Stanks Go Perpetual In 2018!

Hey Van, or anyone for that matter. I went and got some wood to build my raised beds with and had them cut it down for me to fit in pickup..then realized it was treated wood. Arcenic (or some form of it) is no longer used in the treatment process, so am I ok to go ahead and use the $150 worth of treated wood for my raised beds? My "all organic" and perfectionist side tells me not to but I surely wouldnt be doing any harm...right? Really just looking for some reassurance. Thanks! :thumb:
I wish I could offer you some insight into your issue brother....but I used regular wood, sanded them down and stained and lacquered them. Most have lasted 5 seasons....looks like I have a couple I am going to need to replace next year.
Hey Van, or anyone for that matter. I went and got some wood to build my raised beds with and had them cut it down for me to fit in pickup..then realized it was treated wood. Arcenic (or some form of it) is no longer used in the treatment process, so am I ok to go ahead and use the $150 worth of treated wood for my raised beds? My "all organic" and perfectionist side tells me not to but I surely wouldnt be doing any harm...right? Really just looking for some reassurance. Thanks! :thumb:
Line it with a sheet of plastic, just a few mills. stapled in place then the dirt will hold it:thumb::Namaste:
Boy this takes some catching up after a few days between drive bys!! Garden looking great VS, hope the back is settling after some good rest!
How long did you veg the blue dream for before flip (I got lost trying to go back to find out)? :Namaste:

Hey Van, or anyone for that matter. I went and got some wood to build my raised beds with and had them cut it down for me to fit in pickup..then realized it was treated wood. Arcenic (or some form of it) is no longer used in the treatment process, so am I ok to go ahead and use the $150 worth of treated wood for my raised beds? My "all organic" and perfectionist side tells me not to but I surely wouldnt be doing any harm...right? Really just looking for some reassurance. Thanks! :thumb:
Hey LH - I looked into that a lot about 8months ago. A form of arsenicate, or arsenicum is still used (a natural form of treated pine is available but not the norm, and costs extra). I read a CSIRO study that found the amount leached into he soil was really low and didn’t extend more than 100ml from the timber. Still, we didn’t want that to be lining an organic bed so we used food grade non toxic pond liner do to what dynamo suggests.
Line it with a sheet of plastic, just a few mills. stapled in place then the dirt will hold it:thumb::Namaste:

That’ll do it! And if you have doubts about plastic, like me, then non toxic pond liner is the way to go. But food grade plastic will be good too if you can find it.

I had the same moment of shock when the timber for our raised beds arrived. They wetalways going to be lined though so it was ok - I’d just thought, like you, that arsenic wasn’t used anymore, but it is.

Hey Laquer, good morning to you , and friends. Too bad u couldn't return that lumber and just buy regular stuff, leave it untreated and line the bed with black landscaping cloth, it will allow the wood to breath somewhat and not encourage rot if lined with plastic. The plastic is good until it gets just one hole in it,..then that water/moisture is now trapped between it , and the wood. I like the pond liner idea but it wouldn't drain, which is critical for success. I think at this point, i would staple landscaping cloth to the sides , fill it up, it a day!
Anyhow , just my thoughts , nothing more, nothing less. Enjoy the day Laquer and friends.:high-five:
Thanks Duggan, the only small mil plastic ill be able to find is definitely not food grade of any sorts..I think ill take my chances with landscaping cloth like you say. Tough decision :hmmmm:. Breathability is pretty crucial for living soil

Edit: would return it but I already had them cut it to a size they dont typically sell..he said it was a no go :rolleyes: so I'm stuck with it
I have heard stories of people up in Baxter State Park (which is awesome) literally covered in black flies...which I believe.

If there is running water around, in Maine, from May through the end of June, there will be black biting flies!
Just did some research..the wood I bought uses MCA (Micronized Copper Azole), which is very similar to ACQ. They are both considered safe for the most part lol..I guess other people could draw different conclusions but the use of CCA's containing arsenic was banned in 2004. The copper used in MCA could potentially leach out but itd kill the plant long before it had a harmful effect on humans as they're much more delicate to it. Just in case anyone else runs into a similar situation - id say go for it! :thumb:
Hindu Kush Veg Day 14

Ms Stank got this girl up potted on Saturday and seems to be enjoying her new home. She is getting wider quickly. She went in a #2 pot with a nice drink of ACT. Ms Stank isn't sure what she wants to do with her yet as it pertains to training. Interested in seeing what she chooses!

Not much to see with these girls this size but they sure are cute! You can definitely see the pure Indica in her!

Sometimes I wonder how you keep up with it all van.... then I remember that you don't have to mix nutrients. Just act and cal mag. Makes the perpetuality a bit more manageable.

Idk if you saw man, but I found a present in my atf...

Looks like the CS worked on the strawberry kush and a Strawbery thunder fuck has been born!!!

Aww....congratulations! How exciting!
It made the 4 hours stuck cramped trimming on the toilet all worth it when I saw that brown little ray of sunshine emerging :D
Sometimes I wonder how you keep up with it all van.... then I remember that you don't have to mix nutrients. Just act and cal mag. Makes the perpetuality a bit more manageable.

Idk if you saw man, but I found a present in my atf...

Looks like the CS worked on the strawberry kush and a Strawbery thunder fuck has been born!!!

Nice! That pollen will find its way to a pistil! No doubt. Even as careful as we have been this time around, we have spotted a few random seeds from some stray pollen. All part of the fun! Congrats brother, sounds like a nice mix.

Great cola by the way! If you grow em bigger, you get a shit load of colas like that! I think i want to grow one a bit more traditional to see how it grows if left alone.
It made the 4 hours stuck cramped trimming on the toilet all worth it when I saw that brown little ray of sunshine emerging :D
How long did she go for you anyways?

Also, I have ditched the Cal Mag again. Just act alone with a dash of Fish emulsion that I use to pH my shitty water down. I find I can add a teaspoon of fish emulsion to a gallon of ACT and it brings my ACT down to about a 6.6 range.
Clones Day 27 From Cutting, Day 20 with Roots

Two of the three clones have been put into their final resting spots. One Blue Dream clone is still in the smaller pot for a few more days (trying to keep her small).

Blue Dream 1.2 was up-potted to a 3 gallon hard pot and had a little LST training done to get some undergrowth going. She will go in the flower tent in a day or two to prep her for her crossbreeding with the male Stankberry clone. I will let her go about 3 weeks in the flower tent...maybe 25 days and then I will bring her to the small tent for some direct pollination from the Stank stud.

The male Stank was up potted to a 2 gallon smart pot. I don't need him to last long or get real big. The single clone from him will give more than enough pollen for me to get a couple thousand seeds.

The Blue Dream 1.1 clone (still in the small pot) will get up potted to a 1 gallon pot on Friday. She will get a little time to get a bit bigger....say about 20 days or so, and then she will be flowered out to make S1s.

All of the clones look incredibly healthy and are all growing very nicely. Will be giving the Blue Dream 1.1 another ACT drink tonight.

Blue Dream 1.2

Stankberry 2.1

Blue Dream 1.1

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