Stanks Go Perpetual In 2018!

I'm getting very concerned about the media and their motivations. They need excitement to keep eyes on the screen, and coincidentally, everything seems to be getting more and more exciting. Meanwhile, nothing much changes in real life. :hmmmm:

I've lived right here in the good ol US of A all my life, and I don't see any of that stuff. I don't see it my own town and I don't see it when I travel. I see it in the media ...

Mostly, I see fat people with their heads down, doing something on their phones. I'm sure it must be constructive and meaningful, because they're always doing it. I don't see violence. In the media I see violence.

But I also have the advantage of having lived during the 60s. I have something to compare to.

Ding Ding Ding.....we have a winner......the coverage and the media. Government in conjunction with the media paint the picture they want us to see! They don't cover news, they decide what they think we should know, what they want us to think and feel. If they keep us bickering amongst ourselves, we won't ever be able to focus on the whores in government who are the true criminals. The media and the puppet masters are far more dangerous in my mind than legal gun owners.
i know i know ... lets say im in one of the core countries of the EU ... laws here require me to be carefull with my location .... i hope ppl understand ...
I completely understand wanting to keep that quiet brother. And again, not offended by your comment at all.....thank you for offering it in a discussion format and not in a name calling explosion of hate that seems to be common in absence of an actual discussion where ideas and opinions are openly discussed and listened to.
I'm getting very concerned about the media and their motivations. They need excitement to keep eyes on the screen, and coincidentally, everything seems to be getting more and more exciting. Meanwhile, nothing much changes in real life. :hmmmm:

I've lived right here in the good ol US of A all my life, and I don't see any of that stuff. I don't see it my own town and I don't see it when I travel. I see it in the media ...

Mostly, I see fat people with their heads down, doing something on their phones. I'm sure it must be constructive and meaningful, because they're always doing it. I don't see violence. In the media I see violence.

But I also have the advantage of having lived during the 60s. I have something to compare to.

fair enough and i realise that most of US is like that ... :) i mean ... yea ... but ye cant deny there is a mass-shootings problem in the US ... i mean it feels like there is one every few weeks overthere ... for me it seems bizarre to feel the need to carry when ye step out of your frontdoor ... see what i mean ? .... i dont wanna seem condescending towards any nation and their laws ... i just like a healthy discussion about meaningfull subjects ;) blame the herb! :ganjamon:
fair enough and i realise that most of US is like that ... :) i mean ... yea ... but ye cant deny there is a mass-shootings problem in the US ... i mean it feels like there is one every few weeks overthere ... for me it seems bizarre to feel the need to carry when ye step out of your frontdoor ... see what i mean ? .... i dont wanna seem condescending towards any nation and their laws ... i just like a healthy discussion about meaningfull subjects ;) blame the herb! :ganjamon:

Exactly! And nobody ever checks the web to compare with the past. Violent crime has been going steadily down for decades. :rofl: But now you get yerself famous worldwide if you do something especially violent! You can trend! :yahoo:
If they keep us bickering amongst ourselves, we won't ever be able to focus on the whores in government who are the true criminals. The media and the puppet masters are far more dangerous in my mind than legal gun owners.
now there is the real issue ... im glad i stoked this up a bit ;) just to get an insider look on it ... i thank you for that VS ...
fair enough and i realise that most of US is like that ... :) i mean ... yea ... but ye cant deny there is a mass-shootings problem in the US ... i mean it feels like there is one every few weeks overthere ... for me it seems bizarre to feel the need to carry when ye step out of your frontdoor ... see what i mean ? .... i dont wanna seem condescending towards any nation and their laws ... i just like a healthy discussion about meaningfull subjects ;) blame the herb! :ganjamon:
The laws aren't the cause of the problem. What would cause someone to want to fight over a parking spot. Sorry man, I am not going to fight someone over parking spot.....Its not important enough to me. But we have become a society that has no respect for others in general. Brawls breaking out at sporting A complete lack of respect towards others out there is far more dangerous than the laws. Laws are worthless if people don't follow them.

Yes certainly seems like mass shootings are up. You know what else is up? Prescriptions for anti depressants and other drugs that seem to be common in the systems of those that do the mass shootings. we have legal gun owners that can somehow not run around shooting up innocent people and then we have people strung out on prescription drugs that are killing their own family members (remember the moms drowning their kids....yep they had the same meds in them that many of the mass shooters do) or committing mass shootings elsewhere. Anyone else see the correlation there? But no, lets not miss an opportunity to waste a tragedy as a political point to manipulate the sheeple into believing that guns are the cause and it has zero to do with people.

