Stanks Go Perpetual In 2018!

..... That one is definately going in the new grow rooms for me, mostly just the Heavy veg room.... I will Lovingly call it the Stanky Rain Water System when referring to it... LMAO... No shit tho... Green days all
If you want to see the pics of the watering thing, let me know. I will dig through my pics and find it.
If you want to see the pics of the watering thing, let me know. I will dig through my pics and find it.

... That would be a bonus, I am building at this moment so things like that are a must... Especially before the walls get finished... Though not a crazy hurry as that room wont be needed for at least a few months... And thanks on that, I was working on a system idea, and by idea I mean I had nothing LMAO...
Black Cherry Punch Clone Day 5

Starting to see some new growth kicking in. Going to try and get her up potted into a bigger pot this week. Trying to give the soil a chance to dry up a bit but thats on the slow going side.

Saw a couple creepy crawly things on her leaves last night under the microscope, not sure what they are. If any of you know what it is, please let me know. I washed the leaves under the tap today to try and make sure they don't stick around (just in case they are bad). Any guesses ?

Any she is

I have a
Well I will make checking for nanners part of the normal routine. But ya'll might be drowning in bud pictures off her.
question about nanners what are they and why do they come? Also what is bad about them ? Can’t be smoked or consumed ?
Van or anyone else who has experience with carbon filters. I'm looking for a carbon filter to help scrub the smell from a 12x12 sealed area. I have a spare 6" inline fan I'd like to use. I've never used a carbon filter so I'm not sure what to buy. Any advice would be appreciated
Bignugz420 said black ops are a good trusted name ?
Stankberry Flip Day 56, Day 49 With Hairs

We are on the home stretch with this girl. Gonna take another tester nug from her tonight and check the trichomes.

She is gonna get a drink of ACT tonight, probably her last ACT. Will likely switch to water only after this. She is losing most of her big fan leaves. She is burning through the energy stored in them as she continues to bulk up. I squeezed a few nuggets and they are hard as rocks. Definitely the densest buds I have grown.

Smells are so sweet and berry/blueberry. So nice!! I am guessing another week to 10 days on her.

Bonus Tent Shot

That is one full beautUgly tent to see everyday lol put a smile on my face
aphids I think
On my previous grows, I did SCROGs and its impossible for me to water the plants in the back. So I made a watering system from those bottles, some irrigation line and drip hose. I would just fill up the water bottles and walk away for 5 min. Come back, fill all the bottles back and leave for another 5 min. No bending or lifting.
Yeah buddy! When I do grows of more than 6 at the same time.... I'll suspend a 5 gal bucket with a drip line to each plant. I call it the octopus! I just mix a few gal of water/nutrients and pour them in; gravity does the hard work.
Hey Preston, Ms Stank said you invited us into some sort of group grow or something. I have been running around like a chicken with my head cut off trying to get things in order and I missed it and couldn't find the old notification on where you mentioned it. Care to share more?
Hey Preston, Ms Stank said you invited us into some sort of group grow or something. I have been running around like a chicken with my head cut off trying to get things in order and I missed it and couldn't find the old notification on where you mentioned it. Care to share more?
Yeah. I got a little message going on detailing the logistics. I'll add you guys and update
I have a

question about nanners what are they and why do they come? Also what is bad about them ? Can’t be smoked or consumed ?
Well nanners from what I read are basically just a prolapsed pollen sac. It doesn't need to burst like actual pollen sacks. They generally appear for a few different reasons with the main ones being stress, genetics, and running the plants a little long in flower (its a last ditch effort to reproduce).

I think my nanners are a result of me splitting the main stem accidentally.
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