Stanks Go Perpetual In 2018!

I remember I told my mom no once when I was about 15 maybe?? You know....the getting too big for your britches stage. Yeah well I didn't know my dad was standing right around the corner and my mom told me to do something that I just felt I didn't have any need to listen to for some damn reason so I told her no. I don't know what happened to but I was almost immediately lifted up and thrown into and partially through a wall. I got up, or started to and was trying to figure out what the hell just happened when I looked up and saw my dad standing there. He asked one thing...."You got anything else to say to your mom?" I didn't say anything....just shook my head no. He said in a cold stare "I didn't think so, now fix the fucking wall! And if I ever hear you speak to your mom like that, the next thing you will be picking up are your teeth, do you understand me!"

I nodded as quickly and emphatically as I could. I can count the number of times he ever laid his hands on me, but I can tell you in no uncertain term that I had it coming if I truly got it. He believed in peace through superior firepower.
Never let an opportunity pass to make a buck of two at someone else's or something else's expense.
Like for instance a good number of cannabis seed banks. Now that I've experimented with making my own seeds I know it's possible to produce many thousands of seeds on a single plant. I won't complain about the prices they charge. If I don't like it I can make my own or shop somewhere else. But what does bother me are the seed banks that elevate the cost of high CBD/medical strains much the same way pharmaceutical companies gouge people for necessary medication.
I remember I told my mom no once when I was about 15 maybe?? You know....the getting too big for your britches stage. Yeah well I didn't know my dad was standing right around the corner and my mom told me to do something that I just felt I didn't have any need to listen to for some damn reason so I told her no. I don't know what happened to but I was almost immediately lifted up and thrown into and partially through a wall. I got up, or started to and was trying to figure out what the hell just happened when I looked up and saw my dad standing there. He asked one thing...."You got anything else to say to your mom?" I didn't say anything....just shook my head no. He said in a cold stare "I didn't think so, now fix the fucking wall! And if I ever hear you speak to your mom like that, the next thing you will be picking up are your teeth, do you understand me!"

I nodded as quickly and emphatically as I could. I can count the number of times he ever laid his hands on me, but I can tell you in no uncertain term that I had it coming if I truly got it. He believed in peace through superior firepower.
My 16 year old is 2" taller and 25 pounds heavier than I am! I try to use reason and then grounding at this point.
I nodded as quickly and emphatically as I could. I can count the number of times he ever laid his hands on me, but I can tell you in no uncertain term that I had it coming if I truly got it. He believed in peace through superior firepower.

I think back in the day that was called good and proper disciplining of your offspring. In 2018, in a society where at 10 years old kids are telling their moms to F off it's called Child Abuse. Who here was ever spanked, slapped, or otherwise punished by either a teach or principal in school? Not happening today is it? Not sure corporal punishment is the answer to the problems with youngsters today, not the whole answer. But it wouldn't hurt if parents were more involved in the lives of their kids.
I've got two kids with a combined 24 years of schooling between them and I've never heard a parent blame the teacher for their kid's grades!
LOL, I knew it was my son! Hell I remember nights spent doing hours of homework with him so I know that he did it for sure, only to have him just flat on refuse to turn it in. What do you do with that? Ain't the teachers fault LOL.
S Up until the 80's when we joined the WTO we made most products here.

Oh yeah that shit was GREAT (not). Ronald Ray-Gun and his trickle down economics. WFT was that.... here's something:

Mink dont trickle down.

Then it went from Trickle Down economics to Globalization.

Globalization meant; get a new job. Your job just went to another country. Oh thanks, no thanks. Then if that didn't make the regular people worry...

Then there was the crack epidemic... hey aren't we having a very similar Opioid Epidemic. Keep the poor people in their place and keep the middle class worried about it.

and repeat.

I wouldn't be surprised if someday martial law gets invoked and the reason being too many people with guns. Civil war erupts. Food for thought.

Bring back sanity.
I was just rereading today's fun rants and got to thinking ...

