Stanks Go Perpetual In 2018!

Most plants will bust through the bag in about 10 days. Just be sure to water it in good. You'll want to be sure to get a good amount of water where the bag is and outside it to force the roots to go looking for water. I've had 1 or 2 plants over the years take a little longer to get through. You can tell if they start to wilt within a few days that the roots aren't busting through. If all goes well you won't need to water for about 10-14 days after transplant.
Probably not best to do at flip then I'd say.
yeah I use plastics for veg and then transplant into final smart pot. Wasn't expecting to be up potting this girl again LOL.

I might do this more often as I get more vermi composting bins and more soil to work with. I love the idea of growing em big if I have the soil. Might need to mix up one more batch of Stank Soil to be able to make this work. That will give me about 180 gallons of soil. I think I could work up to all 10s and 15s with that amount of soil.
If you do want to get her out, get another set of hands and flip it upside down. Someone hold the trunk and then just give a quick tug from the bottom, the bag should come off pretty easily.
I was just gonna prop her up on a 5 gallon bucket, run a ruler around the inside of the smart pot to break all the roots loose from the bag and then just roll it down over the 5 gallon bucket.
I was just gonna prop her up on a 5 gallon bucket, run a ruler around the inside of the smart pot to break all the roots loose from the bag and then just roll it down over the 5 gallon bucket.
It still sucks, there are a ton of roots in the bottom of the pot. Those I bet have grown through the bag already, especially if you pour water into the saucer to wick up. When I emptied my bags after harvest I just flip them over, grab each side and give a quick jerk and the root ball drops right out.
That NL is aching for a flip! But I always wait a week or two after a transplant to flip

Oh she wants to flower badly! I can't even imagine how much she will shoot up if I let her stay in the 15 for a week before flipping. I know what they do when they go from solo cup to 2 gallon pot and then from the 2 gallon pot to the 7 or 10 gallon pot. I would expect some serious growth over a 5 day period.

I do have 10 gallons of Stank Soil left but I have been saving that for up potting the white widow. Would probably be more than enough to get her into the 15 gallon pot and I wouldn't need wait for the soil to finish cooking. Still can't move her to the big tent until something is ready for harvest.

Maybe I should look at trichomes LOL.
It still sucks, there are a ton of roots in the bottom of the pot. Those I bet have grown through the bag already, especially if you pour water into the saucer to wick up. When I emptied my bags after harvest I just flip them over, grab each side and give a quick jerk and the root ball drops right out.
OH I definitely bottom water about a third of my total water. So I know the roots are at the bottom. But I don't mind ripping them off.

I think I have made my mind up to do the 15 gallon pot. I just need to room in the big tent. I will make the soil situation work one way or another. I still have a single bag of Kind Soil as an emergency bag of soil. If the widow starts showing any deficiencies, I can up pot her to a slightly bigger pot and use the Kind Soil.

So it really boils down to a plant finishing. Was hoping that @bobrown14 trick of using ground malted barley to shorten flowering time would work. Still might if it finishes in the next week.....but she is still throwing pistils so might be closer to 10-14 days.
If you do want to get her out, get another set of hands and flip it upside down. Someone hold the trunk and then just give a quick tug from the bottom, the bag should come off pretty easily.
Blew came up with a better method.
A trick I use is I set the pot on a hard upside down pot and that gives me room to pull down the sides...then the root ball is sitting there ready to grab and re pot. There will be some "ripping" to the root ends, but that is normal and they will do fine in a bigger pot with more soil.
I think I could work up to all 10s and 15s with that amount of soil.

I think we can all see where this is going. More soil, bigger pots = new bigger tent and lights. You mark my words........LOL
White Widow Mainlining Veg Day 41

This girl was starting to get her legs under her, so thats the perfect time to do our next round of toppings. We had 4 mains after last week's toppings but we need to turn that into 8.

One thing I want to bring up to anyone considering main lining. Learn the directions that nodes grow. The alternate 90 degrees each new node. This is important because when you are main lining, you will want the new mains to go where you want them. Double check to make sure its the direction you want it to go AND make sure you are cutting the correct shoot. A quick cut can ruin your main lining.

So here we go.......Here she is tonight before getting butchered

And here are the 4 mains

Now here is where I say its important to make sure you have your nodes growing the direction you want. You see the side shot of 2nd topping I did. It is perpendicular to the initial topping. I want to make the next topping perpendicular to this side topping so that I can spread the new tops out around the perimeter....not back towards the middle of the plant.

Here is one of the mains that I will top. Make sure I find the correct node growing the direction I want them to grow. If there isn't one, you need to let the plant grow more and throw a new node that will alternate back.

And afterwards

I know the point I am trying to make about node direction is tough to explain in a 2 dimensional picture but imagine the lines on these next pics show the direction that the shoots would grow if allowed to. If anyone doesn't completely understand, please speak up.

Once you have topped her, start removing all other growth like these two side shoots

And now repeat on all the remaining mains.....

Once you are done, your plant will or should look something like this.

And now this pic shows how the new mains will grow. See that I am slowly making a circle shape around the perimeter.

I will give her another week or so and see how her 8 mains are looking. If they have grown enough, I will turn the 8 tops into 16 and then let her go vertical for a couple weeks and flip her. Now if her growth is stunted too much and she is very slow to recover, I will let her go at 8 tops.....but the goal is 16 if she is willing to give it to me.
Also, you notice the little growth in the middle? Thats a little shoot for a potential clone in case this girl decides to impress me.

You will also notice I like to keep the big fan leaf from the previous topping. Its a great solar panel and I think it helps the plant restore the energy needed to grow aggressively.
Wow!, Stankberry!:drool::drool::drool:The entire lineup looks incredible, but how cool is it to have your own genetics when they look that amazing. I was watching you guys thread before the app changed over but i musta lost ya. Glad i found my way back!! Seriously those SB pics look next level i bet it smells phenomenal in there surrounded by all those frosty towers!:welldone::peace:
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