Stanks Go Perpetual In 2018!

Hey Shed.....the prescribed ratio of the Clonex Solution (not gel) is 5-10 ml per liter. When I mix mine I make at smaller batches...and generally mix half a liter (16 oz water bottle) with about 5 ml. From there I use some of it to soak to the plugs and the rest go into a spray bottle that I use to spray the underside of the leaves 1-2x day.

I don't generally get any discoloration on my leaves and I generally see roots in about 8-10 days that way in the plugs.

If I plant the clone cutting directly into soil instead of the plugs, I do everything the same except there is no soaking of the rooter plug. I dip the cutting in clonex GEL and sprinkle some mycos in the hole and backfill it an inch or two into the solo cup and throw it in a dome. Roots usually show up visible in the solo cup in about 12-18 days.

As for the rainwater collection, I can't answer that question. I go through it long before there is any risk of it going back. I only have capacity to collect about 70 gallons at this point and I go through about 15+ gallons a week. As soon as I empty any of the 5 gallon buckets, I set them back outside to collect on the next rain fall. Not working right now makes it easy to stay on top of it. Once we get settled in the new house, I will focus on more capacity and a more automated capture system. I really think the rain water has been key to me being able to keep the plants in smaller containers with no bad side effects. I have a Tangie Ghost Train cutting that has been in a half gallon pot for almost 2 months now without a single spot on it. Its the same one that I had in the solo cup for a month. Prior to switching to the rain water, you know how much I struggled to keep plants in the container size I wanted. Since switching, no more issues at all with the plants. I hate that over used expression of a "game changer", but for me the rain water has truly been just that. And luckily, It rains often enough that I collect every couple weeks or after each rain fall.
I keep 2 55 gal blue drums in my cellar with an air stone it them going all the time. They never go anything but clear and pleasant for months at a time. One thing can muck things up. Spring pine pollen rains her like crazy and the roof collects it. If it rains and pollen saturated water ends in the barrel it stinks to high heaven. Doesn't bother the plants but really goes bad to my nose. Other than that and settling silt to the bottom, clear sailing. Edit: Half way through each barrel I refill with my well water which is almost 400 ppm and the reason I use rain. This extends the winter to around 150 gallons which is plenty for me. @ 200 ppm
I keep 2 55 gal blue drums in my cellar with an air stone it them going all the time. They never go anything but clear and pleasant for months at a time. One thing can muck things up. Spring pine pollen rains her like crazy and the roof collects it. If it rains and pollen saturated water ends in the barrel it stinks to high heaven. Doesn't bother the plants but really goes bad to my nose. Other than that and settling silt to the bottom, clear sailing.
I worry about the amount of asphalt that my roof sheds whenever it rains. All sorts of things will happen when I put together the cash to replace the roof...rain barrels and solar panels to start!
It also doesn't include civilians killed as a result of said wars.

I think if you look at pharmaceuticals (fentanyl included) , alcohol, tobacco and automobile accidents, guns again are not the problem.

I am unsure why we have such a heroin problem but it needs to be a focus. Legalize weed and use the money spent on that to fight the hard drugs.

The simple answer to your why we have such a heroin problem is easy. Doctors and big pharm. Lets take me and my back for example. If I was stupid, I might have started taking those prescribed pain pills for my back. I knew enough about them to know I wasn't ever going to take that walk. Had I started taking them for an injury that is coming up on 2 years in a couple of weeks, I would likely have been hooked on them. Doctors give you them long enough to get hooked (they aren't supposed to be taken for longer than 10 days or something like that) and then you are stuck with one of the toughest addictions to break according to people that measure those sort of things. Well people stuck on the pain pills turn to heroine when they need to feed that addiction. Throw in the the fentanyl overdoses that are rampant in that and its a truly deadly game that doctors, big pharm and many many unsuspecting players are involved in......and the only ones dying or in jail are the unsuspecting players.

Ms Stank and I have talked about how thankful we were that I decided (with input from her as well) to go the weed route in dealing with this injury and resulting pain. I have a pretty strong will, but man, I don't know. I hear others talk about how deep of a hold those pain pills get on ya (and I have seen several examples in friends over the years) and I don't know that I could have beat that had I chose that path. Thank god I chose cannabis. Its truly been a blessing in so many ways that I never imagined. Its ignited a passion that I have and Ms Stank has, to get Stank Genetics up in running. Its been eye opening in the people that I have met and the stories I have heard in their own personal journeys with cannabis. Its opened my eyes to a history that I wasn't aware of, to a medicine that is amazing in so many ways and so many more yet to be discovered ways. When I think about the path I could have personally walked down as a result of one unfortunate work injury......I can't help but think cannabis indirectly saved my life. I could have easily been a heroine junky had I listened to my doctor and started popping those pills, and I could have easily been one of the next victims of doctors, big pharm, and fentanyl.

