Stanks Go Perpetual In 2018!

Gorilla Glue Auto Day 79, Day 47 With Hairs (HARVEST DAY)

SO....We had a bit of a situation this evening. We brought down Ms Stank's Glue to take a look at trichomes and found more than we were looking for. Got some Bud Rot on two of the colas and we are in the middle of major rains and increased humidity so we made the split decision to chop the whole thing.

Did a quick wet weight check for shit n giggles and she impressed us with about 510 grams wet. Now most of the largest cola won't be smokeable due to the bud rot, but we think we should be ok on most of it. Yield will likely be between 100-130 grams. Definitely not bad for a plant this size and for how easy she was to grow.

We are very disappointed we didn't get to let her finish up and get the full yield off her but ya gotta get what ya can sometime! Anyhow.....first 4 pics are some shot of the Bud Rot. The rest are just bud porn. We washed the buds in water and H2O2 in hopes of killing any lingering rot or mold.

Northern Lights Flip Day 53, Day 46 With Hairs (Day 24 since Pollination)

Things are progressing nicely with our pregnant lady. Best believe I will be pulling her out tomorrow to give a good check over for bud rot and mold. Gonna pull everything out and spray down the tent and clean everything really well. We gave this girl another drink tonight (she's still drinking pretty decent) and are starting to see more colors show up late in flower.

Seeds seem to be progressing nicely. Some are showing their tiger stripping through their pods. They should have about another week to 10 days to finish up.

Damn bud rot screwing you guys around, at least it wasn't as bad as it could have been if you didn't spot it when you did. I hope the flowers you can smoke are as good as it looks :thumb: Damn you are going to have a shit tonne of seeds from that NL, 1000+?
There should be 3k or more just based off the size. Might be closer to 5k.

Plus I can't complain about that Gorilla.....she gave us a lot more than I thought she would. We will get at least 3 smokeable zips from her and I will take that on an Auto!
Thanks Joe! That one has been a breeze to grow for Ms Stank.....very low maintenance. I am not even sure if there has been a single leaf plucked other than when she got topped. She doesn't need water often......maybe every 4-5 days and she stays happy. I think she only got one drink of ACT and one watering with Kelp, the rest were rain water only. She keeps plumping up. Gotta go up and check on em all here in a bit. Gotta do some watering on the other plants....the Glue ain't drinking much so she will likely get skipped on today's visit. Cheers brother....have a great weekend Joe. Hope everyone is watching some football! My Fins beat the Raiders today. Can't remember the last time they started a season 3-0. :hmmmm::passitleft:
And the way the Pat's are playing maybe 4 and 0?! Hoping my broncos can bounce back this week but KC has been looking sharp on offense! My only hope is that they're bad D and the mile high crowd can keep them at bay lmao!

Man I was kinda sad to read the post about stinky veg gals not always making stinky flowers. I have this one grape crush that smells 2-3x stronger than anything else in veg. Hopefully it will translate?

My widow turned out to be pretty darn bulky and actually somewhat frosty. Just suck a tiny tiny plant lol. Heres to hoping you find a real winner next try! And I also may try some nirvana soon. I have their papaya regs, lol guess that means more beans... but I also have heard nothing but great things about nirvana! (And I have a ton of respect for breeders that dont charge and arm and 2 legs for a 10 pack)

All n all, sounds like you've been just chugging along like a champ over here as usual my friend. Hope you and the family are well.
Sorry about the rot but good save on the rest. Pregnant NL looks great!
Thanks brother.....things happen for a reason. The good news is that it opened up enough room for me to move the Meltdown up to the big tent.

I gave her a foliar spray before moving her. She eats a lot of room in that tent. I can't wait to harvest the Tangie Ghost Train and the NL. I need that room.

Gonna up pot the Hawaiian Mayan Gold this week so she will have a week to stretch her roots before she gets flipped.

