Stanks Go Perpetual In 2018!

Nice! That pollen will find its way to a pistil! No doubt. Even as careful as we have been this time around, we have spotted a few random seeds from some stray pollen. All part of the fun! Congrats brother, sounds like a nice mix.

Great cola by the way! If you grow em bigger, you get a shit load of colas like that! I think i want to grow one a bit more traditional to see how it grows if left alone.
Luckily I can kinda hose down most the shower. I need to clean, sanitize flip the carbon filter, and more fun stuff, so I'll do my best to inoculate any stray stuff.

I would have loved her to be a bit bigger, but the idea was 2 fold. 1- see how a sog type plant in a 1 gallon would grow, so I could potentially try it in the future 2- I've never just let a plant grow naturally without topping, and wanted to be sure they didn't run away too much in stretch.

Looks like a good result, although I think I'll run 6 plants in 3 gallon containers topped and flipped to flower.

Because I want to run some regular beans I feel having more smaller plants may be more effective? I could just be grasping for straws also lol.

How long did she go for you anyways?

Also, I have ditched the Cal Mag again. Just act alone with a dash of Fish emulsion that I use to pH my shitty water down. I find I can add a teaspoon of fish emulsion to a gallon of ACT and it brings my ACT down to about a 6.6 range.

I'll have to put that in my notes, and the fish juice on my shopping list. Great info bud. Appreciate the good facts you always have to share.

Hope you guys had a great cinco de mayo weekend.
Luckily I can kinda hose down most the shower. I need to clean, sanitize flip the carbon filter, and more fun stuff, so I'll do my best to inoculate any stray stuff.

I would have loved her to be a bit bigger, but the idea was 2 fold. 1- see how a sog type plant in a 1 gallon would grow, so I could potentially try it in the future 2- I've never just let a plant grow naturally without topping, and wanted to be sure they didn't run away too much in stretch.

Looks like a good result, although I think I'll run 6 plants in 3 gallon containers topped and flipped to flower.

Because I want to run some regular beans I feel having more smaller plants may be more effective? I could just be grasping for straws also lol.

I'll have to put that in my notes, and the fish juice on my shopping list. Great info bud. Appreciate the good facts you always have to share.

Hope you guys had a great cinco de mayo weekend.

I can understand running it that way. I talked to Ms Stank a while back and said how great it would be to not have a plant about 16 strains at once, in a 4x4 pattern as a SOG in 3 gallons.....let the all grow naturally (but don't veg for long) and get to try 16 different strains at a shot. Let me strain hunt and get a nice sample of each so I know what I really like. Could even snip clones off the ones that look promising and if there are some I like....can make seeds, grow again, or cross in the future.

Never enough time or space to do it all. But damn its sure fun to try!!
Oh and didn't even know it Cinco de Mayo last weekend. I rarely look at calendars anymore being out of work with this back issue. Do delicious smoked ribs count towards a proper Cinco de Mayo celebration? LOL, even when I stationed in SoCal, I never did that Cinco de Mayo celebration. Everyone else did, but just another day for me. Kind of the same with St Patricks day and those similar type 'holidays'. I don't need a day on a calendar to tell me to have a good time.
Yep. I use it as an excuse to make some homeade carne asada and spend too much on imported beer. I've yet to have any great Mexican food up here.... until this weekend!

I feel that way about most holidays especially valentines day. Like I dont need one day of the year to show my wife I love her.... that's a daily to do.

And 12 strains would be awesome! You really could get a quick idea for the ones you like best. Kinda ridiculous you can grow x amount of gigantic plants but God forbid you grow 1 too many tiny ones...
Yeah my issue with mexican food is that I lived in Yuma Arizona for many years and ate the real deal mexican food, not the american tex mex stuff.

