Stanks Go Perpetual In 2018!

Well I have been trying unsuccessfully to get a Green Crack going, but the screw ups have been mine. Very comical actually. apparently I missed the hole with the seed cause after a week of thinking the seed was buried in the cup I went digging and I found the seed on top of the soil (like really? wtf?) So either I missed the hole, which without my cheaters on is entirely possible, or I have gremlins diggin up my seeds. I am leaning towards the first cause I was medicated when I planted it!

Things happen for a reason. So I grabbed the seed and threw it in a paper towel. If I don't see any action on this one, I will assume it wasn't meant to be and move on to the next selection which will either be Blackberry from Nirvana or Super Silver Haze from Greenhouse.

LOL....still shaking my head over this one!!
As my dad would say...put a little hair around it! :rofl:
nice collection healthy ballance between classics and new strains and heirloom strains, indica and sativa .... impressive

Thanks brother! I love having a diverse medicine cabinet! Hope you're having a great evening bud!
Damn son that TGT is looking chunnnnky! You guys spoil yourselves with these amazing plants/flowers :thumb: Top notch shit right thar :high-five:
Thanks bud!! She has really been chunking up here the last week. She's got one more week to go! Gotta sharpen the shears!
Thanks everyone!! Hope everyone is having a great start to the weekend.

Funny story last night. It was about 11pm and I needed to medicate so I loaded up the bong and walked out front. I light the bong and take a couple hits and about that time two cars turn down our street (one was a cop pulling the other car over). They come to a stop about 50 yards from where I am smoking. Now its legal in my state but technically you aren't supposed to smoke in public so I think i was 'in the wrong' but i just couldn't help but chuckle as I walked over to my truck and leaned against it as I smoked the entire bowl right there in front of them (granted it was dark so they might not have seen me) thinking how nice it was not to run in fear. I took my time smoking it and was hoping the wind was blowing it right towards them but it wasn't LOL. I chilled and watched the scene for another 5 minutes and walked inside.

I have never been the kind of person to press 'authority' or push the 'boundries' too much. But I definitely enjoyed smoking it right there in front of them.
Thanks everyone!! Hope everyone is having a great start to the weekend.

Funny story last night. It was about 11pm and I needed to medicate so I loaded up the bong and walked out front. I light the bong and take a couple hits and about that time two cars turn down our street (one was a cop pulling the other car over). They come to a stop about 50 yards from where I am smoking. Now its legal in my state but technically you aren't supposed to smoke in public so I think i was 'in the wrong' but i just couldn't help but chuckle as I walked over to my truck and leaned against it as I smoked the entire bowl right there in front of them (granted it was dark so they might not have seen me) thinking how nice it was not to run in fear. I took my time smoking it and was hoping the wind was blowing it right towards them but it wasn't LOL. I chilled and watched the scene for another 5 minutes and walked inside.

I have never been the kind of person to press 'authority' or push the 'boundries' too much. But I definitely enjoyed smoking it right there in front of them.
I can't wait for that day down here!
lol thats awesome. I second penny.

Right now up here in ontario, everyone is throwing a hissy fit cause they have decided to allow us to smoke weed anywhere you can smoke cigarettes... "who wants their parks stinking like weed?" "can smoke weed in a park but you cant drink a beer in a park" yada yada... Municipalities that have banned store front retailers are all upset cause "they should have had a say in the matter"

:rolleyes: its gonna be a shit show up here for a while
That would have been an awesome experience!! That's one thing I haven't done smoke some dank close enough a cop could smell it. We all know Stank was smoking that dank lmao!!! Have a good one Stank and Mrs.Stank!!!
lol thats awesome. I second penny.

Right now up here in ontario, everyone is throwing a hissy fit cause they have decided to allow us to smoke weed anywhere you can smoke cigarettes... "who wants their parks stinking like weed?" "can smoke weed in a park but you cant drink a beer in a park" yada yada... Municipalities that have banned store front retailers are all upset cause "they should have had a say in the matter"

:rolleyes: its gonna be a shit show up here for a while
I have always tried to be someone that was not "in your face" on anything. If its at all a family friendly area, I have tried to respect that. Same way with music. I hate when someone is playing something I dislike at crazy high levels and try to consider that if I am playing music.

