Stanks Go Perpetual In 2018!

Perpetual Update

I know its been a bit quiet today....gotta handle real life business sometimes. We have some changes to the garden. Gone are two plants. I chopped one of the Blue Dream clones and the Stankberry male clone. Don't have the plant limit to hold them until I flower out the other Blue Dream clone so not gonna breed my "Stanks Dream" :( But things happen for a reason

Onto the exciting news....there are also two additions to the grow tent. A buddy of mine has graciously given me two rare cuts of some strains. Gonna grow em big, take a couple cuts off and make some fems from them.

First strain is Black Cherry Punch from In-House Genetics. Can't wait for her to start growing out!

The second cut is one I am really excited for....its a rare release from a collaboration between Crockett Farms and Rare Dankness involving Crockett's famous "Tangie" strain and Rare Dankness' legendary Ghost Train Haze. (Been wanting to run both strains for a I get to run them in a cross! woot woot). She ain't pretty right now but we are going to Stankify her!

Nice score and a nice surprise

Excited to see these babies grow up
those clones sound tasty, cant wait to see them go! Gotta love gifts! Out of curiousity, do these additions screw up your seed dropping schedule? And if so, who gives up their spot... Mr or Ms...?
Well it doesn't really screw too much up. I cut down an extra Blue Dream clone and my Stankberry male to make room. I will pause another week on my Carnivale strain drop though.

Things will become much easier to manage as some of these strains begin to get chopped. Stankberry will get looked at this weekend along with Nuke #2. Hopefully within 10 days for one of those strains!
And then trim trim trim till your eyes are watering from the
Stankberry Flip Day 56, Day 49 With Hairs

We are on the home stretch with this girl. Gonna take another tester nug from her tonight and check the trichomes.

She is gonna get a drink of ACT tonight, probably her last ACT. Will likely switch to water only after this. She is losing most of her big fan leaves. She is burning through the energy stored in them as she continues to bulk up. I squeezed a few nuggets and they are hard as rocks. Definitely the densest buds I have grown.

Smells are so sweet and berry/blueberry. So nice!! I am guessing another week to 10 days on her.

Bonus Tent Shot

Hey Van...cruisin thru ...hope your day is groovin!
Hey Duggs! Day is going well. Contemplating cutting a couple more tester nugs off that Stankberry. That strain is nice! Gonna try a tester of the Nukehead too. Working on a Northern Lights update. She's so big that I ran out of room on the camera taking pictures of her! Thats big! LOL

I have that same thought every time I open the tent and again when I get a nice healthy wiff!!

Very Nice! I see those colours starting to come through

Hey UA! Thanks brother. Probably won't see a lot more color changes for another 5 months. Cool nights are becoming few and far between.
Northern Lights Veg Day 63

She is here by known as the beast. I measured her today and despite my effort to try and keep her a manageable size, and she is having none of it. I will likely need to keep her vegging for at least another week to 10 days.....not sure how that is gonna work but I have my doubts LOL. She is measuring a robust 30"x32" and stands just under 30" tall from the soil.

She has a few nice potential clones on her underside.....and I will leave them there until its flip time. Will take a couple clones off her.

She continues to smell great for a plant in veg! I am a bit worried that her size will make it difficult to finish her in her pot. IF I had more Stank Soil ready, I would consider up potting her to a 15 gallon pot right at flip just to see how big she wants to get and see how much she is willing to yield. Just don't have enough at this point. But if the Stankberry and Nukeheads are slow to finish and give me enough time to allow my new batch of Stank Soil to finish cooking....I am going to up pot her into a 15 gallon pot.

She has almost out grown the veg tent. The Veg tent is 2'x4'x5' and you can see here.....she doesn't have much room to her left or to her right and the light is as high as it can go. Not sure I can make it work to slow play her for another 2 weeks LOL. I already have to fold her up to get her to fit with the other plants sharing the veg tent.

I would really love to see her finish in the 15 gallon pot. Soil still has about 20 days left to cook
once grew out a NL#5

Is the NL #5 a strain you can buy in seed form? I have a very short list of strains I want to try to grow before I move on to that place where you can have unlimited flowering plants, electricity and grow lights are free, and the water taps spit out PH perfect pre mixed nutrients. Cold for veg, and Hot for flowering.
Thats the plan. Ms Stank and i talked about it last night or tomorrow. But everything is dependent on when the Stankberry and Nuke finish.

Never up potted a 10 into a 15, should be fun!!! :rolleyes:

But it will be worth it in the end! ;):drool:
Since I don't have my own thread/grow journal I am, once again, hijacking Vans. About 90 days ago I had two "extra" plants that I had to get rid of as I had nowhere to grow them. So I headed to the woods to do the deed. On the way I passed the two 20 gallon ceramic pots someone gifted to me last year and though oh what the hell. I figured with temps dipping into the upper 30s a few times would take care of them for me so I wouldn't have to feel so bad. Well, low and behold they're still alive and kicking. Here is the part I cannot explain do to lack of experience.

The Big Bud plant is now flowering in my light cycle of 14 hours daylight and 10 hours of darkness. So can you flower a plant with a 14/10 cycle? What makes me shake my head is that the days are getting longer not shorter and yet it's decided to flower now. What do the experts think?
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