Stanks Go Perpetual In 2018!

good morning mr/ms.Stank, I trust this day finds you well. Not nice about the nanas but apart from pulling would water misting work, prob been mentioned already I think... have a nice day...
Good morning, Smeegol! Yes, we misted the sites where we plucked the nanners then the entire plant afterwards. Having done that, we also hope the pollen, if any exists, isn't viable!
LOL.....nah. Had some stuff to take care of this morning. Have a couple new surprises to post here in a little bit. I am sure things will pick up this afternoon or evening. Ribs might be on the menu tomorrow though!
Perpetual Update

I know its been a bit quiet today....gotta handle real life business sometimes. We have some changes to the garden. Gone are two plants. I chopped one of the Blue Dream clones and the Stankberry male clone. Don't have the plant limit to hold them until I flower out the other Blue Dream clone so not gonna breed my "Stanks Dream" :( But things happen for a reason

Onto the exciting news....there are also two additions to the grow tent. A buddy of mine has graciously given me two rare cuts of some strains. Gonna grow em big, take a couple cuts off and make some fems from them.

First strain is Black Cherry Punch from In-House Genetics. Can't wait for her to start growing out!

The second cut is one I am really excited for....its a rare release from a collaboration between Crockett Farms and Rare Dankness involving Crockett's famous "Tangie" strain and Rare Dankness' legendary Ghost Train Haze. (Been wanting to run both strains for a I get to run them in a cross! woot woot). She ain't pretty right now but we are going to Stankify her!

Stankberry Tester Smoke Report

I took a tester snip off the Stankberry plant a few days ago. Let it dry for a few days and last night I couldn't help myself anymore. Decided it was a good evening to give her a go.

This was her before.....

And here she was after I ground her up...

The smells.......definitely took on the smell from her mom. All berry and heavy Blueberry smell. She smelled wonderful before grinding but crazy nice after grinding her. She was really really sticky and a bit still on the damp side.

She was relatively smooth for such a quick smoke.....surprisingly smooth. Not a lot of taste to her but did get hints of berry on exhale. I didn't smoke much....maybe the equivalent of two good hits. I had to take a few smaller hits as her dampness prevented her from burning good.

We came inside and Ms Stank was tinkering with dinner and I was feeling pretty good. Can tell it was taken early in harvest and felt a surge of energy. The Stankberry definitely has some pop to her. No worries of it being a dud. The high lasted longer than I expected for a 3 day old nugget. Probably a solid high for 30 minutes and a nice follow on for another 45 min to an hour. My back felt good after smoking it as well.

I am thrilled with the potency and high from such a small sample. Not sure how much longer I will need to let the plant go but I am excited to take her down!

I am not going to do a detailed smoke report because I know its going to change substantially between now and when its cured so I will post a thorough report then.
there are also two additions to the grow tent
Hey Van - just a heads up that the file names on the pics have the other ones name - so they’re back to front. You can edit that if it bothers you, but only for the next little while (420minuts?)

Nice score hey! That BCP Doogs grew was superb looking! :cheer: Happy days!
Can’t wait watch both grow out, I did the Ghost Train Haze and loved it!
I have had the GTH on the perpetual stand by list for a while now. Been wanting to run it, but have been wanting to kind of start with some of the more established and classic strains and move on with them as the baseline. This lets me get a little sample of what is in store for me.
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