Stanks Go Perpetual In 2018!

White Widow Mainlining Veg Day 41

This girl was starting to get her legs under her, so thats the perfect time to do our next round of toppings. We had 4 mains after last week's toppings but we need to turn that into 8.

One thing I want to bring up to anyone considering main lining. Learn the directions that nodes grow. The alternate 90 degrees each new node. This is important because when you are main lining, you will want the new mains to go where you want them. Double check to make sure its the direction you want it to go AND make sure you are cutting the correct shoot. A quick cut can ruin your main lining.

So here we go.......Here she is tonight before getting butchered

And here are the 4 mains

Now here is where I say its important to make sure you have your nodes growing the direction you want. You see the side shot of 2nd topping I did. It is perpendicular to the initial topping. I want to make the next topping perpendicular to this side topping so that I can spread the new tops out around the perimeter....not back towards the middle of the plant.

Here is one of the mains that I will top. Make sure I find the correct node growing the direction I want them to grow. If there isn't one, you need to let the plant grow more and throw a new node that will alternate back.

And afterwards

I know the point I am trying to make about node direction is tough to explain in a 2 dimensional picture but imagine the lines on these next pics show the direction that the shoots would grow if allowed to. If anyone doesn't completely understand, please speak up.

Once you have topped her, start removing all other growth like these two side shoots

And now repeat on all the remaining mains.....

Once you are done, your plant will or should look something like this.

And now this pic shows how the new mains will grow. See that I am slowly making a circle shape around the perimeter.

I will give her another week or so and see how her 8 mains are looking. If they have grown enough, I will turn the 8 tops into 16 and then let her go vertical for a couple weeks and flip her. Now if her growth is stunted too much and she is very slow to recover, I will let her go at 8 tops.....but the goal is 16 if she is willing to give it to me.
Interesting concept and great pics showing it

Do u think it extends veg time much?? of course the payoff with 16 major buds is worth it

I'm still working my quad girl, I'll holler and you can critic how I've done Van
Wow!, Stankberry!:drool::drool::drool:The entire lineup looks incredible, but how cool is it to have your own genetics when they look that amazing. I was watching you guys thread before the app changed over but i musta lost ya. Glad i found my way back!! Seriously those SB pics look next level i bet it smells phenomenal in there surrounded by all those frosty towers!:welldone::peace:
Thanks SFK! The smells from the flower tent are incredible. I swear it smells like a produce market. I get berries, blueberries, mango, papaya, lemon lime citrus, and a few other yummy smells.

And you know whats cooler than seeing and smelling your own strain? Smoking it!!! Can't wait to try this next tester nug!
Interesting concept and great pics showing it

Do u think it extends veg time much?? of course the payoff with 16 major buds is worth it

I'm still working my quad girl, I'll holler and you can critic how I've done Van

Well I wish I could answer your question Chris but I can't. I just like experimenting and trying different things. Its a slower process for sure but if you have lots of other plants to spend time on, its a kind of welcome addition. I really only touch her about once every 7-10 days (depending on her growth rate) so she just kind of sits in the corner doing her thing.

She is on day 42....I figure I can let her go to about day 50-52 before she will be ready to top again. After that it will be letting her go vertical for however long it takes (I am guessing an additional 10 to 15 days. I could be looking another 25 days to get her ready to flip.

I am curious to see what the yield is going to be like. Should be a breeze to trim though!
Well I wish I could answer your question Chris but I can't. I just like experimenting and trying different things. Its a slower process for sure but if you have lots of other plants to spend time on, its a kind of welcome addition. I really only touch her about once every 7-10 days (depending on her growth rate) so she just kind of sits in the corner doing her thing.

She is on day 42....I figure I can let her go to about day 50-52 before she will be ready to top again. After that it will be letting her go vertical for however long it takes (I am guessing an additional 10 to 15 days. I could be looking another 25 days to get her ready to flip.

I am curious to see what the yield is going to be like. Should be a breeze to trim though!

Interesting Indeed

Im thinking in my DWC some directional Training will help for space, so may try some test bondage with the girls for sure
That should be a solid cross, i have JD’s XBJ16. (Space Dog x Blueberry F4)
I have XBJ 16 as well it’s actually Stardawg X Dj’s F4 blueberry
The mainline project is crazy looking :) Looking forward to seeing it flower out

I am looking forward to seeing it progress as well brother. Wish the Nukehead would have cooperated. She just wouldn't grow out of the funk. Hopefully this one will do what I want her to do and give me 16 tops!
Hindu Kush Veg Day 19

First up on the update list from YESTERDAY (got medicated last night and forgot to post the update from the pics I took....opps). Ms Stanks girl is really starting to get her legs under her. Leaves are getting a lot bigger she is getting bigger every time I open the tent. She got a little ACT Friday night.

Ms Stank isn't sure what she wants to do with her yet. She was considering letting her go like the Nukehead #2 (christmas tree shape) to see how she grows naturally. The plant reminds me a little of the early phase of the Northern Lights. Could be interesting.

Blue Dream Flip Day 28, Day 20 With Hairs

Continuing to let this girl go in the veg tent. We have done two rounds of nanner plucking (thank you Ms eyes don't let me do that close up detail work) and are hoping to nurse this girl along to completion.

She got a big 2 gallon drink a couple days ago and is drinking pretty good now. Smells are taking on the Blueberry side of the lineage. Colas are developing nicely and look like its going to lead to pretty good yield off her based on her early showing!

I took a couple pics of the stem. You can see where the old one was and was constricting the trunk. Hope that now she will stop throwing nanners. Stem is huge and just getting bigger and fatter.

If anyone spots any nanners, please point them out!
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