Stanks Go Perpetual In 2018!

Damn I woulda waited for that 100% day. I am so risk averse though. Luckily my wife is the same way or we'd be arguing over money all the time!
Shouldn't have another test for at least a month. I've been doing so well but it was my birthday and thought a few bong rips were in order. As well as a fifth of Jack and some shine.
Back at my old life, I smoked 2 hits on a Friday, hadn't smoked in over a month and if I did was like one hit, with a company car I got random sometimes
Anyways I got tested that Monday, passed with an A+

One or two hits won't stick with u if it's once a month like I did, so don't stress on it, my buddy did the same thing a different time and he passed as well

Just a fyi my friends
Must be that age cause that's when mine when to shit. I had the eye lasic surgery done before I retired from the corps and have 20/10 distance vision but my reading vision suffered after the surgery. But something happened this last year and now I can't hardly see anything within arm length without my cheaters. Distance vision seems to have dropped a bit too.....I don't think I am at 20/10 anymore...probably closer to 20/20.

Man I loved my 20/10 when it came to hunting season and being outdoors!
Yeah I scrogged last two go arounds and you are fooked once they are in there. I like being able to move them out of the tent if I need to.

It was funny....I posted the update yesterday afternoon and I scrolled after I posted it and I got to the #8 pic and I shrieked "WTF". Ran up and tried to look but I couldn't see shit. Had to wait for Ms Stank to get home and verify it was what I thought it was.

Unfortunately by the time I figured out what course of action to take, lights were out. 20 min and I will pluck those plucking nanners
Shouldn't have another test for at least a month. I've been doing so well but it was my birthday and thought a few bong rips were in order. As well as a fifth of Jack and some shine.
They just made it illegal to drug test in Maine....

"Bong Rips, Jack, and Shine"...isn't that a Willie Nelson Song?
Only cause of an update!

I have to put the breeding project on hold though. I intended on making two crosses with the Blue Dream but if this is genetics and not a result of the stem splitting....then I am not going to breed with her.

Might ditch one of the clones for now to make room for my Carnivale. I can veg one clone until this Blue Dream either stops throwing nanners or throws too many that I just chop her.
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