I kid you not, Ms Stank and I always comment to each other when we hear about one of the latest 'tragedies'....."I wonder what meds they were on". And guess what.....follow the story deep enough and you will generally find those nutbags were on some legally prescribed med.

And guess what....I love meaningful discussions about stuff most of the world is afraid to talk about for fear of offending someone or generally doesn't care about. I have said many times, any subject is acceptable in this journal as long as the discussion is done respectfully with no personal attacks. Its ok for two people to disagree about a subject. Its about respecting the right to see or feel differently and being able to talk about it that I love.
Exactly! And nobody ever checks the web to compare with the past. Violent crime has been going steadily down for decades. :rofl: But now you get yerself famous worldwide if you do something especially violent! You can trend! :yahoo:
Holy shit Gray, you hit on another thing that Ms Stank and I have been talking about lately. Commercials and what they are pitching. We are seeing all these new commercials that are pitching being able to post stuff on social media and getting all the 'likes'. When did we suddenly become a society that is so enthralled with being able to cut your grass so perfect that you can post the picture of your nicely mowed yard and you got 127 LIKES!!!! There is another one with pictures of the kids first day in school and how the parents seemed to crave all the attention they got cause of their kids on social media.

See that too me is the wrong message. Why are pimping the concept that everyone else's opinion about us is so important? I have about 10 people in my life, maybe a couple more.....that I truly care about their opinions. The rest of the people, no offense to any of my cyber friends out there, I frankly don't care what they think about me. No ones opinion pays my bills, does chores around around the house, nor does it impact my life at all if I choose to not let it.

I understand pop culture is a thing and maybe during my teens and 20s, even possibly into the early 30s it might have blipped on my radar. It just has zero bearing on my life as I close in on 50.

And I gotta think you are right Gray. Why do these people do the shit they do.......they are trying to be relevant. Thats the world we live in, trying to find more and more extreme ways to out do other people. You see it with the stupid shit being done on youtube. You see it with people posting crimes they are committing on social media (think the live facebook killings). Its disgusting to me quite frankly.....the need to trend.
Holy shit Gray, you hit on another thing that Ms Stank and I have been talking about lately. Commercials and what they are pitching. We are seeing all these new commercials that are pitching being able to post stuff on social media and getting all the 'likes'. When did we suddenly become a society that is so enthralled with being able to cut your grass so perfect that you can post the picture of your nicely mowed yard and you got 127 LIKES!!!! There is another one with pictures of the kids first day in school and how the parents seemed to crave all the attention they got cause of their kids on social media.

See that too me is the wrong message. Why are pimping the concept that everyone else's opinion about us is so important? I have about 10 people in my life, maybe a couple more.....that I truly care about their opinions. The rest of the people, no offense to any of my cyber friends out there, I frankly don't care what they think about me. No ones opinion pays my bills, does chores around around the house, nor does it impact my life at all if I choose to not let it.

I understand pop culture is a thing and maybe during my teens and 20s, even possibly into the early 30s it might have blipped on my radar. It just has zero bearing on my life as I close in on 50.

And I gotta think you are right Gray. Why do these people do the shit they do.......they are trying to be relevant. Thats the world we live in, trying to find more and more extreme ways to out do other people. You see it with the stupid shit being done on youtube. You see it with people posting crimes they are committing on social media (think the live facebook killings). Its disgusting to me quite frankly.....the need to trend.

Hah! We must be part of that silent majority bunch, eh?

Ok, here's another one for you ...

You mention the commercials we see? Um ... why does an enterprise software systems company run ads on TV? Are the industry buyers watching the same stuff I am? :hmmmm: Seriously? They're watching this? I don' think so, nope. I think the ads are being run to support the show, not to reach or persuade customers. Think about that a little while.


Then think about all the fun things that click-farmers have learned about how to manipulate the average human mind. Maybe some of the ads aren't what they seem to be?

And guess what....I love meaningful discussions about stuff most of the world is afraid to talk about for fear of offending someone or generally doesn't care about. I have said many times, any subject is acceptable in this journal as long as the discussion is done respectfully with no personal attacks. Its ok for two people to disagree about a subject. Its about respecting the right to see or feel differently and being able to talk about it that I love.
amen brother
In my many discussions with anti-gun folks, I have yet to have anyone answer how I would effectively be able to defend myself against an attacker or atrackers without the use of a firearm. I prefer to keep mine, thank you very much :Namaste:

I studied martial arts for a very long time. Became an instructor. Shaolin, Wing Chun, and Muay Thai kickboxing. Created situational awareness and self defence courses for women.

