaths attributed to the prescribed meds those doctors/whores for big pharm dish out to everyone.
Good convo for sure I agree with you as does my European wife. That said our country is here because we all have the right to bear arms. Our country was set up this way on purpose. It's like the 4th check in checks and balances in government.

Don't take care of the people, the people take over. It's how we won our independence.
Exactly right brother! I wouldn't have it any other way.
I've only pulled a pistol once in my 58 years on earth and the other guy will never know how close he came to death. Pressure was on the trigger and coming back when he stopped and turned directions. I let off the trigger. That sear had to be so close to letting loose. I shook for along time afterwards.
Its a scary feeling brother.....imagine it as a 10 year old. I say 10, I might have been 11. I know it was before I was 12 though. We moved at that time and we were still in our 2nd house when it happened.
One misleading thing about your statement on more people dying from gun shots than from includes those that kill themselves which is generally about 80% of firearm related death. So subtract that 80% cause lets be honest, someone that is intent on killing themselves is gonna find a way. Guns are just the easiest and fastest. Sorry, I don't mean to dismiss that number of deaths, but I don't consider them killings in the way someone being murdered. The are tragic for sure....probably more so than someone being murdered. Great things about long enough and hard enough and you will find one that can back up almost any debate. The difficult part is justifying those statistics. So yes that fact it true......but I can say the same thing about cigs, sugar, automobiles, and hospitals! According to John Hopkins research, its estimated that 250k people die annually in the UNITED STATES from medical mistakes. Then lets not even discuss the deaths attributed to the prescribed meds those doctors/whores for big pharm dish out to everyone.

It also doesn't include civilians killed as a result of said wars.

I think if you look at pharmaceuticals (fentanyl included) , alcohol, tobacco and automobile accidents, guns again are not the problem.

I am unsure why we have such a heroin problem but it needs to be a focus. Legalize weed and use the money spent on that to fight the hard drugs.
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