Stanks Go Perpetual In 2018!

:hmmmm::hmmmm::hmmmm: ill have to look when i get home, but theres a documentary on netflix... Think its called "terms and conditions"... Basically google or apple or whoever has the right to access whatever they want once you click agree, whjch we all do cause you cant use their products without it... Can use your camera, use your mic/audio.. Etc etc.
It all goes well with the government and alien conspiracies

Oooooooooo and Big Foot, I met him once, ok it was the late 70s, I may NOT have been sober, but he was a pretty cool dude
You can actually go into Facebook and similar apps and see what sites/ apps are using yet data and then disable it

Did it when I got my new phone like 2 weeks ago
Amazing how many things tie to yet phone and apps
When you say smoked ON Lemon Wood, was it like a cedar plank for salmon type thing? or chips in the fire?
The wood chips in the fire. Soak them the lemon wood in white wine first. Its the kind of stuff that can make a puppy pull a freight train!
Google has a lot on you FB too if you gave consent, but even without it they still have quite a bit. Choose do not track in your browser settings to minimise it... the real problem however is an easiness to download it all if you ask for it, which is a hacker's dream, and hacking your google or FB account is not that difficult :)
Northern Lights Veg Day 56

In case you haven't noticed, but I am totally crushing on this girl. I gave her a small drink of ACT two nights ago (about a gallon) and she has been nice and happy. She will likely need more tomorrow, she is a drinking monstah!!!

Going to try and extend her in veg til I harvest one of the other girls if possible. I am guessing 10-15 days without looking at the trichomes under the scope. I will take a clone or two off her right before that happens. I am starting to get anxious to flip this girl.

White Widow Veg Day 33

Still a bit slow going with this girl. She got some ACT last night. She is about the stage where I will start spreading the new tops out a bit wider.

Now there is something interesting going on with this widow.....but I can't figure out what is happening. Let me show the first couple pics and then I will zoom in on what I am talking about.

Ok, now here is where it gets interesting. I cut off both side shoots and fan leaves off all the nodes below the top. So shouldn't be any new growth from those areas right? Well what in the hell are these? Is this a potential quad-node? I have never seen shoot coming out like this. Anyone that's seen it, let me know please.

Looks like normal regrowth to me. When I've pruned in veg they like to come. Back from no where at times lol. Looking beautiful buddy!
Look at this picture @TheMadDabber . You can see where I took the fan leaf and the node shooting out. So why are there two additional shoots popping up out of nowhere? I haven't ever had a plant shoot any growth out of a normal spot unless I monster cropped it. Same thing is happening on the node above it but slightly different. Just all very odd.

I thought I remember Vex having his keep trying to grow back too? I always thought it was like a once you shave it it won't grow back deal. Is it possibly cause you need to shave it closer? I know cult did a video and he just uses his hand and pulls them and they make a nice clean break. But honestly if have to let a heavy handed trainer weigh in. Newty ot ase would know I would think
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