So many of the people strung out on that shit are people like me and the not so uncommon work incident. A bad back, a knee injury, a neck injury.....too many bills and not able to do the workers comp thing and you gotta find something to get you either through the work day or for me through a nights sleep as well as the daytime pain. trust a person you are told your whole life to listen to...your doctor....and you very well might be a soon to be heroine addict! A majority of the people on heroine didn't get there on their own. Granted some people walked down that path directly, but most of them don't. Most of them today started out like me.
I worry about the amount of asphalt that my roof sheds whenever it rains. All sorts of things will happen when I put together the cash to replace the roof...rain barrels and solar panels to start!
There you go shed! You do that man, you will be set. Can you get metal roofs out there? Just curious.
Just curious if any of you statisticians can share how many deaths are caused (on average) each year by drunk drivers? Now that is a weapon you need to fear. A drunk driving a 4,000 lb. car down the highway. There is a lot of talk about strengthening gun laws. I admit I try my best not to follow any news but the weather and the NY Giants football games. But I wouldn't mind seeing legislation put into effect to stiffen penalties for anyone who while under the influence of alcohol takes the life of another.

And I will share something that just absolutely turns my face red and raises my blood pressure. Ever get on a back road (or any road) and run up on a bunch of traffic moving at 25mph? You finally move up and discover it's a 250lb repeat DUI or DWI offender driving a 50cc moped because their license has been revoked. Well by God if you're driving on the road on or in a motorized vehicle then you need to have a damn license......take a driving insurance etc. Okay, now I pissed myself off.
I worry about the amount of asphalt that my roof sheds whenever it rains. All sorts of things will happen when I put together the cash to replace the roof...rain barrels and solar panels to start!
There's some rain collecting technology out there that filters any solids. Sits on the barrell and has a stainless screen filter. My rain water is 40 ppm. What the 40 is I don't know. Actually that was last year. Got a new roof this year and I need to check it again.
There's some rain collecting technology out there that filters any solids. Sits on the barrell and has a stainless screen filter. My rain water is 40 ppm. What the 40 is I don't know. Actually that was last year. Got a new roof this year and I need to check it again.
and what about the Ph of rainwater ??
Do they? Or are the people killed trying to avoid them and killing themselves and others instead?

Same thing. But yes, fairly consistently, 200 people die each year from collisions with deer. I know that because it was one of the stats that shocked me when we were concerned over military fatalities in current conflicts.

Bambi will hurt yo azz.
Just curious if any of you statisticians can share how many deaths are caused (on average) each year by drunk drivers? Now that is a weapon you need to fear. A drunk driving a 4,000 lb. car down the highway. There is a lot of talk about strengthening gun laws. I admit I try my best not to follow any news but the weather and the NY Giants football games. But I wouldn't mind seeing legislation put into effect to stiffen penalties for anyone who while under the influence of alcohol takes the life of another.

And I will share something that just absolutely turns my face red and raises my blood pressure. Ever get on a back road (or any road) and run up on a bunch of traffic moving at 25mph? You finally move up and discover it's a 250lb repeat DUI or DWI offender driving a 50cc moped because their license has been revoked. Well by God if you're driving on the road on or in a motorized vehicle then you need to have a damn license......take a driving insurance etc. Okay, now I pissed myself off.
in my country it is illegal to ride a horse under the influence ... and many dare to argue that the horse is sober as hell
Talking about deer, Ms Stank and I were driving to Ohio one year en route to the Smoky Mountains and there was a stretch in western Pennsylvania and eastern Ohio that I swear we saw a dead deer every 3 miles or less. All I could think was how many damn deer do they have out there that this many are getting hit.

Now understand I was living in Southern Maryland at the end of my time in the Corps and Maryland had a lot of deer. Hell we could shoot 8 per year and then if you wanted to hunt on base, you could shoot and additional 8. So 16 deer a year......had to be shit ton of deer if you are letting people shoot that many. No where near the number of dead deer on the road that we saw driving through Ohio and Penn. Man there were a lot of dead deer on that stretch of road. Supposedly its not uncommon there.....the locals just kind of 'eh no big deal'.
Talking about deer, Ms Stank and I were driving to Ohio one year en route to the Smoky Mountains and there was a stretch in western Pennsylvania and eastern Ohio that I swear we saw a dead deer every 3 miles or less. All I could think was how many damn deer do they have out there that this many are getting hit.

Now understand I was living in Southern Maryland at the end of my time in the Corps and Maryland had a lot of deer. Hell we could shoot 8 per year and then if you wanted to hunt on base, you could shoot and additional 8. So 16 deer a year......had to be shit ton of deer if you are letting people shoot that many. No where near the number of dead deer on the road that we saw driving through Ohio and Penn. Man there were a lot of dead deer on that stretch of road. Supposedly its not uncommon there.....the locals just kind of 'eh no big deal'.
Pretty much the same here in Michigan too.
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