Me and Ms Stank feel the same about Valentines day. If you need a calendar to do something special for your special someone then you might have issues. All just major marketing ploys anymore. Thankfully Ms Stank hates the commercialization of all those holidays as much if not more than me.
Boy this takes some catching up after a few days between drive bys!! Garden looking great VS, hope the back is settling after some good rest!
How long did you veg the blue dream for before flip (I got lost trying to go back to find out)? :Namaste:


Sorry Amy, I missed this earlier. I ended up vegging about 65-70 days if I remember correctly. The general goal is about 8 weeks in veg....give or take. She was left to go a little longer to let her last topping of her 4 mains develop a bit before I flipped her.
Here is one that happened to me recently Lady G. Both Ms Stank and I gave up Facebook a while back but I check mine once a month or so to find out if anyone I know or served with has had any major life changes they want to share with me . Usually 5 minutes once a month and I am off FB. Well I was googling something cannabis related and then went on Facebook for one of my monthly checks. BAM! Recommended Facebook groups......all cannabis related stuff.

So that tells me that google talks directly to facebook regardless if I want it to or not.

We had one instance where our tablet was off and apparently one of us said something that activated the "ok google" voice thing that we have never ever used on any of the tablets in the house. Well low and behold, I picked up the tablet a bit after this occured and when I pressed the power button the screen showed a google search of the 'conversation' Ms Stank and I were having that set off the google feature. Man I hate technology sometimes.

I don't trust anything technology related.

It's pretty scary. My co-workers we showing me some shit that scared me. If you have an android and have you location on for google maps it tracks you. They were showing me how googles timeline tracks you and if you put your pictures in a cloud it shows where you were on any day, how long you stopped at an addresss and any pictures associated to that location. The history goes back to when you set up you gmail account if your location service is on.

I came home and showed it to the wife on her account as my location services are off. Hers are not because of the android auto that she uses and it showed everywhere she drove and where she stopped. Freaked her out a bit. The one gut that I work with also rides and he was showing me where it actually knows if you are in a car, motorcycle, car or walking. There is some pretty scary shit going on if data falls into the wrong hands.

Not to put on a tinfoil hat but you have the think that the Feds are the largest consumer of this data. I mean they used to have to get warrants and all kinds of effort went into profiling people. Now people agree to the terms and volentarely put it out there for sale.
Yep. I use it as an excuse to make some homeade carne asada and spend too much on imported beer. I've yet to have any great Mexican food up here.... until this weekend!

I feel that way about most holidays especially valentines day. Like I dont need one day of the year to show my wife I love her.... that's a daily to do.

And 12 strains would be awesome! You really could get a quick idea for the ones you like best. Kinda ridiculous you can grow x amount of gigantic plants but God forbid you grow 1 too many tiny ones...

Ridiculous right? But all l can do is keep operating within the legal limits! Still pisses me off. I need MORE slots!

Damn Stanks you got your smoker going before me.... Grrrrr..... Looks good all the way around there... Except the back thing:( Green Day to you guys.... and all

Ribs were awesome Hacker! break yours out brother! Blew Hiller broke his out this weekend too!

It's pretty scary. My co-workers we showing me some shit that scared me. If you have an android and have you location on for google maps it tracks you. They were showing me how googles timeline tracks you and if you put your pictures in a cloud it shows where you were on any day, how long you stopped at an addresss and any pictures associated to that location. The history goes back to when you set up you gmail account if your location service is on.

I came home and showed it to the wife on her account as my location services are off. Hers are not because of the android auto that she uses and it showed everywhere she drove and where she stopped. Freaked her out a bit. The one gut that I work with also rides and he was showing me where it actually knows if you are in a car, motorcycle, car or walking. There is some pretty scary shit going on if data falls into the wrong hands.

Not to put on a tinfoil hat but you have the think that the Feds are the largest consumer of this data. I mean they used to have to get warrants and all kinds of effort went into profiling people. Now people agree to the terms and volentarely put it out there for sale.

Oh its scary brother. Those are just the things we know.....can you imagine the stuff we don't know!!
Blue Dream Flip Day 23, Day 15 with Hairs

This girl is screaming along in flower. Stretched a little more but not much at all for a Blue Dream....kind of surprised actually. She will be getting another drink of ACT tomorrow. She is really drinking now!