No action on the direct sow Green Crack seed. I was worried that the cool temps were an issue so I dug out the heating pad in hopes it may help with germination. No heat on in the house yet and it was hanging in the mid to high 60s (66-69)for a couple days that she was in the dirt. Definitely not the optimal temps. Gonna give her a few more before I drop another one.
ay help
Well I have been trying unsuccessfully to get a Green Crack going, but the screw ups have been mine. Very comical actually. apparently I missed the hole with the seed cause after a week of thinking the seed was buried in the cup I went digging and I found the seed on top of the soil (like really? wtf?) So either I missed the hole, which without my cheaters on is entirely possible, or I have gremlins diggin up my seeds. I am leaning towards the first cause I was medicated when I planted it!

Things happen for a reason. So I grabbed the seed and threw it in a paper towel. If I don't see any action on this one, I will assume it wasn't meant to be and move on to the next selection which will either be Blackberry from Nirvana or Super Silver Haze from Greenhouse.

LOL....still shaking my head over this one!!
Tangie Ghost Train Haze Flip Day 61, Day 51 With Hairs

Took these yesterday but never got around to posting them. She is winding down and will chopped next Thursday. All the colas are flopping over due to the additional weight and this girl is looking like a mess LOL. Still smelling very fuel like with slight undertones of citrus.

She looks like she is going to be a breeze to trim! I might be able to smoke one of the testers today if its dry enough. She will get another drink of rain water tonight....probably her next to last drink. Looking forward to chopping this wild girl!

Bonus Updates

Flower Tent with addition of the African Meltdown in place of the GGA. From back left we have Tangie Ghost Train Haze and the BCP and the front we have the preggers Northern Lights and the Meltdown.

Here is the new Veg tent minus the Hawaiian Mayan Gold that is getting a major hair cut prior to up potting. The lineup is mostly clones of previous strains plus the Amherst Sour Diesel. We have 2 Tangie Ghost Trains (back left and front right), the Amherst Sour Diesel (Back right), Northern Lights (front Left), Black Cherry Punch (middle left front), the African Meltdown (middle right front) and the Hindu Kush (between the Meltdown and Tangie Ghost Train)

Well I have been trying unsuccessfully to get a Green Crack going, but the screw ups have been mine. Very comical actually. apparently I missed the hole with the seed cause after a week of thinking the seed was buried in the cup I went digging and I found the seed on top of the soil (like really? wtf?) So either I missed the hole, which without my cheaters on is entirely possible, or I have gremlins diggin up my seeds. I am leaning towards the first cause I was medicated when I planted it!

Things happen for a reason. So I grabbed the seed and threw it in a paper towel. If I don't see any action on this one, I will assume it wasn't meant to be and move on to the next selection which will either be Blackberry from Nirvana or Super Silver Haze from Greenhouse.

LOL....still shaking my head over this one!!
It's the gremlins, now you know what it's like for the rest of us, I have gremlins running around my basement messing with my plants all the time, I'm just happy they make it to the end.
Well I have been trying unsuccessfully to get a Green Crack going, but the screw ups have been mine. Very comical actually. apparently I missed the hole with the seed cause after a week of thinking the seed was buried in the cup I went digging and I found the seed on top of the soil (like really? wtf?) So either I missed the hole, which without my cheaters on is entirely possible, or I have gremlins diggin up my seeds. I am leaning towards the first cause I was medicated when I planted it!

Things happen for a reason. So I grabbed the seed and threw it in a paper towel. If I don't see any action on this one, I will assume it wasn't meant to be and move on to the next selection which will either be Blackberry from Nirvana or Super Silver Haze from Greenhouse.

LOL....still shaking my head over this one!!

I am sorry but I am laughing my ass off. It's old eyes. I did the exact same thing with my northern lights. Every other seed was perfect in the germination dept. I kept waiting and waiting. My wife was curious looks down in the tray and sure as shit next to the ribs in the the tray was a little seed. Had her place it in the cube and boom 3 days later it was up.
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