I think for cannabis users who want mainstream acceptance, we still have to be sensitive to how others might still perceive it in a negative light and make an attempt and trying to use it responsibly and respectfully. We have neighbors with several young kids and they are outside in the summer alot. Even though its legal here...I don't want to be standing out back puffing away blatantly all the time in their kids presence. I understand that the family might have a different outlook on it, and I want to respect their views on it, much the way I want them to accept and respect my right to do it. I know they know I medicate, but I want them to be able to have that discussion with their kids about it at THEIR choosing, not when I thrust it in their faces over and over ("Daddy, whats that guy doing over there? It always smells funny") and force them to have the talk with them.

The world did a great job in the smear job against cannabis. The tides are turning finally and its gaining acceptance. I feel the best way to speed the turning is by being respectful and responsible in our use. Just not a fan of anything "in your face" cause I know I don't like shit I don't care for being shoved down my it overly loud music, obnoxious alcohol use, obnoxious and or rude people, political shit, or any other number of things that people can be over the top and in your face.
I have always tried to be someone that was not "in your face" on anything. If its at all a family friendly area, I have tried to respect that. Same way with music. I hate when someone is playing something I dislike at crazy high levels and try to consider that if I am playing music.

I think for cannabis users who want mainstream acceptance, we still have to be sensitive to how others might still perceive it in a negative light and make an attempt and trying to use it responsibly and respectfully. We have neighbors with several young kids and they are outside in the summer alot. Even though its legal here...I don't want to be standing out back puffing away blatantly all the time in their kids presence. I understand that the family might have a different outlook on it, and I want to respect their views on it, much the way I want them to accept and respect my right to do it. I know they know I medicate, but I want them to be able to have that discussion with their kids about it at THEIR choosing, not when I thrust it in their faces over and over ("Daddy, whats that guy doing over there? It always smells funny") and force them to have the talk with them.

The world did a great job in the smear job against cannabis. The tides are turning finally and its gaining acceptance. I feel the best way to speed the turning is by being respectful and responsible in our use. Just not a fan of anything "in your face" cause I know I don't like shit I don't care for being shoved down my it overly loud music, obnoxious alcohol use, obnoxious and or rude people, political shit, or any other number of things that people can be over the top and in your face.
Well said!
And that's what we mean when we say "civilized". :bravo:

I'm betting you don't live in a big important city, Stank ... ?
And that's what we mean when we say "civilized". :bravo:

I'm betting you don't live in a big important city, Stank ... ?
No I don't Gray, and we are trying to move further from the one that we live far too close to! 30 minutes away from Boston isn't far enough for our liking. We would much rather be up near the White Mountains area in New Hampshire but life won't allow us to build a nice log cabin on a 20-50 acre plot of land there quite yet. So we are moving further west for now.....settling for a smaller plot and a regular house for now. The less people around me, the happier I tend to be in today's world and Ms Stank shares that same sentiment, but probably squared at a minimum....perhaps cubed!

I have lived my fair share of years in those important cities Gray. Enough to know that if and when I had a choice, I knew what states and what sized areas I wouldn't live in. I spent many of my young adult years in Southern California (Tustin and El Toro for 4+ years and Miramar area for 6 years) and New Orleans (4 years), and then ended up retiring out of the DC area (4 years) so I definitely knew that lots of people and big cities weren't for me.

If we had no ties and a little bit of money, we would probably move to Alaska, Northern Idaho, or Montana. We saw a plot of land in Alaska.....had 200+ acres with over a mile of shore front on the largest lake in Alaska for something like 225k. Can you imagine that? That would be living for me (assuming I can get my back even 50% better) and Ms Stank. I love simple and it wouldn't get much more simple than that!
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