Guns are not the solution. They fail, they can be taken away from you, and require ammunition. Self confidence, technique, and skills taught by martial arts can’t be taken away. They can be carried anywhere. Women can destroy the average man with technique. A quick snap to the throat with fingers will drop almost anyone.

Guns culture is an American pastime. Canadians have just as many guns and hunters but we don’t have the mass killings or gun culture. The difference is attitude and entitlement. Now, when every mouth breathing gun nut is carrying, martial arts won’t help much, but gun ownership and conceal/carry is not the answer. To me.

If people need a gun to feel safe, you have a problem. A serious problem.
I'm reminded of a certain scene from Raiders of the Lost Ark. :)

Yeah, I'm always amused at folks who think that they'll actually manage to keep possession of the gun they brought to the fight. There's a bit more to it than just pointing it at someone. In a matter of seconds, it might not belong to you anymore, and that's very not good.
I studied martial arts for a very long time. Became an instructor. Shaolin, Wing Chun, and Muay Thai kickboxing. Created situational awareness and self defence courses for women.

Guns are not the solution. They fail, they can be taken away from you, and require ammunition. Self confidence, technique, and skills taught by martial arts can’t be taken away. They can be carried anywhere. Women can destroy the average man with technique. A quick snap to the throat with fingers will drop almost anyone.

Guns culture is an American pastime. Canadians have just as many guns and hunters but we don’t have the mass killings or gun culture. The difference is attitude and entitlement. Now, when every mouth breathing gun nut is carrying, martial arts won’t help much, but gun ownership and conceal/carry is not the answer. To me.

If people need a gun to feel safe, you have a problem. A serious problem.
canadian gunculture and laws are leaning towards EU more then US

btw if someone pulls a gun on me and comes in my reach i will go for it if he holds it with one hand he loses it hehe else ill run for cover hehe
I'm reminded of a certain scene from Raiders of the Lost Ark. :)

Yeah, I'm always amused at folks who think that they'll actually manage to keep possession of the gun they brought to the fight. There's a bit more to it than pointing it at someone.

this one ?

or this one?
Stank summed up the thoughts concerning guns and their stigma. When seconds count the police are minutes away. America for the most part other than California and New York feel the same way. The problem isn't guns. It's society that has created this issue through entitlements. Why should people have to work for what they can get for free (food, housing and health care)? Why should they have to pay for something that you can just take from somebody else? The ethics for getting work to supporting your family, treating others equally, living within your means are diminishing.

A good portion of Americans look at the EU and want no part of open borders and the socialism that they have in place. The EU may not have a gun issue but they damn sure have an immigration issue with no-go zones in neighborhoods and immigrants refusing to accept the local laws and customs.

Our political system is broken as we have just seen with the election of our latest supreme court justice and the circus that it caused. The media has way too much power. They spin the crap out of everything one way and really do the average citizen a disservice. They shutdown everything that doesn't fall in line with their agenda. Journalism in a fact non-biased way is non-existant. They are not happy unless they are fanning the flames to get stories and divide the country.

I personally don't care how the rest of the world views us. We have foot the bill for defense and given billions to other countries over the years. We have given up technologies we shouldn't. We have taken it in the rear with trade/tariffs and that has to stop. Up until the 80's when we joined the WTO we made most products here. People had jobs that kept them off the streets and allowed a comfortable wage. We need to get back to self reliance and taking care of our own population rather than playing police and doling out handouts throughout the world. To be fair about it we have also created a shit storm geo politically with our militarily involvement in the middle east.

I just think that a good portion of America belives that we should take care of our own before any global issues.
To further the discussion ...

I say it's a choice between freedom and security. I prefer freedom, others prefer security. Others want to feel like there aren't things around them that could hurt them. I want to own a gun. Others want designated people to protect them. I want to protect myself. Others feel unsafe when I have a gun. I feel safe when I have a gun.

And murders don't seem to depend on guns. People get murdered all over the place.

And ... the biggie ... that pesky Amendment thingie. If I were to design a perfect world, it wouldn't include handguns for everyone. But yeah, it's a basic American right. And because of it, no government is ever going to suppress us. In my State, 7% of residents have a concealed carry permit. One out of 15 people I see around me may be carrying a weapon. And to be honest, that makes me feel a little safer than if it was only 1 out of 1000.

But it's always been this way for me - I don't know what it would be like to have to trust the government to protect me. That makes me feel unsafe.
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