Aren't we a buncha rootin' tootin' gun-slinging, deer-killin' buncha loadies, huh? :hmmmm:


Jus' doesn't fit the stereotype, does it? :rofl:
Purple Heaven Clone Re-veg Day 56

This is an initial introduction of a plant we have had for a bit. Some of you might remember me telling you I took a cutting from a buddy that had a big plant growing outdoors. This friend loves weed but doesn't have any idea as to what strain he is growing. We liked the structure of the plant and the purple stripes on the stem so we took a cutting.

I brought it home, did an angle cut, dipped it in Clonex Gel, and stuck it some Stank Soil. About 15 days later there were roots showing at the side of the solo cup. The cutting was at least a couple weeks into flower when we took it...but based on how long its taken to grow out of the reveg funk, I am thinking it was over 3 weeks into flower. I have found there is about a 3-4 day window around the 21 day post flip date where the length of time it takes to re veg doubles. I have taken at 21 and they re-veg just fine with only a couple weeks transition. When taken after Day 24, they really seem to struggle to get going. The Blueberry I grew last year was particularly stubborn in revegging. I think I took her on day 25.

Not sure if anyone else out there plays around with what days into flower a cutting is, and how long it takes to grow but I like to do it. Its got its advantages if you want to use it. For us, we don't generally care about a fast turn around on clones and are generally pressed for space anyways so we like to use that as a way to keep them small for extended periods. I am trying to find that sweet spot of delaying the plants growth for a bit while I let any back logs in plants clear and using re-veg as a tool helps me to do that. But I gotta be careful cause in the case of a plant like this.....the delay can last a while. Now in this plants case, we don't mind it taking its time.

You can notice all the funky congested growth on the cutting. Its normal during the re-veg. Root growth is very slow during the reveg process. For a couple weeks there were only a few roots visible in the solo cup. The root production is picking up now and low and behold she is starting to throw out new growth. You can generally tell when it will start growing by watching your root zone. Its the main reason I love using the clear solo cups.

Anyways, we don't know what strain she is, but my buddy sent pics of his plant in full flower and she's purple and lighting behind it made it a heavenly photo so I am calling her Purple Heaven from here out for lack of a better strain name. Aside from that, I know nothing over her! Anyways, I am going to start including her on the round of updates as she's starting to grow now and I know there several people doing some re-veg on some clones that might interested in following along with this progress. This one is definitely one of the more stubborn re-vegs I have done. Cheers e'rbody!

Amherst Sour Diesel Veg Day 39

We have some before and after pics of this girl today. I broke out the Stank bondage straps and initiated her into the rest of her life in bondage LOL. I let her grow for a while to see what her structure was giving me to work with. She is growing similarly to the African Meltdown so I am gonna lead her down that road of training I think. I kept the bottom two nodes for future clones.

She is growing about at an average pace for what I see out of most of the plants we grow here. I pulled up some pics of the NL just to compare the growth at the similar days and its easy to see why the NL was such a monster. She was way bigger at day 30 than this girl is at day 39.

I think I will probably veg this girl until we harvest the BCP. I could veg her less and stick her in the open spot I have (just pulled the seeded NL out today to harvest) sooner but I like my girls to be on the bigger side. I am going to be sticking the Hawaiian into the flower tent on Friday.

This girl has only had one full drink since her transplant....with a few top waterings to keep the top inch or two damp. She's picking up steam so we will see how she reacts to some mild bondage.

Nice reveg on that. Not surprising you keep track of how many days into flower a plant is and map that against days to reveg. Always doing the analytics :thumb:.

Do you have it in isolation since it came in from outside?
No, it was in isolation for a few days. We did a full bath and rinse and a couple leaf checks and when she repeatedly showed clear, we introduced her to the tent. We were shocked that she was as clean as she was growing outdoors. We fully expected to see some sort of pests on it.....but nothing.
No, it was in isolation for a few days. We did a full bath and rinse and a couple leaf checks and when she repeatedly showed clear, we introduced her to the tent. We were shocked that she was as clean as she was growing outdoors. We fully expected to see some sort of pests on it.....but nothing.
Stank bondage straps
If I ever have grandchildren I'm going to remember to tell them that pipe cleaners are really known by a different name...
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