Stanks Go Perpetual In 2018!

Isn't rain the same as distilled water?
Same principle but drastically different outputs. Rain water still has minerals in as well as a ton of oxygen.

Distilled water is in theory the same basic principle but is done with the specific purpose of removing everything from it. There are no minerals, and certainly not the same oxygen that rain water will have.

Also apparently rain water can be supercharged if there is an accompanying electrical storm. I can't confirm that though...only what I have read.

What I can confirm is that the plants do better with the rain water than any other source to include spring water (from local spring).
apparently rain water can be supercharged if there is an accompanying electrical storm. I can't confirm that though...only what I have read.
One of the things that happens during thunderstorms is that the lightning separates out the massive concentration of nitrogen in the air. It is then free to bond wth oxygen and be captured by the rain water as it falls. All rain water has a little nitrogen... lighting storm rain water has a a lot! :thumb:
So what’s a good way to capture rain water?

We capture ours from the roof runoff. I let the runoff go for a while when it rains.....washes away all the junk off the roof and out of the gutters. When its flowing nice and clean I just capture it with buckets.
It picks up anything that it passes through including nitrites and nitrates as well as gases. I am definitely not a scientific expert, but I can tell you the stuff is gold for plants here. Plus the pH is perfect for my soil!
We capture ours from the roof runoff. I let the runoff go for a while when it rains.....washes away all the junk off the roof and out of the gutters. When its flowing nice and clean I just capture it with buckets.
What you need Van is a roof washer or other known as a first flush water diverter. Made out of pvc and goes over or attaches to your down spouts. Pvc tubing needs to fill up first with the run off then clean water is diverted into the barrel. Amount of run off is based on trees that over hang or ot in the open you need less run off .

The little weep hole in the end allows the water to slowly drain until the next big rain and the plug at the end is so you can flush out dirt.
Tell Ms. Stank that her stuff looks incredible! It's awesome having women that like to grow eh?
Yah decided i can't date anyone unless she's a grower lol
What you need Van is a roof washer or other known as a first flush water diverter. Made out of pvc and goes over or attaches to your down spouts. Pvc tubing needs to fill up first with the run off then clean water is diverted into the barrel. Amount of run off is based on trees that over hang or ot in the open you need less run off .

The little weep hole in the end allows the water to slowly drain until the next big rain and the plug at the end is so you can flush out dirt.
Nice Derb . Hillbilly Ingenuity right there.
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