Will be doing a little bit of selective fan leaf removal, AKA defoliation on her in the next day or so. Just want to make sure I don't have any sites that might produce if I take a leaf or two away. Aside from some really thick fan leaf growth, she is pretty much on cruise control.

That zip tie on the split stem seems to really be doing well. May replace it with a slightly bigger one since the stem has gotten bigger since it was on. Definitely going to keep that in my tool box in the future!
Thanks Killer. I will say that I will put my ribs up against anywhere I have eaten. Ms Stank won't order ribs out anymore.

Its funny, back when I was working.....I was always traveling the country. I would go to areas famous for their BBQ ( Carolinas, Tennessee, Texas, KC, and the south in general) and I would try to find some good BBQ places. Every time I would tell Ms Stank I was checking a place out, she would remind me "Now don't order the ribs, you know you are going to be disappointed. Just try something different."

Well being the stubborn male (or a guy just hoping to be pleasantly surprised by a joint that is supposed to be known for its ribs), I wouldn't always listen. 99.9% of the time I always regretted my decision to try a 25 dollar rack of ribs. Bad enough to be disappointed with sub par BBQ, but when you gotta pay 25 bucks to be disappointed.....well yeah I don't really care for that. There was a place near Murphy North Carolina that had ribs that were good enough that i would go back and eat there. Not better than mine......but the only place I have been to that I didn't mind spending 25 bucks for a full rack.

I don't order steaks when I go out, and I generally don't order seafood either. I hate spending money, usually a large chunk of money, on food that I can make at home AND that I can make better than they are charging me out the ass for. Why be disappointed and out a big chunk of change. So needless to say, I generally order food that I don't make at home.
Yer Im the same way! Lol I love seafood though and Ive eaten seafood eeeverywhere so when Im out to eat somewhere at home, unless I know they have amazing seafood thats been caught fresh that day I wont even bother. Doesnt help that my mum was a well regarded chef in her younger years where she lived. Dont get me wrong I eat like a horse. But if the foods no good I will say so... while a chunk of it is hanging outta my face lol
Dude the stalk on the BD is ugeeeee! Can't wait to see it finish out.

Sorry you were in Yuma lol. My brother just moved there cause he got a great job. I couldn't imagine living there by choice... but it makes sense Yuma is probably very similar to the middle east.

And I agree Tex mex IS NOT Mexican food. not even kinda sorta if your drunk on margaritas.... I grew up vacationing in Mexico, so like you I have a very high standard for my Mexican food.
Still my favorite that Blue dream girl.
Yeah mine too Derby......except now I am worried she has some nanners. :eek: Going to pluck em tomorrow and watch for more. Hope it was cause from the stress of me splitting her stem down the middle and not genetics (and that it stops after I pluck those). Not sure what I am going to do if she throws more.

Before someone asks, I am not plucking em tonight cause the lights are out and I am not pulling her out to do it. Will do it at first light tomorrow. :hmmmm:
Dude the stalk on the BD is ugeeeee! Can't wait to see it finish out.

Sorry you were in Yuma lol. My brother just moved there cause he got a great job. I couldn't imagine living there by choice... but it makes sense Yuma is probably very similar to the middle east.

And I agree Tex mex IS NOT Mexican food. not even kinda sorta if your drunk on margaritas.... I grew up vacationing in Mexico, so like you I have a very high standard for my Mexican food.
Trust me...that picture doesn't do the stem justice. Its more impressive in person. But you are is UGEEEEEE!!!!

Yeah I lived there in Yuma for about 5 years. Wasn't disappointed to leave!!
Yeah mine too Derby......except now I am worried she has some nanners. :eek: Going to pluck em tomorrow and watch for more. Hope it was cause from the stress of me splitting her stem down the middle and not genetics (and that it stops after I pluck those). Not sure what I am going to do if she throws more.

Before someone asks, I am not plucking em tonight cause the lights are out and I am not pulling her out to do it. Will do it at first light tomorrow. :hmmmm:
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