Stanks Go Perpetual In 2018!

i 150% agree with you, van.

being considerate is absolutley imperative.

i was more so referring to the legality issues us cannabis users will face atleast in this province. One side of the street is going to be cannabis friendly, the other side of the street youre getting fined. Or a municipality that bans store front retail will never be free of the black market trade, cause whos going to wait a week for canada post when you can go over 3 blocks and see your buddy.

i feel like its going to be more illegal when its legal than it was when it was illegal. I cant count how many times in my younger years we smoked joints downtown toronto, or riding chairlift and an old businessman skier handed me his pipe... Up here i have always felt like cannabis is generally accepted and much less taboo, now all the laws and regulations are seeming to make it more taboo than acceptable.
No I don't Gray, and we are trying to move further from the one that we live far too close to! 30 minutes away from Boston isn't far enough for our liking. We would much rather be up near the White Mountains area in New Hampshire but life won't allow us to build a nice log cabin on a 20-50 plot of land there quite yet. So we are moving further west for now.....settling for a smaller plot and a regular house for now. The less people around me, the happier I tend to be in today's world and Ms Stank shares that same sentiment, but probably squared at a minimum....perhaps cubed!

I have lived my fair share of years in those important cities Gray. Enough to know that if and when I had a choice, I knew what states and what sized areas I wouldn't live in. I spent many of my young adult years in Southern California (Tustin and El Toro for 4+ years and Miramar area for 6 years) and New Orleans (4 years), and then ended up retiring out of the DC area (4 years) so I definitely knew that lots of people and big cities weren't for me.

If we had no ties and a little bit of money, we would probably move to Alaska, Northern Idaho, or Montana. We saw a plot of land in Alaska.....had 200+ acres with over a mile of shore front on the largest lake in Alaska for something like 225k. Can you imagine that? That would be living for me (assuming I can get my back even 50% better) and Ms Stank. I love simple and it wouldn't get much more simple than that!

you guys buy the property and i will give you my back for labour purposes and a place to sleep, thats an incredible spot!
Also 30 min from boston where im at. Ive kinda lived all over too, mostly up and down the east coast. Plus alot of traveling in the millitary. Ive been trying to convince my wife to move aswell. She has alot of family in the area and has lived here her hole life though. I agree that the more people the less comfortable i am. Always really liked Georgia but id love to head west too.
I know I am repeating myself here....but we go down to the Smoky Mountain National Park every spring (except the last two since the back injury and the fires down there) and its one of our favorite places. Its really about the only other spot besides the White Mountains or out west that we would really want to move to. Its an amazing area.

If I hit the lotto, I will have a cabin down in that neck of the woods. I still prefer out west a bit better. Idaho and Montana.....amazing. There were hunting seasons where I wouldn't see any other hunters for the entire 7-10 day periods. You might hear a gun shot but it was always far away unless it was from our group. I loved being able to be that far away from things. Of course you had to be careful. Early snow falls would snow your ass in until they could clear the passes but you know the dangers going in and pack accordingly. They will clear the mountain roads eventually LOL. But man, that's living brother!
my Grandparents didn't have indoor plumbing until the 70's. The house was heated with a single coal stove in the living room. I didn't know you could buy groceries from a store until I was in elementary school. So much simpler back then.
We won.....they are responsible for all reasonable costs associated with it. Now the downfall is that we are at a point where I can't risk having the procedure done quite yet. Too much going on physically around the house right now that I can't risk losing what I can do right now. I might be high and slow but I still bring necessary horse power to the party that Ms Stank doesn't and that HP is needed over the next several weeks (which keeps dragging on cause of bullshit but thats a different story for a different day). Hopefully that will change within 2 months and I can move forward with getting it fixed. Just too much for Ms Stank being stuck with doing if anything bad happens with it. Its been 23 months since I hurt can wait another month or two.....its gonna have to.
Well you know how I feel about the smokies. I was glad to be back down there this summer even though the road was more than a little butt puckering to the cabin we had but it sure was nice not to hear any sounds of humans except the ones we made. Siting out in the hot tub looking up at the stars while listening to the tree frogs smoking a bowl.

Glad you have a plan for your back. Take it from Grandpa that just had open heart and me. Keep on top of what health you have because it only gets worse when you get older. I got an eye opener being in the hospital that my wife can't take care of this whole house by herself. I have all commercial outdoor power equipment and she can't use it. Toilet on the first floor broke while I was gone. a bunch of projects need to be completed and she can't do them (and neither can I until this PICC line comes out). I was surprized that she kept those seedlings alive though..... LOL
We're buying a new ( new to us ) house and today we had the home inspection done. Of course I was there asking questions about certain things to do with the house. During the inspection the guy said hey come look at this, so I went into the bathroom and looked under the sink and in the cabinet was a small water bong. We both had a laugh. The guy said, well they like to have fun smiling. Looking at the pictures on the walls of the family that's selling the house you'd think they'd be uptight about erbs. I think there's lots of people who smoke that you would never guess would. It's totally mainstream. Our new house is older but it's a lot closer to our jobs and has better privacy than we have now. I'm excited about it
We're buying a new ( new to us ) house and today we had the home inspection done. Of course I was there asking questions about certain things to do with the house. During the inspection the guy said hey come look at this, so I went into the bathroom and looked under the sink and in the cabinet was a small water bong. We both had a laugh. The guy said, well they like to have fun smiling. Looking at the pictures on the walls of the family that's selling the house you'd think they'd be uptight about erbs. I think there's lots of people who smoke that you would never guess would. It's totally mainstream. Our new house is older but it's a lot closer to our jobs and has better privacy than we have now. I'm excited about it
Congrats Mi! Hope the closing goes smoothly :thumb:.
Congrats on the new place Mi. The wife and I are on the market for a new house to. Hopefully find the right place soon just not to soon. I hate moving during the winter up here. I'm trying to hold off till spring not sure the wife's on the same page lol.
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